Missing links in-corridor works
The missing links in-corridor works package involves the construction of a shared path, lighting and landscaping mostly within the light rail corridor and adjacent land.
The missing links in-corridor package consists of two discrete areas known as the central and southern links. The central links area extends from north of Parramatta Road to just south of Old Canterbury Road. The southern links area extends from Weston Street to Hercules Street.
The missing links works include:
- A cantilevered shared boardwalk under Parramatta Road and along the Hawthorne Canal (in progress)
- A new path and upgraded natural areas in Gadigal Reserve (in progress)
- A tunnel under Longport Street (in progress)
- A new path, parklands and natural areas in the light rail corridor near Lewisham West (in progress)
- A signalised crossing at Old Canterbury Road including the closure of Weston Street (upcoming, in 2025)
- A tunnel under Davis Street and a new boardwalk from Davis Street to Johnson Park (in progress)
- Upgrade of Johnson Park including an upgraded path and playground (in progress)
- A tunnel under Constitution Road and an elevated pathway through the light rail corridor from Constitution Road to New Canterbury Road (in progress)
- A new path and upgraded natural areas in the light rail corridor near Hercules Street (in progress)
Council has engaged Gartner Rose as the contractor for the design and construction of the GreenWay in-corridor works. Construction has commenced in late August 2023 and is anticipated to be completed in 2025.
Artist impressions
Cantilevered shared path under Parramatta Road along the Hawthorne Canal:

Cadigal Reserve Summer Hill, nature play area:

Tunnel under Longport Street with microbat protective screen, looking south from Cadigal Reserve:

Lewisham West, looking north towards Longport Street tunnel:

Edward Street, Summer Hill, corner with Old Canterbury Road:

Dulwich Hill, looking north towards the tunnel under Davis Street:

Johnson Park, looking south towards the tunnel under Constitution Road:

Hercules Parklands inside the light rail corridor behind Hercules Street in Dulwich Hill:

Current area photos:
The GreenWay corridor at Parramatta Road, Lewisham West and Hercules Street:

GreenWay construction updates
Works in progress
Upcoming works
Completed works