Indoor venues fee scale policy

Council provides a scaled fee structure for the hire of indoor venues, parks, and street closure and occupation for resident street parties. 

Download the latest document covering this policy (PDF 501.9KB)

The policy regarding scaled fees for community resources is underpinned by the need for them to be affordable and accessible for not-for-profit (NFP) groups.

Categories such as access and affordability for local residents; health and wellbeing benefits of the activity; the necessity of Council support to enable activities to proceed; and the extent to which the activity aligns with Council's strategic priorities are therefore reflected in the scaled fee structure. 

Subsidy Organisation
Activity Type
  • Incorporated NFP organisation
  • Unincorporated local NFP group
  • Parents and Citizens and Parents and Friends Associations from schools in the Inner West Council local government area 
  • Services that enables achievement of specific Community Strategic Plan objective for local residents, and 
  • Where there is evidence that payment of a fee for venue use will prevent the activity from occurring 
  • Where an event or activities for a local not for profit organisation and community is not primarily a fundraising event; noting that a small gold coin donation to cover ancillary costs does not constitute a “fundraising event”.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous and other mutual support fellowships in the twelve-step tradition
  • Men’s groups
  • Women's groups
  • Cultural/arts performance organisations that draw a local ticket purchasing audience
  • Seniors' social and cultural support groups
  • Play groups
  • P&C/P&F fundraiser only
  • Local branch meetings of registered political parties
  • Local youth band rehearsals
  • Local NFP meetings/ events that are not fundraising
  • Incorporated NFP organisation
  • Unincorporated local NFP group
  • Sole traders with public liability insurance
  • Religious institutions (ATO defined)

  • Service that enables achievement of specific Community Strategic Plan objective for local residents; and
  • Groups that charge an attendance fee of $5 of more for participation
  • Offering community focused activities, and discounted access to health care card holders
  • Religious services
  • Dance groups
  • Yoga for cancer patients
  • Painting classes
  • U3A
  • Charity event with over 50% beneficiaries being local residents
  • Weekend church/religious worship services

  • Commercial hirers, businesses, sole traders
  • Private individuals
  • Activities where IWC residents comprise less than 50% of participants
  • Registered political parties, or activities that are related to campaigning
  • Regular, organised sporting activities/events 
  • Schools, TAFEs, tertiary institutions, and school Parents and Friends/Parents and Citizens (where acting on behalf of a school) 
  • State or Federal government agencies/ departments
  • Private events by invitation only (e.g. weddings, celebrations)
  • Activities designed for benefit of the business/for-profit sector
  • Activities that are for the benefit of a private individual or organisation that is not open to the general public (i.e. Inner West residents)
  • Community activities designed to cater for residents of other Council areas
  • Activities/events carried out by sporting clubs, sporting groups or associations.
  • Sales/for-profit conferences and events
  • Birthday parties, weddings
  • Activities of a metropolitan-wide club
  • Political party rallies or overt party political activities such as campaign launches or policy announcements
  • Large scale sporting events
  • Events by other levels of government with a relatively greater capacity to pay

The sliding scale of fees includes three different categories as outlined in the Table above.

The Community Strategic Plan objectives referred to in the Table related to three Strategic Directions stated in the Community Strategic Plan, Our Inner West 2036, and include:

  • Unique, liveable, networked neighbourhoods (strategic direction 2);
  • Creative communities and a strong economy (strategic direction 3);
  • Caring, happy, healthy communities (strategic direction 4)

Assessment Process

An assessment panel comprising specialist venues staff, will assess applications and determine fee categories based on the information provided on the application form and the categories outlined in the Table above, including reference to the Community Strategic Plan.

Applications for scaled fee will be determined by the Chief Executive Officer's delegate.

Review Process

Any applicant who believes that an incorrect category has been applied to their application may write to the Director, City Living to seek a review. The requested review MUST include the following:

  • Current financial statement, including all revenue and operating costs of the group
  • Fees charged per participant
  • Number of participants at the activity
  • % of participants who are residents of IWC
  • % of participants on low incomes (health care card holders)
  • Analysis of ability of the activity to be held at one of IWC's lower cost venues
  • Benefits to IWC residents and the community need being addressed.

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Page last updated: 04 Mar 2024