Building certification services and forms

Inner West Council certifiers will be here for you at every step of the building certification process. Our simplified and streamlined service is cost effective and reliable.

When you request a quote, a member of our team will reply with an all inclusive package. We will provide information to help you submit your application on the NSW State Planning Portal to ensure we can assess and determine the success of your application as soon as possible.

Contract for certification work

Council must not carry out certification work for a person unless it has entered into a written contract with that person. You must therefore have the owner/s complete and sign this Contract for certification work application form and attach it to your application on the NSW State Planning Portal 

For further information contact us

Contract for certification work application form (PDF 389.2KB)

Construction certificate

When development consent is granted, a Construction Certificate (CC) is required before work can start. A CC ensures that:

  • The detailed construction plans and specifications comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and any other relevant Australian standard
  • The construction plans and specifications are consistent with the Development Consent
  • The relevant development consent conditions have been complied with
  • All required fees and deposits have been paid

Complying development certificate (CDC)

Complying Development Certificates are an ever increasing trend for both residential development as well as commercial work, in particular retail/office change of use and fitouts.

Our team has a specialist understanding of the NSW State Legislation and can help determine if an application can meet the development standards for Complying Development through a PRE CDC service and an efficient turnaround of complying development certificates to allow you to start your building project.

Some categories of work that are complying development:

  • construction of a new dwelling
  • alterations and additions to an existing dwelling
  • construction of a secondary dwelling
  • demolition of a building
  • small retail and commercial development including changes of use
  • internal alterations (fit-outs) of commercial buildings
  • fit-out of a food shop 

Principal certifying authority and occupation certificates

A PCA inspects each required stage of construction and issues an occupation certificate (for any building work) when the development consent has been met and the building is suitable for occupation or use.

As your PCA, our team of certifiers will respond to inspection requests promptly and provide a practical and effective inspection service. We will also provide a record of your inspection through the latest technology. This is critical for moving into the family home or getting your business up and running with as minimal delay as possible.


Building information certificate

A Building Information Certificate can be issued for a property and states that council will not issue a notice or an order to have any part of the property demolished, altered or rebuilt for a period of seven years. This certificate is required for the following situations:

  • when unauthorised works have been carried out and compliance action has been undertaken
  • requested by buyers or sellers of a property before settlement to ensure that what is being bought or sold is not going to be the subject of action by Council

For further information on either of these, please contact us to clarify the process and fees involves as this may vary from case to case.

Application forms

You can use our online self-service website to lodge an application.

Building information certificate form (PDF 229.5KB)
Building information certificate form (DOCX 118KB)

Go to online self-service

Torrens title subdivision or a strata title subdivision certificate

Subdivision Certificate application form (DOCX 114.5KB)
Subdivision Certificate application form (PDF 190.4KB)

Activity on community land building certificate

If you wish to undertake an activity on community land such as public entertainment, you will need to apply for a building certificate under Section 68 of the Local Government Act.

You can use our online self-service website to lodge an application.

Go to online self-service

Building Code of Australia (BCA) and general building advice

Our building certification team can provide specific advice on BCA matters for both residential and commercial matters.

Swimming pool compliance certificate

A swimming pool compliance certificate confirms that your pool fence or barrier is safe and meets the Australian standards for swimming pool barriers. A certificate of compliance is required if you are planning to sell or lease a property and we recommend you organise it early.

Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate application form (DOCX 117KB)
Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate application form (PDF 248.2KB)

Out of hours works application

If you would like carry out development works outside the standard permitted hours you will need to apply for an approval.

Out of hours work application (DOCX 119.7KB)
Out of hours work application (PDF 217.6KB)

Standard wording

The documents below outline the standard wording applicants may use for a positive covenant and restriction on the use of land documents. This document is a template and can only be used as a guide. A solicitor or surveyor must prepare this as a legal document.

Positive covenant - Standard wording (DOCX 61.4KB)
Restrictions on the use of land - Standard wording (DOCX 61KB)

Signing of legal development documents
(For Section 88B and 88E)

Use this form to lodge original and copy of conveyances forms for signing by an authorised Council officer.

Signing of legal development documents form (DOCX 112.4KB)
Signing of legal development documents form (PDF 181.8KB)

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Page last updated: 29 Oct 2024