Disability support grants
The disability support grant stream provides funding for organisations and individuals to specifically support local people with disability.
Council welcomes applications across its whole grant program that align with our Disability Inclusion Action Plan priorities including:
- Improving access to recreation, sports, learning, leisure and volunteering opportunities and healthy lifestyles
- Expanding opportunities for artists, creatives, and audience members with disability
- Growing entrepreneurship, local employment for people with disability and improving access to local businesses as consumers.
Key dates
The disability support grant round opens 5 May until 4pm, 6 June 2025.
Funding available
Category one: Disability support grants of up to $5,000 each for individuals
Category two: Disability support grants of up to $10,000 per year for organisations, available for one year or for two years (multi-year)
Coming soon.
The objectives of the disability support grant program include:
- Support new initiatives to enable greater participation
- Create support for community sharing of knowledge, skills and opportunities
- Increase awareness, improve access, inclusion, diversity and participation in initiatives
- Build leadership capacity among people with disability.
Assessment criteria
The following criteria will be considered in the evaluation of applications:
- Impact of project and contribution to Council’s Community Strategic Plan and Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2026
- Demonstrated capacity to deliver the project including relevant experience, supporting material, skills and time
- Realistic budget, including all sources of project income and quotes where relevant
Brief eligibility criteria
Inner West Council provides grants for projects that have not yet commenced, and in limited cases people who have not yet acquitted a previous grant may be eligible to apply again. In addition:
- Council does fund Parents and Citizen organisations but does not fund projects for schools
- Council only provides support for capital projects in the environment grant stream, and Council does not provide support for interstate or overseas travel
- Council does not fund political parties or their activities
Application support
Applicants are invited to speak with Glenn Redmayne, Access and Inclusion Planning Leader on (02) 9335 2074 to discuss their proposal before applying. One-on-one support is available to provide grant applicants with advice on your project ideas, and drafting assistance.
How to apply
Council uses SmartyGrants administration software to manage its grants program. Applications must be submitted via the Inner West Council SmartyGrants webpage. Applications must meet the eligibility requirements, and no late applications will be accepted. Hard copy applications are not accepted.
For Disability support grant enquiries please contact a Council officer on (02) 9335 2074.