Regionally Significant Development

Regionally significant development is development which is larger in investment value, scale and/or complexity. In the case of Inner West Council it is the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel who determine regionally significant development.

The panel made up of five (5) independent experts a chair, two (2) regular members appointed by the Minister for Planning and two (2) members directly appointed by Inner West Council.

Types of regionally significant development are listed in:

Typical regionally significant developments include:

  • Projects with a capital investment value of more than $30 million
  • Projects with a capital investment value of more than $5 million that are:
    • Council-related
    • Lodged by or on behalf of the Crown (State of NSW)
    • Private infrastructure and community projects
    • Eco-tourism facilities.
  • Extractive industries, waste facilities and marinas
  • Coastal protection works where there is no certified coastal management program
  • Certain coastal subdivisions
  • Rezoning reviews
  • Independent reviews of Aboriginal land planning proposals
  • Planning proposals where the panels are the planning proposal authority (PPA)

A list/documents of current and previous regionally significant applications within the Inner West Local Government Area can be found using the below link:

Community Information Session


An online information session will be held for this application. The purpose of this session is to outline the proposal, the planning and assessment process and next steps for the application. The session details are as follows:

DATE: 28 May 2024, TIME 12:00PM – 1:00 PM

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Page last updated: 21 Jun 2024