Heritage Pubs |
Multiple sites in Annandale, Balmain, Balmain East, Enmore, Leichhardt, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham and Rozelle |
- List a number of properties (pubs) as items of local heritage significance
24 November 2023 |
LEP amendment made by DPHI - 1 November 2024 |
11-11A Edinburgh Road, Marrickville |
Marrickville |
PPAC/2023/0001 |
- Allow additional FSR of 2.25:1 resulting in a total 3.2:1 FSR for self-storage premises only,
- Introduce a maximum building height control of 30m
- Requiring a minimum 7.5% of the site area as deep soil planting
1 November 2024 |
Submission for Gateway Determination - March 2025 |
Parramatta Road Corridor Stage 1 Implementation |
Parts of Leichhardt, Taverners Hill and Kings Bay precincts in the Parramatta Road Corridor |
PPAC/2020/0003 |
- Planning Proposal to amend the Inner West Local Environment Plan 2022 (IWLEP)
- Implement Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy for parts of Leichhardt, Taverners Hill and Kings Bay precincts
- Introduce a supporting site specific Development Control Plan
Lodged with DPE seeking Gateway Determination - 17 May 2022 |
67-75 Lords Road, Leichhardt |
Leichhardt |
PPAP/2022/0001 |
- Rezone the site from IN2 Light Industrial to R3 Medium Density Residential
- Introduce a maximum height of building of 30m equivalent to 8 storeys
- Increase the Floor Space Ratio (FSR) to 2.4:1
- Introduce additional permitted uses on the site, being business premises, industrial retail outlets, light industries, creative industries, office premises, restaurant or café, recreational facilities (indoor)
- Include a local provision requiring a minimum of 2,000 square metres of non-residential floor space
- Include a local provision requiring a minimum 5% of residential floor space to be delivered as affordable housing
122-130 Pyrmont Bridge Road, 206 Parramatta Road, Annandale |
Annandale |
PPAP/2021/0001 |
- Rezone the site from IN2 Light Industrial to B5 Business Development
- Provide incentive Floor Space Ratio (FSR) of 4:1 and incentive Height of Building (HOB) of 35m equivalent to 8 storeys for a development with at least 9,000 sqm of health service facility
- Allow ancillary retail uses up to a maximum of 1000sqm
- Prohibit residential accommodation, tourist or visitor accommodation
30 June 2021 |
Rezoning Review lodged with DPE - October 2021 |
3 Myrtle Street and 3-5 Carrington Road, Marrickville |
- Increase the floor space ratio from 0.95:1 to 4.65:1
- Introduce a maximum height of building of 42 metres
- Introduce an additional permitted use on the site; being either 'residential accommodation' or 'creative build to rent'
- Retain the existing IN2 Light Industrial land use zoning
September 2020
Rezoning Review lodged with DPE - 19 August 2021
Address and link: Address and link: Address and link: Address and link: Address and link: 58-76 Stanmore Road,2-20 Tupper Street, 3-9 Alma Avenue, Stanmore (the site known as the Cyprus Club in Stanmore) |
Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Stanmore |
PP Number: PP Number: PP Number: PP Number: PP Number: PP_2018_IWEST_002_00 |
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
- To amend the Marrickville Local Environmental Plan 2011.
- Rezone the site to B4 Mixed Use and R1 General Residential
- Amend the Maximum Height of Buildings Map to permit buildings ranging from 3 to 6 storeys.
- Amend the Maximum Floor Space Ratio map to have a FSR ranging from 1.0:1 to 1.75:1.
26 September 2018Date lodged:Date lodged:Date lodged:Date lodged:Date lodged: |
Public Exhibition - 18 May 2022 to 19 June 2022 |
Address and link: Address and link: Address and link: Address and link: Address and link: 36 Lonsdale Street and 64-70 Brenan Street, Lilyfield
Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Lilyfield
PP Number: PP Number: PP Number: PP Number: PP Number: IWC_PP_2018_03
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
- Amend the maximum floor space ratio from 0.6:1 to 1.5:1
- Introduce a maximum height of building control of RL 33.2 (5 storeys)
Date lodged: Date lodged: Date lodged: Date lodged: Date lodged: 7 August 2018
Stage: Stage: Stage: Stage: Stage:
LEP amendment made by DPE - 26 November 2021
Address and link: Address and link: Address and link: Address and link: Address and link: 466-480 New Canterbury Road, 26-38 Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill |
Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Dulwich Hill |
PP Number: PP Number: PP Number: PP Number: PP Number: IWC_PP_2016_01 |
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
- Retain the IN2 Light Industrial land and introduce residential flat buildings as an additional permitted use
- Increase the maximum height of building ranging from: 9.5m to 32m
- Increase maximum floor space ratio for the land ranging from: 0.95:1 to 3.3:1
- Introduce a sunset clause to reverse the proposed amendment if a Development Application is not submitted within 3 years
Date lodged: Date lodged: Date lodged: Date lodged: Date lodged: July 2016 |
Stage: Stage: Stage: Stage: Stage:LEP amendment made by DPE - 30 September 2021 |
1 -5 Chester Street, Annandale |
Annandale |
IWC_PP_2018_01 |
- Rezone majority of the site from Light Industrial (IN2) to Business Park (B7)
- Rezone remainder of the site to Public Recreation (RE1) to dedicate a pedestrian and cycling route
- Increase the maximum floor space ratio to 2.6:1 with a minimum non-residential floorspace of 0.75:1
- Introduce a maximum building height control of 17 metres
- Allow student accommodation as an additional permitted use
2 February 2018 |
LEP amendment made by DPE - 9 April 2021 |
Mary, Edith and Roberts Streets, St Peters |
St Peters |
PP_2017_IWEST_010_00 |
- Rezone from IN2 Light Industrial and R2 Low Density Residential, to B4 Mixed Use
- Apply a maximum height of building varying from 17 metres (4 to 5 storeys), 20 metres (5 to 6 storeys), 23 metres (6 to 7 storeys) to 29 metres (8 to 9 storeys)
- Increase the maximum floor space ration from the current 0.60:1 and 0.95:1, to 2.2:1
30 September 2015 |
LEP amendment made by DPE - 16 July 2020 |
120C Old Canterbury Road, Summer Hill |
Summer Hill |
PP_IWEST_105_00 |
- Apply a B4 land use zone to all of site
- Apply a maximum height of buildings of RL 38.0 to all of site
- Apply a maximum floor space ratio of 2.5:1 to all of site
16 January 2017 |
LEP amendment made by DPE - 13 December 2019 |
67-75 Lords Road, Leichhardt |
Leichhardt |
IWC_PP_2018_04 |
- To amend the Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2013 to rezone the site from IN2 Light Industrial to R3 Medium Density Residential
- Increase the floor space ratio from 1:1 to 2.4:1
- Introduce a maximum building height control of RL35
25 October 2018 |
Rezoning Review not supported by DPE - 26 June 2019 |
469-483 Balmain Road, Lilyfield |
Lilyfield |
PP_2017_IWEST_018_00 |
- Retain on the IN2 Light Industrial zoning and Introduce residential flat buildings as an additional permitted use
- Increase the floor space ratio to 2.2:1
- Introduce a maximum building height control of 23m
- Insert a local provision requiring a minimum of 6,000sqm of non-residential/employment space, including a minimum of 1,200sqm of creative employment/artists' space
- Introduce a sunset clause to reverse the proposed amendment if a Development Application is not submitted within 3 years
16 December 2016 |
LEP amendment made by DPE - 26 February 2021 |
245 Marion Street, Leichhardt |
Leichhardt |
IWC_PP_2019_01 |
- Amend the maximum floor space ratio from 1:1 to 3:1
- Introduce a maximum height of building control of 30m (8/9 storeys)
- Introduce an 'Additional Local Provision' to Part 6 of the LLEP 2013 that allows for the incorporation of residential uses as part of a mixed use development
18 September 2019 |
Refused at rezoning review - 11 June 2020 |