140A Hawthorne Parade, Haberfield
17 vacant residential lots at 140A Hawthorne Parade, Haberfield, are currently being advertised for sale. Council has prepared a list of FAQs regarding the land below.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Permissible forms of development
To confirm the zoning of the land, the permissible forms of development, and any applicable restrictions or affectations, you will need to obtain a Section 10.7 Planning Certificate from Council. You can request a Section 10.7 Planning Certificate by lodging an application here.
Instructions on how to lodge an application can be found here.
Once you have confirmed the zone, the list of permissible land uses can be found under the relevant land use zone here.
Planning pathway
Development on the sites at 140A Hawthorne Parade require a DA because they are in a Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) and are categorised as Class 2 - Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS).
Development Applications (DA)
Information on the DA process including preparing a DA, the documentation required, and instructions on how to lodge an application can be found here.
The timeframe for the assessment process can vary depending on factors such as whether the submitted documentation addresses all requirements and/or whether the design needs some refinement, and whether additional information needs to be requested. The average determination time frame for a residential application is currently 90 days.
Pre-Development Applications (Pre-DA)
It is highly recommended that formal planning advice is sought before lodging a DA for a property at 140A Hawthorne Parade. Information on the Pre-DA process including instructions on how to lodge an application can be found here.
A Pre-DA can identify and resolve issues before you finalise your design concept and lodge a formal DA. If the planners’ advice is taken onboard and the proposal is amended before submitting a DA, it can help to streamline the DA process by reducing the assessment timeframe.
While a written advice letter will be issued, you can choose to have a meeting with Council planners to discuss your application in greater detail. Meetings are by appointment only. The average timeframe for Pre-DA advice to be issued is 4-6 weeks.
Relevant planning controls
There are three types of planning provisions that may apply to any development on the land:
The LEP contains the key planning controls that apply to all development on the land. Below is a summary of the key numerical controls, however, you will need to review all LEP controls when preparing an application.
- The maximum height is 7m.
- The vertical distance is measured from the existing ground level to the highest point of the building.
- The maximum floor space ratio (FSR) is 0.5:1.
- The ratio of 0.5:1 means the maximum floor area is equal to 50% of the total site area. For example, if the lot has a site area of 500sqm, the maximum FSR for that lot would be 250sqm.
- The FSR is calculated by measuring the internal floor area of a building and includes ancillary/outbuildings such as studios and sheds. Some areas are excluded from the calculation of FSR, including up to 2 car parking spaces.
- The objective of this clause is to maintain the single storey appearance of dwellings in the Haberfield Heritage Conservation Area.
- The development must be designed to maintain a landscaped area equal to a minimum of 50% of the site area.
- Landscaped area means the part of the site used for growing plants, grasses, and trees, and does not include any building (e.g. house, garage), structure (e.g. carport, pergola, swimming pool), or hard paved area.
- The dwelling must not include any dormer or gable windows.
The Comprehensive Inner West Development Control Plan 2016 (DCP) supplements and supports the LEP. It outlines more detailed planning and design guidelines for developments. The DCP can be found here.
All DCP Chapters are applicable for development within Haberfield, (except for Chapter E1). Particular attention is drawn to the following chapters:
This chapter applies to the Haberfield Neighbourhood and includes the following:
- Site specific planning controls for 140A Hawthorne Parade, Haberfield under Part 2.3.
- Controls for new dwellings under Part 2.2.21.
Development will be assessed against all applicable relevant controls, not just the site-specific controls. Below is a summary of some key requirements for designing a new dwelling:
- Site coverage should be similar to the traditional pattern of surrounding development, providing generous green garden space to the front and back areas, with a minimum of 50% landscaped area.
- The site-specific planning controls require a 4m setback to the front boundary. For side setbacks, a 3m wide setback for driveway access and a 900mm setback to the other side is appropriate (a nil side setback for a dwelling house would not be permitted).
- A dwelling house must have a single storey building form. Any attic levels must be modest in scale and incorporated within the roof space, only serviceable by skylights not visible from the street.
- The shape, scale, form, and materials of new dwellings should respond to those of original dwellings in the HCA.
- The main front part of houses facing the street are to have a pitched roof at minimum of 30 degrees placed over a footprint of a minimum of four rooms. Beyond this the rear part of houses are to be subservient in scale to the front part.
- Joinery, doors, and windows are to reflect the materials, proportions, location, size, sill heights, header treatment, materials, detailing and glazing patterns of original Haberfield houses.
- Front porches are integral to the design and use of Haberfield houses and a front porch should be incorporated into the front facade.
- New buildings should be of brick construction and use colours that harmonise with the traditional colour schemes. New exterior brickwork is to remain unpainted. Note: Greys and blacks or high contrast colours are to be avoided. Suitable roof materials include unglazed terracotta Monier Marseilles tiles that match the profile, colour and glaze of original tiles in the HCA.
- Garages and carports must be free standing and located at natural ground level and at the back (or side if site allows) of the house.
- If located at the side of the house, garages or carports must be at least 1 metre back from the main front wall of the house and be detached from the house and have a maximum width of 3 metres.
- Outbuildings (including studios, secondary dwellings and garden sheds) must be located at the rear of the allotment and sited to reduce visibility from the street. They must be subordinate to the dwelling.
- New front fences (and side fences within the front building setback) must be timber joinery fences of simple design, up to 1.2m in height.
- Swimming pools must be at the rear of the property and must be sized and located to provide an adequate garden setting and achieve 50% landscaped area.
- The Site Specific Planning Controls - 2.3 140A Hawthorne Parade Haberfield must all be considered. Some controls are specific to individual sites. Figure 13 should be referenced as it identifies the sites affected by easements and sites which require buildings to be built on piers.
Part 1 of this Chapter applies to Dwelling Houses. Not all sections apply for Haberfield development as they are covered in Chapter E2. The key aspects to consider from Part 1 include the provision of principal private open, solar access requirements and visual privacy requirements.
3. State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs)
The following SEPPs may be applicable to developments involving dwellings:
The land was voluntarily remediated during the subdivision works and a Site Audit Statement has been obtained for each lot. For copies of the Site Audit Statements, please contact the sales agent.
All the lots are identified as being located within a Flood Planning Area. As such, a Flood Certificate will need to be obtained from Council and lodged as part of any application.
A Flood Risk Management Report prepared by a suitably qualified person must also be submitted. The report must be informed by flood information relevant to the subject property and surrounds, including the 1% AEP flood level, Flood Planning Level, Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) level, and the Flood Hazard Category, as obtained from Council.
Pier and beam construction
Pier and beam construction is required for some lots, as specified in the DCP. Pier and beam construction elevates the structure above the natural ground level. In areas prone to stormwater runoff or overland flows, raising the structure helps prevent water from pooling or flowing directly into the house, reducing the risk of damage. The open space beneath the structure allows water to move more freely without being obstructed.
Documentation requirements
The following minimum documentation is required for all Development Applications (DAs) on the land:
- Completed Inner West Council Development Application Form, including owner’s consent
- Statement of Environmental Effects
- Including a heritage assessment against Chapter E2 Haberfield Neighbourhood of CIWDCP 2016
- Survey
- Architectural plans – site plans, floor plans, roof plan, elevation plans, section plans
- Landscape plan
- Stormwater drainage concept plan – on-site retention (OSR) will be required in lieu of on-site detention (OSD)
- Shadow diagrams
- The plans should include an indicative site plan for neighbouring properties depicting where a dwelling may be situated with respect to the application planning controls (i.e. building setbacks, landscaping requirements, etc.)
- Waste management plan
- BASIX Certificate
- Materials and finishes schedule
- Flood Certificate
- Flood Risk Management Report and Flood Certificate
- Acid sulfate management plan
The following documentation may also be required for particular lots and depending on the proposed design:
- Geotechnical report
- Arborist Report
- Swept paths
Details of the requirements of each documentation type listed above can be found here.
Note: The above list is the minimum required for lodgement. Additional documentation may be required for particular lots. If further information is required, it will be requested as part of the lodgement review process.
Questions about the sale of the lots
All questions regarding the sale of the lots, including obtaining copies of contracts and details regarding the auction, should be directed to the Sales Agent.
Any further questions
If you have any further questions regarding these properties, please contact Council’s Customer Service team on (02) 9392 5000, or lodge an enquiry via Council’s online self-service portal. If lodging your request via Council’s online self-service portal, please clearly state the property address in the request.
As this is a new part of the Comprehensive Inner West DCP, and an important part of the Haberfield Heritage Conservation Area, Council strongly encourages that you seek planning advice at an early stage in your consideration of developing a site in this area. Council can provide Pre-Development Application advice via the PDA service. You can lodge a PDA via Council’s online self-service portal.