Rat baits and secondary poisoning

  Wednesday 18 May 2022

Council is urging residents to use traps or safer baits for household rodent control.

WIRES Inner West contacted Council about recent wildlife poisonings.

Some of the most common rat baits (rodenticides) are attractive and lethal not only to their intended target but also to pets and possums.

This young male joey from Annandale recently died after secondary poisoning.

Some baits are less harmful than others. Find out more about baits and which are safer to use.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) is currently asking Australians for their views on how rodent poisons are regulated.

Have your say by making a submission here

For Inner West wildlife rescue please call 1300 094 737.

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Page last updated: 05 Apr 2023