Special entertainment precincts
In 2023 Enmore Road was designated as NSW’s first special entertainment precinct. This recognizes Enmore Road as Sydney’s premier live music and entertainment destination.
Being a special entertainment precinct means:
- Amplified sound is regulated through a precinct management plan (PDF 2.3MB)
- New development must be adequately sound-proofed
- Businesses can access additional trading hours
- Advisory note on planning certificates
Information for businesses
Special provisions apply to all businesses located in a special entertainment precinct. The map below identifies properties located within the Enmore Road special entertainment precinct:
If you are a business within a special entertainment precinct, the following applies:
- Sound coming from your premises must not exceed the limits set out in Section 8 of the Special Entertainment Precinct Management Plan (PDF 2.3MB). These limits are measured at the boundary of nearby sensitive receivers (typically residential dwellings).
- When approached by a nearby resident or business with an issue regarding the operation of your business, please work with them to find a solution to the problem.
- Most businesses can trade later – see Section 3.4 of the Precinct Management Plan (PDF 2.3MB) for details.
- Footpath dining on Enmore Road is permitted until 11pm.
Information for residents
The map below identifies properties affected by the Enmore Road special entertainment precinct.
Entertainment sound from venues within the special entertainment precinct must not exceed the sound levels specified in the precinct management plan (PDF 2.3MB). The red, yellow, and blue lines identify which sound level will be used to determine if a venue is achieving this. These limits are detailed in Table 3 on page 24 of the precinct management plan (PDF 2.3MB).
If you are having issues with sound coming from a venue, please approach the venue directly before contacting Council. Experience shows that simple measures such as closing windows and doors, being aware of when entertainment will cease, or lowering the volume can resolve issues before they escalate. If the matter cannot be resolved, please contact Council through our online self-service portal.
For developers and home builders
New developments for residential dwellings and other sensitive receivers (as defined in Section 2.26 of the Marrickville DCP 2011 (PDF 396.1KB)) must be adequately sound-proofed for the comfort of future occupants in a special entertainment precinct.
Section 2.26 of the Marrickville DCP 2011 (PDF 396.1KB) contains objectives and controls that will need to be met for all development applications within special entertainment precincts and sound category areas.