Community buses

Inner West Council has two buses available for either hire or use by community groups. We also have a community bus loop to assist people around the Leichhardt/Balmain area.

A 21-seater bus.A transport service (21 seat bus) for community groups to enjoy day trips and outings at a subsidised rate.


  • Mitsubishi Rosa
  • Is only available for wet hire (see Conditions of Hire)
  • Provides an accessibility ramp onto the vehicle

Eligibility guidelines

A bus with a liftApplications are assessed and prioritised against the following criteria:

  • The group is non-profit and non-government (with the exception of Inner West Council operations).
  • The group is based in the municipality and/or its members predominantly live in the municipality. 
  • The group is transport disadvantaged, i.e. cannot meet the costs of a commercial rate.
  • The group meets the needs of aged, people with a disability, children, young people or disadvantaged residents.

Fees and charges

The minimum hire period is 3 hours. A 25% surcharge applies to all non-Inner West based community groups.

Starting time: Hiring time starts from the Balmain Depot (where a daily 30 minute bus safety check is undertaken prior to the bus trip).

Finishing time: Hiring time finishes when the bus returns to the Balmain Depot.

In addition to the hourly rate, user groups will be charged an additional fee to cover fuel costs. This fee is based on the below sliding scale of kilometres travelled.

Conditions of hire

Read the 21 seater bus conditions of hire (PDF 439.4KB)

Enquiries and further information

For enquiries please call 02 9392 5000 or email

A transport service (19 seat bus) for community groups to enjoy day trips and outings at a subsidised rate.


  • Toyota Coaster
  • Is available for wet hire or dry hire (see Conditions of Hire)
  • Provides an accessibility ramp onto the vehicle

Eligibility guidelines

Applications are assessed and prioritised against the following criteria:

  • The group is non-profit and non-government (with the exception of Inner West Council operations).
  • The group is based in the municipality and/or its members predominantly live in the municipality.
  • The group is transport disadvantaged i.e.; cannot meet the costs of a commercial rate.
  • The group meets the needs of aged, people with a disability, children, young people or disadvantaged residents.

Fees and charges

The minimum hire period is 3 hours. A 25% surcharge applies to all non-Inner West based community groups.

Starting time: Hiring time starts from the Balmain Depot (where a daily 30 minute bus safety check is undertaken prior to the bus trip).

Finishing time: Hiring time finishes when the bus returns to the Balmain Depot.

In addition to the hourly rate, user groups will be charged an additional fee to cover fuel costs. This fee is based on the below sliding scale of kilometres travelled.

Conditions of hire

Please read the 19 Seater Bus Conditions of Hire here (PDF 439.4KB).

Enquiries and further information

For enquiries please email

Application to book either the 19 seater bus or the 21 seater bus can be made online or in person or by post.

To apply online, please click the button below and complete the web form:

Apply online

To apply either in person or by post:

  1. The hirer should complete the Community Bus Booking Application Form (PDF 259.4KB)
  2. The hirer and driver must read the Community Bus Procedure and also read, sign and application and return form with a copy of the driver’s license to:

Confirmation of the requested booking will be made in writing to the hirer.

Council may require a $500 deposit for new hirers of the bus. If the bus is returned undamaged and in good working order Council will refund the $500 deposit usually within 30 days of the bus being returned to Council.

However, if the bus is damaged while in the care of the hirer the $500 may be forfeited towards payment of Council’s $1,000 insurance excess charge.



Inner West Customer Service Centre on 02 9392 5000 or email

Leichhardt Local Link 2The Leichhardt Local Link is a free community bus to help people to access local services such as Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre, doctors and health services, transport, community facilities, shopping precincts and high streets.

The bus runs between 8.30am and 2.45pm on Mondays and Thursdays.

How to catch the busLeichhardt Local Link Bus Stop Marker

To travel on the Leichhardt Local Link, you simply need to hail the driver at one of the designated stops that will be signposted and marked on the footpath as a Leichhardt Local Link stop with the bus image on the right.

Key stops and timetable

Key stops
1. Leichhardt Market Place A -- 1025 1300
2. Leichhardt Town Hall A
0830 1030 1305
6. Hunter Baillie Church 0833 1033 1308
7. Booth and Johnston Streets 0835 1035 1310
14. LPAC A 0850 1050 1325
22. Rozelle Public School 0905 1105 1340
28. Balmain Woolworths A 0915 1115 1350
30. Balmain Hospital 0917 1117 1352
37. Laggan Avenue 0930 1130 1405
39. Balmain Woolworths B 0935 1135 1410
40. Balmain Town Hall/Library 0940 1140 1415
23. Hannaford Centre Rozelle 0945 1145 1420
49. LPAC B 0955 1155 1430
53. Hawthorne Light Rail 1000 1200 1435
55. Leichhardt Market Place B 1005 1205 1440
56. Leichhardt Town Hall B 1010 1210 1445
57. Hay St Car Park Centrelink (on demand) 1015 1215 --

Route map

Download a full-size PDF copy of the route map (PDF 2.4MB)

Connect Inner West Community Transport Group, Inc.

Connect Inner West Community Transport Group, Inc., services both the Leichhardt and Marrickville areas. Find out more about the Connect Inner West Community Transport Group on their website via this link.

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Page last updated: 26 Mar 2025