A transport service (19 seat bus) for community groups to enjoy day trips and outings at a subsidised rate.
- Toyota Coaster
- Is available for wet hire or dry hire (see Conditions of Hire)
- Provides an accessibility ramp onto the vehicle
Eligibility guidelines
Applications are assessed and prioritised against the following criteria:
- The group is non-profit and non-government (with the exception of Inner West Council operations).
- The group is based in the municipality and/or its members predominantly live in the municipality.
- The group is transport disadvantaged i.e.; cannot meet the costs of a commercial rate.
- The group meets the needs of aged, people with a disability, children, young people or disadvantaged residents.
Fees and charges
The minimum hire period is 3 hours. A 25% surcharge applies to all non-Inner West based community groups.
Starting time: Hiring time starts from the Balmain Depot (where a daily 30 minute bus safety check is undertaken prior to the bus trip).
Finishing time: Hiring time finishes when the bus returns to the Balmain Depot.
In addition to the hourly rate, user groups will be charged an additional fee to cover fuel costs. This fee is based on the below sliding scale of kilometres travelled.
Conditions of hire
Please read the 19 Seater Bus Conditions of Hire here (PDF 439.4KB).
Enquiries and further information
For enquiries please email communitybus@innerwest.nsw.gov.au