Community bus application - 19 and 21 seater bus

Use this form to submit a booking for the 19 and 21 seat community bus.

Note: Buses are not equipped to transport wheelchair users who are not ambulatory.

1. Group details

If you are an internal Inner West Council booker, skip to section 2. Otherwise, please continue completing section 1.
Please tell us about your group/booking, including if you work with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, older adults, LGBTQ+ people, people living with a disability, children, youth, or people experiencing some form of disadvantage, e.g. boarding house residents.

2. Booking details

Will the coordinator be accompanying the group on the bus?* - required
Please include their name, role/title, phone and/or email.

3. Bus details

The 21 seat bus is available as Option A (21 passengers and 1 driver), or option B (17 passengers, space for cargo, and 1 driver). The 19 seat bus is available as Option A (19 passengers and 1 driver), or option B (14 passengers, space for cargo, and 1 driver).

3a. Bus configuration

Hiring time starts from the Balmain Depot (Llewellyn Street), where a 30 minute bus safety check is undertaken prior to the bus trip. Hiring time finishes when the bus returns to the Balmain Depot. 

The hoist is suitable for people with access needs or for loading cargo. If you have access needs, please discuss with Council staff. Buses cannot accommodate wheelchairs or mobility aids that cannot be folded and stored.

3b. Additional info (19 seat bus only)

Hiring time starts from the Balmain Depot (Llewellyn Street) - where a 30 minute bus safety check is undertaken prior to the bus trip. Hiring time finishes when the bus returns to the Balmain Depot.

Will you be transporting children aged 4 to under 7 years on the community bus?
Will you be transporting children aged 7 years and over on the community bus?

NOTE: The minimum height for children to be well protected by a lap sash seatbelt alone without a booster seat is 145cm tall. Council buses are not currently equipped for booster seats.

IMPORTANT: If transporting children, a Risk Assessment must be completed and attached to your booking form before the booking can be confirmed.

For wet hire, please continue to Section 4.

For dry hire, please complete a Dry Hire Application Form, attach it below, then continue to Section 4.

4. Booking details

Please note:  The minimum hire period is 3 hours.
Please include a list of specific dates and times if required.
Bus bookings are not available for Public Holidays and there is restricted bus availability during school holiday periods.

5. Contact details

6. Invoicing details

Only complete if different to contact details.

7. Particpants' details

The Inner West Council area includes the suburbs of Annandale, Ashfield, Balmain (including Balmain East), Birchgrove, Dobroyd Point, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Haberfield, Leichhardt, Lewisham, Lilyfield, Marrickville, South Marrickville, Petersham, Rozelle, Stanmore, St Peters, Summer Hill, Sydenham, Tempe. Inner West Council also includes parts of Ashbury, Camperdown, Croydon, Croydon Park, Hurlstone Park and Newtown.

8. Declaration

9. Privacy statement

Application forms and/or names and addresses of people making an application is information that is publicly available. In accordance with section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), you are advised that all application forms received by Council will be placed on the appropriate Council file and may be disclosed to Councillors, Council officers, consultants to Council or members of the public. Pursuant to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Council is obliged to allow inspection of its documents, including any application you make. However, should you wish for your contact details to be suppressed, please indicate such on the application form.

After you press submit a pop up box will appear stating that your form has been submitted successfully. If you do not see this pop up box please check the form to ensure you have completed all the mandatory fields, update any missing information and press submit again.

Mandatory field(s) marked with *

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Page last updated: 22 Feb 2025