Bay Run path and lighting upgrade

The Cooks to Cove GreenWay Masterplan identifies the Bay Run as the northern gateway to the GreenWay. The Bay Run path and lighting upgrades were completed in September 2023.

The Bay Run path and lighting upgrade incorporates civil, landscape, lighting and electrical works from UTS Haberfield Rowing Club to Lilyfield Road through Richard Murden Reserve. The upgrade also includes lighting and electrical works through Leichhardt Park and similar upgrades from King George Park to the Iron Cove Bridge.

The works include:

  • Modifications to the forecourt and carpark at the UTS Haberfield Rowing Club
  • Upgraded path from UTS Haberfield Rowing Club to the Lilyfield Road Bridge, including 2.4m wide pedestrian path and 2.4m wide cycle path with visual separation
  • 4.5m wide ramp up to the Lilyfield Road Bridge
  • 3.5m wide ramp from the Lilyfield Road Bridge down to the GreenWay path and Richard Murden Reserve
  • Upgraded path along the Lilyfield Road Bridge, including separated 2.5m wide pedestrian path and 2.7m wide cycle path, plus landscaping, exercise equipment, furniture, shelter and lighting
  • Conversion of the end of Lilyfield Road into a shared zone
  • Upgrade of lighting along the Bay Run through Leichhardt Park, including lighting upgrades from King George Park to the Iron Cove Bridge (added to scope in January 2023)


Street upgrades on the Canal Road side (eastern side) of Lilyfield Road bridge:

Line markings Canal Rd - July 23

Upgrades on Lilyfield Bridge Road including picnic shelter, fitness equipment, a bicycle service station, a water bubbler, upgraded landscaping and separate cycle & pedestrian paths:

Bay Run Lilyfield Road bridge open

Lilyfield Road bridge completed upgrade

Bay Run Lilyfield Road bridge open 2

Bay Run Lilyfield Road bridge open 3

Bay Run Lilyfield Road bridge picnic shelter

Updated concrete path, line markings and landscaping to and under Lilyfield Road bridge:

Line markings under bridge - July 23

The new curved ramp around and under the Lilyfield Road bridge:

Line markings on curved ramp - July 23

Asphalting works between the UTS Rowing Club parking area and the straight ramp up Lilyfield Rd bridge including line markings and street signs:

Line markings near UTS Rowing - July 23

Line markings on straight ramp - July 23

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Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025