Missing links – Hercules Parklands, Dulwich Hill

What are we doing in this area?

The upgrades to the Hercules Street area include:

  • A new path and upgraded natural areas in the light rail corridor near Hercules Street (natural creek line to be retained and protected)
  • Revegetation with native species and trees
  • Installation of new solar smart path lights
  • Public art
  • Installation of rest stop
  • Wayfinding signage

When are we doing this?

Construction of the upgrades and creation of a new Hercules Parklands area started in February 2024 and is anticipated to be completed in 2025.


Artist impression - new Hercules Parklands area:

Hercules Parklands

Path footings installation is in progress:

Hercules path footings in place

Stormwater drainage improvements are under way:

Hercules St stormwater drainage 3

The stormwater drain has now been covered:

Hercules storm drain covered 2

Removal of overgrowth for the new path along the light rail corridor behind Hercules Street (away from the creek line) with ecological zones fenced off from the construction area:

Hercules overgrowth removal May 24

Bulk earth works are in progress and dust mitigation measures in place:

Hercules St spoil mount covered

Hercules Parklands construction fencing has been installed for safe construction and to minimise impacts to adjacent residents:

Hercules Street temp fence and ramp

Hercules Street temp fence

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Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024