Your food and garden organics are processed by Topsoil Organics who create soil conditioners, compost and fertiliser.
Firstly, your FOGO is cleaned by removing contamination (by hand and with machinery). It's then shredded into smaller pieces so healthy fungi and bacteria can break it down. The shredded material is transferred to a composting platform (called windrows) where heat, water and oxygen turn it to a soil-like material.
FOGO material is tested to ensure compliance with EPA and Australian Standards and screened into a range of product sizes prior to sale.
Three common products include:
Soil conditioners - like hair conditioners - increase the strength of soils by providing essential nutrients. Soil conditioners can increase the water holding capacity of soils - meaning they can absorb more water during intense rainfall. This reduces soil erosion, flood damage and increases the amount of water they can store for periods of drought. Climate resilient soils are critical as weather patterns become more extreme and less predictable.
Compost - compost provides essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N P K). Compost increases the abundance and diversity of microbes in the soil which allows plants to access more nutrients in the soil. This improves plant growth and means more grass on your sporting fields or more corn on your cob!
Fertiliser - organic fertilisers provide a balanced and slow release of essential nutrients to the soil. This reduces the risk of polluting waterways and provides a more reliable source of food for crops. Fertilisers made from FOGO are created using natural feedstocks and require far less energy than synthetic fertilisers.