
Our Gym has:

  • Olympic class Technogym cardio pieces and strength pieces
  • Kinesis One
  • Views to beautiful Iron Cove and Rodd Point

Please ensure you bring in a towel when attending the gym or group fitness classes.

Find Gym opening hours here

Find Gym membership, group fitness class, and casual entry prices here

Fitness studios

LPAC features three fitness studios, a functional training room, a mind body studio, and the Bayside studio featuring beautiful bay views.

Why not ask our team about Group personal training in either the Mind body or Functional Training Studio! Visit our Personal Training page to submit an enquiry.

Please see our frequently asked questions below for further information. If you have any additional queries, please feel free to contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What equipment is in the functional training room?
A. A combination of functional training equipment including squat racks, rowers, weights, bags, spin bikes and more. 

Q. How many bikes are there?
A. 25.

Q. Can I use the functional fitness studio when a cycle/spin class is on?
A. Yes - unless the class is using both spin bikes and the functional training area.

Q. Can I use the new Mind and Body Studio when a class is on?
A. No as we want to ensure the best experience for the class participants only

Rules and regulations

The IWCA facility have pride in the presentation and provision of services and facilities to all users. For this reason, the mandatory Rules and Regulations must be adhered to by members and casual users who must maintain a safe, comfortable and enjoyable environment.

Members and casual participants should have respect and consideration for each other while on the facilities premises. Any internal signage displayed around the centre form part of the member and casual user rules and regulations. If a member or casual participant is seen to be in breach of the centre rules and regulations, management reserves the right to expel them from the premises. Management also reserves the right to take further action if deemed appropriate including cancellation of membership. 

Below are mandatory rules and regulations for the use of the gym facilities, our full rules and regulations can be found on the prices and membership page. Please note gym patrons must comply with our full rules and regulations, as well as the rules and regulations listed below.

Dress code

Members and casual participants must be suitably clothed always while on the facility premises. When exercising in studios or in the gymnasium, shirts/singlets and appropriate covered training shoes must be worn for safety and hygiene.

Management reserve the right to refuse entry to patrons wearing apparel deemed inappropriate.


Children under 14 year of age are not allowed in the gym unless participating in a supervised program.

Children between the ages of 14-16 years must be supervised at all time by a parent or responsible guardian over the age of 16 at all times whilst in the gym.

Children over 14 years but under 16 may do body weight exercises and use cardio equipment. They are not eligible to do weightlifting or participate in weightlifting group exercise classes.

The behaviour conduct and safety of any child is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian.

The parent or guardian is liable for any damage caused by the child whilst on the premises.

Management reserves the right to refuse entry to children at its discretion.


All equipment must be replaced after use.

If participating in group fitness class, any equipment used must be placed back in its designated storage area prior to leaving the studio.

Time limits

Time limits may be placed on the use of equipment during peak periods. Etiquette requires that all members and casual participants co-operate with each other on all resistance training equipment in the event of more than one person requiring its use.

Group fitness classes

No entry will be permitted into a group fitness class later than 5 minutes after its commencement.

It may be necessary to book for specific classes in which case members and casual participants must adhere to the booking system to participate.


Lockers are provided for member and casual users to use at their own risk. While all care is taken to ensure safety of belongings, the facility will not be held liable for any loss, damage or theft of belongings placed in the lockers or brought onto the premises.

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Page last updated: 13 Sep 2023