Opening hours
You can find the opening hours for our various pool and gym facilities below:
Olympic Pool
Monday to Friday: 5:30am to 8pm (including Public Holidays)
Saturday and Sunday: 5:30am to 8pm
Mushroom Pool
The Mushroom Pool is a seasonal pool that opens for the summer season from October through to April. The Mushroom Pool opening times are subject to change pending pool operations and weather permitting.
Monday to Friday: 10am to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday: 8am to 6pm
Hydrotherapy Pool
Monday to Sunday: 6am to 8pm
Priority/walking lane is available in the hydro pool Monday to Sunday from 6am to 8pm.
The Priority Lane is a walking only lane; NO lap swimming in the Priority Lane.
Please note access to the spa jets in the hydro pool will not be available during the following times:
Monday to Friday: 3.30 to 6.30pm
Saturday: 8am to 12.30pm
Sunday: 8am to 1.30pm
Program Pool
Monday to Sunday: 6am to 8pm
Please note that programs running in various pools, including our Hydrotherapy and Indoor Program Pools, will affect public lap lane availability, please visit our pool lap lane availability page to check availability for when you plan to visit.
Monday to Thursday: 5:30am to 9pm
Friday: 5:30am to 8pm
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays: 6am to 7pm
Please feel free to email us at should you have any queries regarding our opening hours.