A-Z: What goes where?

Before disposing of an unwanted item, consider selling, giving away or donating:

Check the following charities to find out what you can donate:

Council bins

Red bin – Garbage
Yellow bin – Recycling
Green bin – Food organics garden organics (FOGO)
Burgundy bin – Food organics garden organics (FOGO)

Both green and burgundy bins are collected by the FOGO truck for apartment blocks. Burgundy lid bins will be swapped for green lids in the future.

Unsure how to dispose of an item? Type your item or material into the search bar below:

Item Which bin or service? Advice and suggestions
Item: A
Item: Aerosol cans Which bin or service?:

Yellow bin (can emptied)

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Community Recycling Centre

Advice and suggestions:

Unemptied cans: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off, Community Recycling Centre

Terracycle collection

Item: Air conditioner Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - metal and whitegoods Advice and suggestions: Portable only. For other types of air conditioners search Business Recycling Website
Item: Air freshener Which bin or service?:

Red bin

Advice and suggestions:

This includes cans, spray bottles, plug-in and refills.

Check Terracycle, some brands may have recycling programs for their products.

Item: Aluminium Which bin or service?:

Yellow bin (Cans, containers, trays, clean foil)

Yellow bin (clean foil - collect and scrunch to tennis-ball size)

Red bin (dirty foil)

Advice and suggestions: Drink containers can be recycled at a Return and Earn recycling station
Item: Animal waste Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Animal waste is not allowed in the green (FOGO) bin. Find out more

Item: Asbestos Which bin or service?: Visit the EPA website to find facilities that accept household asbestos. Advice and suggestions:
Item: B
Item: Barbecues Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - metal and whitegoods. Advice and suggestions: Remove the gas bottle/cylinder, they cannot be collected in a clean up. See 'gas bottle' for disposal options


Do not place batteries in any of your bins. They are hazardous and can cause fires.

Which bin or service?:

Community Recycling Centre

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

HomeCycle collects batteries including rechargeable, non-rechargeable, small handheld batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, 6V), lantern watch and button batteries and standard size handheld rechargeable batteries up to 5kg. Place batteries in a zip lock bag for safety. Ensure button batteries and 9-volt batteries are stored separately, as they can ignite when they come into contact with each other and cause a fire.

Advice and suggestions:

B-cycle provides drop-off points for household batteries, this includes most major supermarkets. Find your nearest drop-off point 

For mobile phone batteries check MobileMuster

For more options visit Recycling Near You

Item: Beauty products Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Terracycle - Beauty product recycling

Marrickville Metro has partnered with Terracycle - drop off your beauty products at the Metro Recycling Wall 

Item: Bicycles and bicycle parts Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - metal and whitegoods Advice and suggestions:

Revolve Recycling 

The Bower

Check Bicycle NSW

Item: BioPak compostable packaging Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

In line with EPA guidelines, we do not accept compostable packaging in our FOGO stream, even if the packaging has the seedling logo. This is to ensure the highest quality compost will go onto farmlands. 

Fibre-based food containers are generally made from sugarcane pulp (bagasse) and cannot be recycled in the yellow-lid bin. Even though the product looks similar to cardboard, it cannot be recycled with cardboard and paper.

Item: Blister Packs Which bin or service?:

Red bin

HomeCycle collects blister packs

Advice and suggestions:

Recycle medicinal blister packs with the Pharmacycle program.

Item: Books Which bin or service?:

Yellow bin

Advice and suggestions:

Not suitable to sell or donate? Pull off the cover and recycle the pages

Donate to charity, Op shop

The Bower

The Footpath Library

Post on Facebook, Gumtree, Freecycle 

Item: Bottles Which bin or service?:

Yellow bin (glass, plastic or metal)

*Broken Bottles - wrap in newspaper and place in red bin

Advice and suggestions:

Drink containers can be recycled at a Return and Earn station. Some restrictions apply, see website for details.

Item: Branches Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - branches Advice and suggestions:

Branches should be cut to 1m in length and bundled. Maximum 1 metre in length and 15 centimetres in diameter.

Small branches and other garden organics can be placed in your green bin (FOGO). Any small branches or palm fronds, please make sure they are no more than 10cm in diameter and no more than 100cm long. The lid of the bin must be able to shut by collection day.

Item: Bricks Which bin or service?:

Hire a skip bin for construction waste
Check with: Business Recycling WebsiteThe BowerReverse Garbage (concrete-free bricks only).

Post on Facebook, Gumtree, Freecycle

Advice and suggestions:
Item: C
Item: Carton (Tetra Pak) Which bin or service?:

Foil-lined - Red bin

Non-foil - Yellow bin

Advice and suggestions:

Includes juice, milk or any beverage/liquid cardboard carton (sometimes known as Tetra Pak)

Foil-lined cartons are typically brick shaped and contain products such as long-life milk

Non-foil lined cartons have gable tops and are usually found in the refrigerated section of the supermarket

Foil / non-foil lined containers under 1 litre in size are accepted by Return and Earn

Visit Recycling Near You to find out more about carton recycling

Item: Candles Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Find out how to recycle wax candles at home
Item: Cameras Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity

Post on Facebook, Gumtree, Freecycle 

Item: Cardboard Which bin or service?:

Yellow bin

Advice and suggestions: Don't overfill your recycling bin, you can drop off excess cardboard at Council's Weekend Transfer Station in Leichhardt.
Item: Car parts Which bin or service?: Visit Recycling Near You Advice and suggestions:
Item: Carpet, rugs and underlay Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - bulky household items Advice and suggestions:

Hire a skip bin

Business Recycling website

The BowerReverse Garbage

Item: Cellophane Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Chemicals Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions: Remember to store chemicals safely before the next event. If you missed the Inner West's event check the EPA website
Item: Christmas tree (real) Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - branches Advice and suggestions: If you have a real Christmas tree that doesn't fit in the garden bin, cut into 1 metre long branches, bundle and book a collection
Item: Cigarette butts Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Bin that butt - encourage your friends to as well
Item: Cling wrap Which bin or service?:

Red bin

Advice and suggestions:

Some major supermarkets have recommenced soft plastics collection through a trial. Find participating supermarkets in NSW

HomeCycle collects soft plastics via a pickup service

Item: Clothing and textiles Which bin or service?:

Watch this video about donating clothing and textiles ethically

Red bin

HomeCycle collects wearable and unwearable clothing

Advice and suggestions:

Donate wearable clothes to your local charity/op shop.

Some retailers will accept unwearable textiles including H&M

Tear up unwearable clothing or textiles for cleaning rags or donate them to your local animal shelter or vet.  

Other clothing and textile recyclers include: 

Re Place

Dress for Success


Item: Coat hangers Which bin or service?:

Red bin

Council clean up service 

Advice and suggestions:

Metal (wire): Large amounts can be collected in a council clean up - metal and whitegoods

Wood, plastic, other: Large amounts can be collected in a council clean up - bulky household items

Undamaged hangers can be donated to your local laundromat or dry cleaner

Post on Gumtree, Facebook, Freecycle

Item: Coffee cups (takeaway/disposable) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Try using a reusable coffee cup instead!

Most takeaway coffee cups contain a plastic lining which contaminates the paper recycling stream so they cannot go in the yellow-lid bin. 

Some shopping centres, petrol stations and other retailers have partnered with Simply Cups - a coffee cup recycling program. 7/11 have a useful map of locations - please be mindful that each collection point cannot process large quantities. It's still better to use a reusable coffee cup. 

Coffee cup lids - these are too light to be processed in the recycling facility, they fly off the machinery and can be blown into the wrong material stream.

Compostable coffee cups - we do not accept compostable coffee cups in our FOGO stream, even if the seedling logo is present. This is to ensure the highest quality compost will go onto farmlands. Compostable coffee cups can be recycled through Simply Cups. Some compostable coffee cups are home compostable. 

Item: Coffee capsule/pod Which bin or service?:

Red bin

HomeCycle collects aluminium coffee pods

Advice and suggestions:

Most brands (e.g Nespresso, Nescafe) may allow used capsule/pod drop-offs in store, or partner with Terracycle. Contact the brand or check Terracycle for updates 

Item: Coffee grounds (loose) Which bin or service?:

Green bin

Burgundy bin (in eligible apartment blocks)

Advice and suggestions:

Only use Council-provided or AS4736 compostable liners (look for the seedling logo).

Green lid bins and burgundy lid bins will now be emptied into the same truck.

Item: Compostable plastic Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Some biodegradable/compostable plastics break down in home composts. Check with the manufacturer.

Compostable plastics are not allowed in the green (FOGO) bin. Find out more.

Item: Concrete Which bin or service?:

Hire a skip bin for construction waste

Visit the Business Recycling website

Advice and suggestions:
Item: Contact lenses and cases Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Some brands may partner with Terracycle

Specsavers - How to recycle contact lenses 

Item: Corks Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

The BowerReverse Garbage

Item: Crockery Which bin or service?:

Red bin

Council clean up service - bulky household items

Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity/op shop

Post on Facebook, Gumtree, Freecycle

If broken, wrap in newspaper and place in the garbage bin

Large amounts can be booked in for council clean up service - bulky household items

Item: Cutlery Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

BYO reusable cutlery to events or places that may not provide cutlery

Plastic single-use cutlery is now banned in NSW and cannot be recycled

Bamboo/wooden compostable cutlery cannot go in the green FOGO bin and cannot be recycled

Donate metal cutlery to charity/op shops

Item: D
Item: Dental floss containers Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Terracycle - Oral Care Recycling Program
Item: Detergents Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:

Consider making your own

Keep the container and only buy refills

Terracycle - Dish and Air Care Recycling Program

Item: Disposable plates Which bin or service?:

Plastic - Red bin

Cardboard - Yellow bin

Fibre-based - Red bin

Advice and suggestions:

Clean - remove food scraps 

Disposable plastics plates are now banned in NSW

Fibre-based compostable plates cannot go in the green FOGO bin
Item: Dishwashing tablet packaging Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Terracycle collection
Item: Dog poo Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Dog poo is not allowed in the FOGO bin. Find out more.

Item: Doors and door handles Which bin or service?:

The BowerReverse Garbage

Post on Gumtree, Facebook, Freecycle

Visit the Business Recycling website

Advice and suggestions:
Item: Drinking glasses/cups (glass) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Broken glasses must be wrapped

The quality of glass is different to glass drinking bottles and can't be recycled - it contaminates the glass bottle recycling

Item: Dryer Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - metal and whitegoods Advice and suggestions:

Still working? Post on Facebook, Gumtree, Freecycle

Item: Dust (bagged) Which bin or service?:

Compost bin or worm farm

Red bin

Advice and suggestions:
Item: E
Item: Egg cartons Which bin or service?:

Compost Bin

Yellow bin

Advice and suggestions: Egg cartons, like all animal produce packaging is designed to be single-use to minimise contact with possibly harmful bacteria - Keep this in mind before reusing
Item: Elastic bands (natural or synthetic rubber) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Reuse them to reseal food packages
Item: Electrical appliances Which bin or service?:

Council clean up - bulky household items

Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity or The Bower 

For more options visit Recycling Near You

Item: Electronic waste (e-waste) Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Community Recycling Centre

HomeCycle collects e-waste including mobile phones, computers, ear/headphones, screens etc.

Advice and suggestions:

Including computers, laptops, TVs, speakers, mouse, keyboard, telephones, headphones, earphones and other accessories

Donate to The Reconnect Project

For mobile phone recycling visit MobileMuster 

Officeworks provides e-waste recycling

E-waste recycling is funded by the industry and regulated by the Commonwealth government under the Product Stewardship Act 2011 to ensure the safe recycling of hazardous e-waste

Item: Engine oil Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Community Recycling Centre

Advice and suggestions: Check business recycling website
Item: Envelopes Which bin or service?:

Yellow bin (no padded plastic)

Advice and suggestions:

Includes envelopes with a plastic window face

Padded paper envelopes (no plastic) go in the Yellow recycling bin

Padded envelopes lined with bubble wrap can be reused or put in the Red garbage bin 

Item: Eyewear/glasses/spectacles Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

For more options visit Recycling Near You

Donate to your local optometrist

Item: F
Item: Fabric Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

See 'clothing and textiles' on this list

Reverse Garbage

Large amounts: The Sewing Basket by Achieve Australia 

Item: Fencing Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - bulky household items / metal and whitegoods Advice and suggestions:

Contact The Bower

Item: Fibro (asbestos cement sheet) Which bin or service?:

EPA website: Facilities that accept household asbestos

Visit the Recycling Near You webpage to find a disposal service.

Advice and suggestions:
Item: Fire extinguishers Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Community Recycling Centre

Advice and suggestions: Check Fire NSW for more information
Item: Fireplace Which bin or service?: Council clean-up service - bulky household items / metal and whitegoods Advice and suggestions:

Contact The Bower or Reverse Garbage

Post on Gumtree, Facebook, Freecycle

Visit the Business Recycling Website

Item: Flare (marine) Which bin or service?: Regular collection through Roads and Maritime Services. Check RMS website for dates. Advice and suggestions:
Item: Foam (i.e. expanded polystyrene or EPS) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Try to avoid it in the first place. If it comes as packaging, ask the retailer to recycle it for you. Drop-off facilities are rare in the local area.  

Visit the Recycling Near You website


Food scraps


  • Meat, chicken, seafood (except oyster shells) and small bones (cooked and uncooked meats)
  • Dairy products (cheese, yoghurt etc.)
  • Bread, pasta, rice, cereal
  • Coffee grounds
  • Eggs and eggshells
  • Out of date food (processed or fresh)
  • Expired takeaway
Which bin or service?:

Green bin (FOGO)

Burgundy bin (in eligible apartment blocks)

Compost bin or worm farm

Advice and suggestions:

Remove packaging first.

Only use Council-provided or AS4736 compostable liners (look for the seedling logo).

Green and burgundy bins will now be emptied into the same truck.

Item: Food cans/tins Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:

Aluminium, steel and tin

Lightly wash your cans and tins before putting in the recycling bin

Item: Fridges Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - metal and whitegoods Advice and suggestions: Post on Facebook, Gumtree, Freecycle
Item: Fuels Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:

Includes petrol, firestarters, methylated spirits

Item: Fur Which bin or service?:

Red bin

Advice and suggestions:

Try to avoid in the first place. The resale of second-hand or vintage fur products can contribute to consumer demand for fur products by perpetuating the idea ‘fur as fashion’

Donate to wildlife rescue group or to charity/op shop

Item: Furniture Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - bulky household items Advice and suggestions:


Donate to charity/op shop

IKEA furniture buy-back service

Item: G
Item: Garage door – metal, damaged Which bin or service?:

Visit the Recycling Near You website for scrap metal dealers

Commercial waste facility

Advice and suggestions:
Item: Garden organics – grass clippings, leaves, twigs and small branches, flowers and prunings Which bin or service?:

Green bin (FOGO)

Burgundy bin (in eligible apartment blocks)

Compost bin or worm farm

Advice and suggestions:

Don't overfill your green FOGO bin - for excess branches, use the Council clean-up service.

Green lid and burgundy lid bins will now be emptied into the same truck.

Item: Garden tools and equipment (unpowered) Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - metal and whitegoods Advice and suggestions:

Usable items can be donated to the Inner West Tool Library, posted on Freecycle, or donated to charity.

Item: Garden tools and equipment (powered) Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:

Inner West Tool Library or posted on Freecycle

Item: Gas bottles/cylinders Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Community Recycling Centre

Advice and suggestions:
Item: Glass bottles Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:

Return and Earn recycling station. Some restrictions apply, see website for details.

Item: Glass jars Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:

Metal lid can stay screwed on jar

Consider reusing as a food storage container

Reverse Garbage

Donate to a local food co-op

Item: Glossy paper, card, magazine Which bin or service?:

Yellow bin

Advice and suggestions: Do the tearing test. If you can tear it, you can recycle it.
Item: Grass clippings Which bin or service?:

Green bin (FOGO)

Burgundy bin (in eligible apartment blocks)

Compost bin or worm farm (only place dried grass clippings in worm farms)

Advice and suggestions:

Keep some grass clippings aside to layer the FOGO bin with. Covering food scraps with garden organics will assist in minimising odours and pests.

Green lid and burgundy lid bins will now be emptied into the same truck.

Item: H
Item: Hair foils (with hair dye) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Hard plastic (e.g. bike helmet, toys, plastic buckets, washing tubs, etc.) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Hard plastic breaks into shards and is not recyclable
Item: Heater Which bin or service?: Council clean-up service - metals and whitegoods Advice and suggestions:

If still working donate to charity, or post on Gumtree, Facebook, Freecycle

GasCouncil clean-up service - metals and whitegoods

Electric: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off or Council clean-up service - metals and whitegoods

OilHousehold chemical and e-waste drop-off 

Item: Hose Which bin or service?:

Red bin

Council clean up service - bulky household items

Advice and suggestions:

Small amount of hose, or chop the hose into smaller pieces: red garbage bin

Large amount of hose/hose reel: Council clean up service - bulky household items

Try reusing your old hose creatively

Item: Household appliances (metal) e.g. toaster Which bin or service?:

Council clean-up service

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Advice and suggestions:

Donate to The Bower or post on Freecycle 

Item: Household cleaners and solvents Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:
Item: I
Item: Ice cream container Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:
Item: Incandescent lightbulbs Which bin or service?: Red bin – wrap in newspaper first Advice and suggestions:
Item: Insulation Which bin or service?:

Contact a commercial waste facility

Visit the Business Recycling website

Advice and suggestions:
Item: J
Item: K
Item: Kitty litter or pet poo Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Kitty litter or pet poo is not allowed in the green (FOGO) bin. Find out more.
Item: Knitting and haberdashery Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: The Sewing Basket run by Achieve Australia or your local op shop
Item: L
Item: Laptops Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity 

Item: Lawn clippings Which bin or service?:

Green bin (FOGO)

Burgundy bin (in eligible apartment blocks)

Compost bin or worm farm (only place dried grass clippings in worm farms)

Advice and suggestions:

Keep some lawn clippings aside to layer the FOGO bin with. Covering food scraps with garden organics will assist in minimising odours and pests.

Green lid and burgundy lid bins will now be emptied into the same truck.

Item: Lawn mowers Which bin or service?: Council clean up service - metal and whitegoods Advice and suggestions: Remove any remaining fuel from the lawn mower
Item: Leaves (dried or fresh) Which bin or service?:

Green bin (FOGO)

Burgundy bin (in eligible apartment blocks)

Compost bin or worm farm

Advice and suggestions:

Use to layer the FOGO bin with. Covering food scraps with garden organics will assist in minimising odours and pests.

Green lid and burgundy lid bins will now be emptied into the same truck.

Item: Lever arch folders Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:
Item: Lids of take-away cups (plastic) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Simply cups
Item: Light globes/bulbs – incandescent Which bin or service?: Red bin – wrap in newspaper first. Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Light bulbs/tubes – fluorescent Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off or Community Recycling Centre

Red bin

Advice and suggestions:  
Item: M
Item: Magazines Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions: Donate to charity 
Item: Mailing satchels (Australia Post plastic satchel) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Some major supermarkets have recommenced soft plastics collection through a trial. Find participating supermarkets in NSW

HomeCycle collects soft plastics via a pickup service

Item: Mattresses Which bin or service?: Council clean-up service -  Mattress collection Advice and suggestions: All of the mattresses collected through the free Council clean-up service are recycled using either Soft Landing or Mattress Recycler.
Item: Meat trays (all colours, all types) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Bring a reusable container to your local butcher
Item: Meat trays - Absorbent pad Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Medicines Which bin or service?:

Take to your nearest chemist/pharmacy

Return of Expired Medicines (RUM) program

Recycle medicinal blister packs with the Pharmacycle program.
Advice and suggestions:
Item: Mercury Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions: Contact Toxfree on 1300 869 373
Item: Metals (toolboxes and similar) Which bin or service?:

Council clean-up service - metals and whitegoods

Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity/op shop

Post on Facebook, Gumtree, Freecycle

Item: Metal frames (e.g. bed) Which bin or service?:

Council clean-up service - metal and whitegoods

Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity/op shop

Post on Facebook, Gumtree, Freecycle

Item: Metal Lid (from glass jar) Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions: Keep lid screwed on container if possible
Item: Metal poles or rods Which bin or service?: Council clean-up service -  metals and whitegoods Advice and suggestions: Commercial waste facility
Item: Microwave oven (not in working order) Which bin or service?:

Council clean up service

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Advice and suggestions:
Item: Microwave oven, in working order Which bin or service?:

Council clean-up service

Donate to charity, Freecycle

Advice and suggestions:
Item: Microwave dish/container (composite plastics) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Milk crates Which bin or service?: Call Dairy Farmers on 1800 000 570 Advice and suggestions:
Item: Mirrors (broken) Which bin or service?: Red bin (wrap it first) Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Mirrors (not broken) Which bin or service?: Freecycle, local op shop, ebaygumtree Advice and suggestions: Council clean up service
Item: Mobile phones and batteries Which bin or service?:

Community Recycling Centre

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

HomeCycle collects mobile phones

Advice and suggestions:

Visit the MobileMuster website 

Donate to The Reconnect Project

Officeworks provides mobile phone recycling

Refer to the Recycling Near You website for more options

Item: Mops Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:
Item: Motor oil Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Community Recycling Centre

Advice and suggestions:
Item: N
Item: Nappies (disposable and compostable) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Needles and syringes Which bin or service?:

Place them in a sharps container or a puncture resistant container (not glass) and dispose of them at a Community Sharps Collection participating pharmacy. Or search for your suburb on the Safe Sharps website

Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Newspaper Which bin or service?:

Home compost bin

Yellow bin

Advice and suggestions:

Donate to animal shelter like Sydney Dogs and Cats home

Newspaper is not accepted in the FOGO bin

Item: O
Item: Oil (cooking) Which bin or service?: Small amounts: Red bin. Pour into a container of absorbent material (e.g. shredded toilet rolls, paper, tissues, egg cartons etc) to keep the bin clean. Alternatively, tip a small amount into a compost bin or soil.
Large amounts: Store in container and drop it off at the Community Recycling Centre or the next Household chemical and e-waste drop-off
Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Oil (engine) Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off or Community Recycling Centre Advice and suggestions:  
Item: P
Item: Packaging (foam) Which bin or service?:

Avoid it in the first place. If it comes as packaging, ask the retailer to recycle it for you.

Red bin

Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Packaging (corn starch stuffing) Which bin or service?:

Home compost bin

Red bin

Advice and suggestions: Compostable packaging is not allowed in the green (FOGO) bin. Find out more.
Item: Packaging (soft): foil-lined Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Paint tins - full Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off or Community Recycling Centre  Advice and suggestions:

Advertise on a local buy/sell/swap forum e.g. Facebook Marketplace or ‘Street Bounty’ 

Item: Paint and solvents - half empty Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off or Community Recycling Centre Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Paint tins – empty or dried-out Which bin or service?:

Council clean up or Community Recycling Centre

Red bin

Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Paper and cardboard Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions: Did you know: Shredded paper cannot be recycled but can be used as animal bedding or placed in your compost or worm farm
Item: Paper (grease-proof) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Paper towels and tissues Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Did you know: Paper towels and tissues cannot be recycled for hygiene reasons.
Item: Pens and pencils Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity

Item: Pet food cans Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Pillows and cushions (beyond reuse) natural fibre fill Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Add natural fibre fill to home compost bin
Item: Pillows and cushions (beyond reuse) synthetic fill Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Discard cover, pull out fill and reuse

Item: Pipes (plastic) Which bin or service?: Check the Recycling Near You website or the Pipa website Advice and suggestions: Commercial waste facility
Item: Pizza boxes (with no leftover food) Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Plant pots (plastic) Which bin or service?:

Red bin

Council clean-up service - bulky household items

Advice and suggestions:

Plastic plant pots can be taken to Bunnings to be recycled into new pots

Item: Plant pots (terracotta/ceramic) Which bin or service?: The BowerReverse GarbageFreecycle Advice and suggestions:

Small indoor pots/flower pots: Marrickville Community Nursery, see Pinterest for inspiration on the creative reuse of plant pots 

Large amounts of terracotta or ceramics is considered building material and may be required to be taken to a commercial waste facility - check Business Recycling Website 

Item: Plasterboard Which bin or service?: The BowerReverse GarbageFreecycle Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Plastic shopping bags Which bin or service?:

Avoid if possible

Red bin 

Advice and suggestions:

Some major supermarkets have recommenced soft plastics collection through a trial. Find participating supermarkets in NSW

HomeCycle collects soft plastics via a pickup service

Item: Plastic bottles Which bin or service?:

Yellow bin

Advice and suggestions:

Recycling tip: Keep lids on and bottles empty - no liquids or smaller plastic pieces inside.

Drink containers can be recycled at a Return and Earn recycling station. Some restrictions apply, see website for details.

Item: Plastic cards (e.g. loyalty cards etc.) and thin plastic objects Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Plastic cups Which bin or service?:

Clear - Yellow bin

White - Red bin

Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Plastic food containers (single use) Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Plastic food trays (biscuits) Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Plastic food trays (meat) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Bring reusable container to your local butcher
Item: Plastic-lined food wrapping Which bin or service?:

Avoid if possible

Red bin 

Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Plastic netting (e.g. fruit netting) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Plastic storage containers (e.g. Tupperware containers) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity

Item: Plastic takeaway containers (no leftover food) Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Plastic toys Which bin or service?:

Red bin

HomeCycle collects plastic toys that are in a usable condition

Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity, Freecycle

Bubcycle (usable toys only)

Item: Plastic wraps, films and ziplock bags Which bin or service?:

Avoid if possible

Red bin 

Advice and suggestions:

Some major supermarkets have recommenced soft plastics collection through a trial. Find participating supermarkets in NSW

HomeCycle collects soft plastics via a pickup service

Item: Plasticised foil wrap (e.g. tea bag wrapping) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Pottery/porcelain Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Donate to charity
Item: Pots and pans (aluminium or steel) Which bin or service?: Council clean-up service Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity, Freecycle

Item: Poisons, pesticides and herbicides Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Polystyrene (also known as foam) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Check the Recycling Near You website

Try to avoid it in the first place. If it comes as packaging, ask the retailer to recycle it for you. 

Item: Pringles containers (composite materials) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Printer cartridges Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

HomeCycle collects printer cartridges

Advice and suggestions:

Officeworks and JB Hi-Fi stores, Australia Post, Harvey Norman, Dick Smith, The Good Guys, Office National and Office Products Depot outlets. 

Item: Pyrex (ovenware) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Donate to charity, Freecycle
Item: R
Item: Rainwater tank Which bin or service?:

Check if the measurements are eligible for the Council clean-up service (2 metres x 1 metre x 1 metre)

For metal or stainless steel: Council clean-up - Metal and whitegoods

For plastic: Council clean-up - bulky household items and furniture

Advice and suggestions: Check the Reycling Near You website
Item: Radios Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop off Advice and suggestions: The Bower, Freecycle, Gumtree
Item: Razors Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Gillette has partnered with Terracycle to create a razor and blades recycling program - Click here for more information

Item: Real grass dog toilet Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Real (or synthetic) grass dog toilets are not allowed in the green (FOGO) bin. Find out more.
Item: Records (vinyl) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Donate to local radio station, a second hand shop or post on Freecycle

Item: Refrigerators Which bin or service?:

Council clean up service - Metal and whitegoods

Advice and suggestions: Freecycle
Item: Reusable shopping bags Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Some major supermarkets have recommenced soft plastics collection through a trial. Find participating supermarkets in NSW

HomeCycle collects soft plastics via a pickup service 

Item: Rugs, carpets, underlay Which bin or service?: Council clean up service Advice and suggestions:

Contact The Bower, Reverse Garbage or a commercial waste facility for disposal. Visit the Business Recycling Website for more ideas.

Item: S
Item: Sand Which bin or service?: Visit the Business Recycling website
Advice and suggestions: Commercial waste facility
Item: Scrap metals Which bin or service?: Check the Recycling Near You website for metal recyclers. Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Sharps/syringes Which bin or service?:

Place them in a sharps container or a puncture resistant container (not glass) and dispose of them at a Community Sharps Collection participating pharmacy. Or search for your suburb on the Safe Sharps website.

Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Shopping trolleys Which bin or service?:
  • Coles, Kmart, Target, Bunnings, Officeworks, Bi Lo:Report online
  • Woolworths, Dan Murphy, Big W, Target, IGA: Report online
  • Aldi: Phone 132 534.
Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Sinks, e.g. kitchen or laundry Which bin or service?: Council clean up service Advice and suggestions:

Reverse Garbage

Item: Shoes Which bin or service?:

Red bin

HomeCycle collect wearable and unwearable shoes and sneakers

Advice and suggestions:

TreadLightly recycle sport and active lifestyle footwear. 

Donate to charity

Item: Smoke alarms/detectors Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off or Community Recycling Centre Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Soft plastic packaging Which bin or service?:

Avoid if possible

Red bin 

Advice and suggestions:

Some major supermarkets have recommenced soft plastics collection through a trial. Find participating supermarkets in NSW

HomeCycle collects soft plastics via a pickup service

Item: Soil and rocks Which bin or service?: Commercial waste facility Advice and suggestions: Soil is not allowed in the green (FOGO) bin due to risk of heavy metal contamination.
Item: Spectacles Which bin or service?: Check the Recycling Near You website Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Spice container (metal with plastic lid) Which bin or service?: Yellow bin (metal container) and red bin (lid) Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Steel cans Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Stoves Which bin or service?: Council clean up service Advice and suggestions:


Item: Straws (plastic) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Styrofoam (otherwise known as ‘foam’) or expanded polystyrene – EPS) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Try to avoid it in the first place. If it comes as packaging, ask the retailer to recycle it for you.

Check the Recycling Near You website 

Item: T
Item: Take away food containers Which bin or service?:

Plastic - Yellow bin

Fibre-based compostable - Red bin

Advice and suggestions: Lightly rinse the container, make sure no food scraps are left. A little bit of grease is OK
Item: Tapes (VHS and cassette) Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:
Item: Tea bags Which bin or service?:

Green bin (FOGO)

Burgundy bin (in eligible apartment blocks)

Compost bin or worm farm

Advice and suggestions:

Paper tea bags can be placed in the burgundy lid or green lid bins.

Synthetic tea bags (containing plastics) cannot be placed in the burgundy lid or green lid bins.

To find out if yours are okay, try tearing the tea bag open after use. If it tears open easily, it can go in the burgundy lid or green lid bins. If there is some resistance, it is likely synthetic and should therefore go in the red bin.

Green lid and burgundy lid bins will now be emptied into the same truck.

Item: Telephones (not mobile) Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:
Item: Televisions Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:
Item: Thermometers (mercury and digital) Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions: Visit the Business Recycling website
Item: Tiles Which bin or service?: Contact The Bower or Reverse Garbage (non-broken tiles only) or post on FreecycleGumtree or other online swap and sell platforms. Advice and suggestions: Commercial waste facility
Item: Timber (good condition) Which bin or service?: Council clean up service Advice and suggestions:


Among The Trees


Visit the Business Recycling Website

Item: Timber (unusable, poor condition) Which bin or service?: Council clean up service Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Timber - furniture (good condition) Which bin or service?: Council clean up service Advice and suggestions:

Donate to charity

The Bower


Item: Timber - furniture (unusable, poor condition) Which bin or service?: Council clean up service Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Tissues and napkins Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Tissues and napkins are not allowed in the green (FOGO) bin. Find out more.
Item: Toner cartridges Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:

Officeworks and JB Hi-Fi stores, Australia Post, Harvey Norman, Dick Smith, The Good Guys, Office National and Office Products Depot outlets.

Inkjet cartridges, toner cartridges and toner bottles from most brands are accepted. This includes cartridges used in printers, photocopiers and fax machines. 

Item: Toaster Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Tools (metal) Which bin or service?: Council clean-up service Advice and suggestions:

Usable tools can be donated to the Inner West Tool Library, charity or posted on Freecycle

Item: Tools (powered) Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions: Usable power tools can be donated to the Inner West Tool Library or The Bower E-Tool Library
Item: Toothbrushes Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:

Reuse it as a grout scrubber.

Terracycle collection (check website for locations)

Item: Toothpaste tubes and caps Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions: Terracycle collection (check website for locations)
Item: Trolleys Which bin or service?:
  • Coles, Kmart, Target, Bunnings, Officeworks, Bi Lo: Report online
  • Woolworths, Dan Murphy, Big W, Target, IGA: Report online
  • Aldi: Phone 132 534. 
Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Tyres Which bin or service?: Check the Recycling Near You website for options Advice and suggestions: Commercial waste facility
Item: V
Item: Vacuum cleaner dust Which bin or service?:

Red bin

Home compost bin

Advice and suggestions: Vacuum cleaner dust is not allowed in the green (FOGO) bin. Find out more.
Item: Vacuum cleaner Which bin or service?:

Household chemicals and e-waste drop off

Council clean up service

Advice and suggestions:
Item: Vapes Which bin or service?:

Reusable vaping products (including cartridges, replacement pods and nicotine) are now accepted under the Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) program. Ask your local pharmacy for more information.

Reusable vape batteries can be dropped off at a Community Recycling Centre or B-cycle

Single use vapes are not accepted at any of the above. The EPA and RUM program hope to provide safe alternatives soon.

Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Vegetable scraps Which bin or service?:

Green bin (FOGO)

Burgundy bin (in eligible apartment blocks)

Compost bin or worm farm 

Advice and suggestions:

Remove packaging first.

Only use Council-provided or AS4736 compostable liners (look for the seedling logo).

Item: Video tapes Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

Red bin

Advice and suggestions:

Visit the Business Recycling website for drop-off locations

Item: W
Item: Washing machine Which bin or service?: Council clean up service Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Waxed cardboard (e.g. fruit box) Which bin or service?: Red bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Wheelchair Which bin or service?:

TAD Australia


Advice and suggestions:
Item: White goods excluding freezers, fridges, air conditioners Which bin or service?: Household chemical and e-waste drop-off Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Windows (frame and glass panes) Which bin or service?: Contact The Bower or Reverse Garbage Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Wood shavings – untreated Which bin or service?: Contact your local community garden Advice and suggestions:  
Item: Wood shavings – treated Which bin or service?: Commercial waste facility Advice and suggestions:
Item: Wrapping paper Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions:  
Item: X
Item: X-ray films Which bin or service?:

Household chemical and e-waste drop-off

HomeCycle collects X-rays (remove personal information first)

Advice and suggestions:

Check with your radiologist as many medical imaging businesses collect X-rays. 

Search on Recycling Near You for other options in your area.

Item: Y
Item: Yoghurt containers Which bin or service?: Yellow bin Advice and suggestions: Rinse lightly before recycling

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Page last updated: 11 Mar 2025