Call on our 'Waste Busters' team to assist via phone call or home visit. This team provides helpful tips and suggestions on reducing general waste in the red lid bin and can answer any waste or recycling questions.
Council's A-Z waste guide provides ideas on how a wide range of items can be recycled, reused, donated or sold, instead of being thrown in the red lid bin.
Nappy and sanitary products rebate - Inner West Council will provide a 50% rebate for reusable nappies (up to $150 per household) and for sanitary products (up to $100 per household) purchased after 1 July 2023.
Book a council clean-up for bulky items that cannot be re-used, donated or sold.
If you have a larger household, children in nappies or a medical condition, you may require a larger bin. Upsize to a 240L red lid bin or opt-in for weekly red lid garbage collections.
There will be no additional charge for households requesting a larger red lid bin for 2 years from 20 February 2024. Fees and charges are set annually on a cost recovery basis whereby the charges are determined by the total cost of providing the service and costs recovered of the equivalent amount through domestic waste charges. The fees residents pay for domestic waste updated on l July each year following adoption by Council. Council will review and advise the fees and charges for the new financial year.