Skip bins

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When you need to hire a waste container (skip) for construction/building waste it should be placed within your property's boundaries. If this cannot be achieved, you will need to obtain a skip bin user permit from Council before you can place it on the road.

Council offers a streamlined service for the approval of skip bin user permits, including a free period, if you choose your provider from one of the approved companies (see conditions below).

The free period is applicable for all properties, except that strata-titled properties or whole development sites are counted as one property.

Following are details of the permissible timeframes and associated charges.

* Council's adopted Fees & Charges can be found in the current fees and charges page.

Following are details of the permissible timeframes and associated charges.

Apply for a free skip bin permit

To qualify for the free permit, you must first arrange the hire of your skip bin from one of the approved companies listed below.

After arranging the skip bin hire, you need to apply for your permit using the Inner West Council customer request management system using the link below.

Apply for a free skip bin permit

The permit will be emailed to you within 2 business days. You will need to be able to produce this email upon request.

Unless you extend the permit, the skip bin will need to have been removed by the end of the free period or you will risk enforcement action.

The skip bin provider may replace/swap the skip bin within the approved duration of the Permit, but this does not change the end date of the Permit.

Parking zone Free period

Maximum number of free periods

Per calendar year

Max additional period

(not free)

Fees for additional period
Non-metered parking area 7 days


(can be over consecutive weeks)

12 weeks $138.00/week
Metered parking area 3 days 1 7 days $66.60/day

As above, in one calendar year (Jan-Dec) you may only have 2 free permits for a non-metered parking area, and 1 for a metered parking area.

If you require more permits you will need to apply for an additional period.

How to apply for an additional period

If you are aware from the start that you will need the skip bin for longer than the free period(s), you should go straight to applying for the permit for the additional period using Council's online self-service.

If you decide to extend the permit during the free period, you should apply for the additional period  at least two (2) business days before the end of the free period, again using Council's online self-service using the link below.

To apply for an additional period using the online self-service, you will need apply for your permit using the Inner West Council application system using the link below.

Inside the self-service portal go to New Enquiry: Public approval section, select the Road Related approval option, scroll down and choose Skip-Bin User.

Go to online self-service

The terms and conditions can be reviewed form the following page.

Online terms and conditions

Conditions for placement of skip bins on public land

The following conditions are set out to prevent injury or damage to any persons or property. Failure to comply with these conditions could mean immediate removal of the bin at your expense and/or the issue of on-the-spot fines:

  1. Skip bins may only be placed by persons, or companies, holding a current skip bin provider licence. Licence holders are listed in the next section below.
  2. The maximum dimensions of a skip bin are 5m × 1.8 m (length × width).
  3. Skip bins must be placed immediately in front of the property of the skip bin user. The skip bin must not be placed beyond the skip bin user's property frontage, unless the prior written consent of the adjacent property owner has been obtained.
  4. The skip bin must be positioned so that it does not take the place of more then one street parking place. In metered parking areas, the skip bin must be placed central to a single parking bay.
  5. The skip bin must be positioned to comply with all restrictions of the Australian Road Rules as if they were a motor vehicle.
  6. The skip bin shall only be placed in a manner that ensures a three (3) metre wide passageway is maintained on the roadway for vehicles to pass the skip bin. Note that this may necessitate a smaller/narrower skip bin being placed in some locations or prevent the placement of the skip bin at all.
  7. Only one (1) skip bin may occupy the road reserve at any time at any property frontage. The skip bin provider may replace/swap the skip bin within the approved duration of the Permit, but this does not change the end date of the permit.
  8. A skip bin user permit must be obtained from Council before any bin is placed upon Council's roadway.
  9. It is an offence to stand a bin upon any footpath or carriageway without approval.
  10. The skip bin provider must accept liability for any damage caused to the road, gutter, grass verge, footpath or any injury sustained by any person during the delivery, occupation and removal of the bin.
  11. Council reserves the right to order the removal of any bin or the termination of any activity associated with it, which causes a nuisance or creates a danger. Upon receipt of such order, the applicant shall comply immediately.
  12. The skip bin user permit holder must agree to observe any special conditions that are imposed by Council in relation to this application.
  13. The skip bin user permit holder must agree to bear responsibility for the removal of any waste deposited in or around the bin.
  14. The skip bin user permit holder must also agree to indemnity the council against any clean-up costs that may be incurred and acknowledge that the said costs may be recovered by the council as a debt.
  15. Food waste, dangerous or hazardous waste shall not be placed in any bin.
  16. Refer to the skip bin provider licence application for for further conditions.

Approved companies as of November 2024

Company Phone number Email or website
7 Skips 1300 701 701 7 Skip Bins
Action Bins 0419 622 275 Action Bins
Aussie Skips 1300 110 011

Aussie Industries


Bin It (NSW)

1300 024 648

0491 176 151
Bingo Waste Services Pty Ltd 1300 424 646 Bingo Industries
Brown Brothers Waste Contractors Pty Ltd

02 9999 64 66
0418 476 625

Fax 02 9999 6477

Brown Brothers Bins

Cheap & Quick Waste Bins 02 9755 2888

CJ Skip Bins 0404 050 545 C J Skip Bins
Combined Skips

0418 298 830

02 9545 2627

CCombined skips

Dump It Bins 1300 211 111 Dump It Bins
Empire Waste Bins 02 9311 4745
0413 389 124

Empire Skip bins

Freddy's Skip Bins

1300 455 633

Freddy Skip Bins

Just Skip Bins Pty Ltd 1800 626 388

M Waste Pty Ltd 02 9544 6423
Orange Waste Skip Bins 1300 767 006
9792 3868
Orange skip bins
Phillips Skip Bins Pty Ltd 1800 246 728 Phillips skip bins.
Purple Cow Industries 1300 131 918 Purple cow Industries


The Bin Man 0412 258 558
URM Environmental Services Pty Ltd 131 876 URM website
Wanless Waste Management
(W Skips)
1300 975 477 Wanless Waste – W Skips
Waste-line Waste Management 1300 975 477 Wanless Waste – W Skips

Exceptions to the above requirements

If you would like to hire a skip bin from a Company not on the approved Providers list and/or not in full compliance with the above conditions, such as:

  1. A skip bin larger than the maximum dimensions;
  2. Placing more than one skip bin at one location;
  3. Placing skip bins for more than twelve (12) weeks in a non-metered parking area (in addition to the 2 free periods); or
  4. Placing skip bins for more than seven (7) additional days in a metered parking area (in addition to the free period).

You will be required to lodge an Application for Road Footpath and carpark Occupancy using Council's online self-service.

To apply for this permit using the online self-service, you will first need to complete an Application for Road Footpath Carpark Occupancy Permit and attach the completed an signed form and all mandatory documents during lodgement.

Go to online self-service

Join the skip bin provider list

If you are a company seeking to join the list please complete the form below.

An application fee is payable, together with a refundable deposit (first year only).

The licence extends from October to September and must be renewed annually to remain on the list.

If your company is already on the list, Council will contact you in September/October to initiate renewal of the licence.

You will need to sign the applicant's declaration on the application form to accept the terms and conditions listed on the form. The Terms and conditions may be found on the form, or can be reviewed form the following page.

Online terms and conditions

How to apply for your Permit

Step 1

Register for an account on the Councils Self Service Portal - verification should occur within one business day.

Please see the following guide for assistance on the registration process

How to Register on the Council Self Service Portal (PDF 265.9KB)

Step 2

Log into your account and apply for your permit

Please see the following guide to assist you:

How to Apply for an Additional period Skip Permit (PDF 554.3KB)

How to apply for a skip bin provider licence (PDF 482.7KB)

After you apply for you permit - Once Council receives your application, the required documents and payment(if applicable), your application will be processed.

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Page last updated: 13 Dec 2024