There are 18 permit parking areas in the former Marrickville Council area.
Each permit parking area has a specific area code shown on the street signs. People who live in eligible properties in the 18 areas can apply for a permit to park beyond the time limit shown on the signs.
A parking permit does not give any special rights outside of these signposted code areas, i.e. there is no exemption from 'No Parking' and 'No Stopping' areas, parking close to corners, double parking, or any other parking or traffic rules. Permit holders for a particular code area must also observe the signposted time limits or parking fees in other code areas.
Check the permit parking area maps below to see which properties are eligible for a parking permit.
If you're unable to view or use the clickable map below, you can skip to a text list of the parking permit areas here.

List of permit parking areas – former Marrickville Council area