Rainwater tanks

Inner West Council’s Rainwater Tank Incentive Scheme is available to all rate payers, and residents and businesses of rateable properties in the local government area. The Scheme includes:

  • one-off rebate payment per property
  • free workshop that is compulsory to be eligible for the rebate.

It is currently funded by Council's Stormwater Management Service Charge. (View Council's Operation Plan and Budget for details).

Sydney Water is currently offering free assessments for home owners to improve water use. Their WaterFix program offers a range of water saving items as well as advice on how to save water around the home.

Make an inquiry about Council’s rainwater tank rebate

How does the program work?

This one-off rebate is for the purchase of your rainwater tank. It is calculated by the volume of the tank(s) installed and how the water is used. Higher rebates are offered for larger tanks and those with internal plumbing to laundry, toilets and/or hot water*.

  • Standard rebate pays up to a maximum of $2,000
  • Low-income households—50% extra to the standard rebate up to $3,000 for applicants who hold a Commonwealth Health Care Card or a Pensioner Concession card
  • Multi-unit dwellings—an additional $500 for flats, units and apartments with the rebate based on the number of connections to a maximum of three (3), and amounting to a maximum of 20c per litre of tank size is paid to the body corporate for tanks installed on common property
Council rebate amounts and examples Council standard rebate Council low income rebate
Tank only 10c per litre 15c per litre
Example tank size: 2,000 litre tank Rebate $200 Rebate $300
Tank internally plumbed to 1 use—toilet(s) or laundry or hot water* 13c per litre 20c per litre
Example tank size: 2,500 litre tank Rebate $325 Rebate $500
Tank internally plumbed to 2 uses—toilet(s) and/or laundry and/or hot water* 18c per litre 27c per litre
Example tank size: 2,500 litre tank Rebate $450 Rebate $675
Tank internally plumbed to 3 uses—toilet(s) and laundry and hot water* 20c per litre 30c per litre
Example tank size: 10,000 litre tank Rebate $2,000 Rebate $3,000
Tanks used in common areas of flats, units and apartments Additional $500 flat rate to body corporate

* Plumbing into hot water is not always suitable. Check with your plumber.

Am I eligible for the rebate?

To be eligible for a rebate, the rainwater tank (or tanks) must:

  • Be within the Inner West Council local government area;
  • Be purchased on or after 1 July 2016 (Council amalgamation date) , OR;
  • Be purchased in or after 2008 if you’re a former Marrickville Council resident;
  • Have a combined minimum capacity of 2000 litres;
  • Be installed for water collection and use on site*;
  • Be no larger than required;
  • Not be required as a condition of development consent, including BASIX;
  • Satisfy all relevant standards, building codes and Inner West Council requirements;
  • Be installed on a property that is rateable or on common property that forms part of a strata plan of rateable properties;
  • Remain installed and connected on the property for at least 5 years.

* If the tank is connected internally for use (e.g. toilet flushing, laundry, hot water), then these works must be completed by a licensed plumber and proof supplied to Inner West Council as required in the 'Application Form'. This includes installing new tanks to existing connections.

How do I apply for the rebate?

There are five steps involved in applying for the rebate:

1. Carefully read the information and terms and conditions in the following documents:

2. Attend a free Rainwater Harvesting Workshop / Webinar. 

3. Install your rainwater tank according to requirements in the terms and conditions.

4. Complete the rebate application form and submit below:

Submit rainwater tank rebate form

5. Council will review the application reply to arrange a tank inspection. If the inspection is successful you will be notified and will receive your rebate within 4 weeks.

When can I attend a workshop?

water tank 


Find out what's involved in designing and maintaining your own rainwater harvesting system! This free interactive workshop will give you all the information you need to set up your own rainwater tank, whether it be plumbed in to your house or simply installed for your garden.

Face to face rainwater harvesting workshops have currently been suspended as part of Council's Coronavirus response. Council is taking this action to protect community, staff and essential services. Find more information about Council's Coronavirus response here.

Council is running online rainwater harvesting webinars for Inner West Council residents.

The webinar dates for 2021 will be listed on Council's What's On page and promoted in Council's Environment and Sustainability e-news.

Registrations for workshops and webinars are through Eventbrite.

Make an inquiry about Council’s rainwater tank workshops

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Page last updated: 13 Sep 2021