Park access for works

What you need to consider

You need to get a permit before you start any work. A permit will not be issued until the application is reviewed by the appropriate Council officer and full payment has been made.

You will need to:


  • The applicant is to be the contractor carrying out the works or delivery.
  • ‘Park’ refers to any park or reserve under the care, control and management of Council.

As part of the application the council officer may contact you regarding this application.

Impacts on the parks

Your usage of the park will depend on the impact.

Small impact - includes:

  • Delivery of items to properties adjoining the park, excluding building equipment and materials

Note: Utilities investigations involving excavation, drilling or other works will be assessed as works

Medium impact - includes:

  • Delivery of Building equipment and materials to Properties adjoining the park;
  • Placing waste storage container(s); or
  • Placing portable toilet(s) in the park

Large impact - includes:

  • Temporary occupation of the park for building/development related activities;
  • Installing a temporary structure within the park e.g. scaffolding, construction fencing etc..;
  • Works or activities for public utilities within the park;
  • Installation of private services  e.g. sewer, stormwater, electricals within the park.

Questions you will need to answer during online lodgement

You will need to provide the following information in support of your application:

  • Name of park, street address and suburb
  • Details of related development approval, if applicable (i.e. Development Consent, Complying Development Certificate)
  • Duration of access
  • Details of the associated activity – including impact
  • Expiry date of public liability insurance cover
  • Applicant details

Application form

You can use our online self-service website to lodge the application.

Mandatory supporting documents

Please ensure you have the following documents ready before commencing your online application. These documents will need to be uploaded with the application during lodgement.

If the requested documents are not provided, the assessment of your application will be delayed and may be refused.

  • Application form – a signed copy of the application form.
  • Public Liability Insurance – required for every application (see details above)

Fees and charges

Fees and charges are payable during lodgement of the application. You may be requested to pay additional fees and charges during assessment of the application.

Description Charge
Inspection fee (non-refundable)

This covers inspections to be carried out by a Council Officer before access, during works and after works are completed


Restoration fee - Landscape and turf areas per square metre

The applicant is responsible for restoring the park grounds to good order.  If the applicant does not fix the damage, restoration fees will be charged and may be taken from the bond


Deposit for park gate access key (refundable) where approved

Council will provide access to gates for approved activities: however the issuing of a gate access key will be at Council's discretion. 

Note: a key will not be issued for any access of one day.



Bonds Charge

Small impact bond

Deliveries or to carry out investigations for utilities (refundable)

Note: Utilities investigations involving excavation, drilling or other works will be assessed as works (see above).


Medium impact bond

This applies to access for delivery to private property or placement of storage containers or toilets on park land associated with private construction works. The bond is refundable provide the park is in an acceptable condition on completion of the access.


Large impact bond

This applies to access for construction works on private property, use of park land associated with private construction works, or works on public utilities. The bond is refundable provide the park is in an acceptable condition on completion of the access.


View Council's current fees and charges

Summary of terms and conditions for park access


You will need to sign the applicant's declaration on the application form to accept the terms and conditions listed on the form. The Terms and conditions may be found on the form, or can be reviewed form the following page.

Online terms and conditions

How to apply for your permit

Once you've completed the application form and collected all mandatory supporting documents, you use our online self-service website to lodge the application.

Step 1:

Register for an account on the Councils Self Service Portal - verification should occur within one business day.

Please see the following guide for assistance on the registration process

How to Register on the Council Self Service Portal (PDF 265.9KB)

Step 2:

Log into your account and apply for your permit

Please see the following guide to assist you:

Go to online self-service

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Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024