WestConnex project updates

Media releases

More media releases on our archive page  

August 2020: Draft Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) for WestConnex Stage 3B (Rozelle Interchange)

The public exhibition closed on 6 September 2020.

You can read Council’s submission on the draft UDLP here (PDF 610.8KB).

Further information on the draft UDLP is available from the UDLP virtual community centre.

May 2020: Draft TfNSW plan for WestConnex-related road network changes at Haberfield, Ashfield and Leichhardt

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) placed the draft plan for WestConnex-related road network changes at Haberfield, Ashfield and Leichhardt on public exhibition until 24 May 2020.

Further information on the draft plan is available on the TfNSW project website.

Council lodged its Final submission for Draft TfNSW plan for WestConnex-related road network changes at Haberfield, Ashfield and Leichhardt (PDF 385.8KB) on 22 May 2020.

The Inner West Mayor wrote to potentially-affected residents on 29 May 2020 (PDF 205.2KB) confirming Council’s opposition to the proposed changes, seeking implementation of Council’s WestConnex Local Area Improvement Strategy and encouraging residents to make submissions. 

WestConnex Stage 3 Modification 3: Iron Cove ventilation underground 

The Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE) placed the above modification on public exhibition from 20 November to 18 December 2019. Documentation is available on the relevant page of DPIE’s major projects website. The modification is described as relocating ventilation facilities and other features (e.g. substation) of the Iron Cove Ventilation Facility (Motorway Operations Centre – MOC 4) below ground by providing an in-tunnel ventilation exhaust facility in a rock cavern.

Council lodged a submission on 18 December 2019, available here:

IWC Submission on WCX Stage 3 Mod 3 (PDF 260KB)

25 September 2019 Inner West Council Opposes the 'Overpass Mod'

Inner West Council has lodged an submission with the Department of Planning, Industry, & Environment (DPIE) opposing the latest proposed modification to the Rozelle Interchange road layout. This latest modification would add an overpass traffic lane, impeding previously-planned pedestrian and cycle ways. You can read Council's Submission responding to Rozelle Interchange Mod 2 here (PDF 494.7KB)

UPDATE 20 September 2019 - Rozelle Interchange Mod deadline extended by one week

The Rozelle Interchange Proponent and the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE) have announced that the deadline has been extended to September 25 for submissions on the latest Mod to the Rozelle Interchange.

The latest Mod (found on this page of DPIE's website) features a flyover bypass addition to the original Rozelle Interchange design at the intersection of The Crescent and City-West Link Road. Council will soon be lodging a submission to respond to the latest mod (the issues to be addressed include the items in this draft guide (PDF 236.3KB) - Disclaimer; this is a draft guide, not an official document).

If you wish to make a submission about this mod, please visit the DPIE webpage for the mod and click 'Make a Submission" in the upper-right corner of the page. 

Weekly Updates 

WestConnex Project Update Report 3 July 2019 (PDF 34.3KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Extraordinary Community Reference Group (CRG) on M4 East operational matters

Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) convened this extraordinary meeting on 25 June 2019 to ensure stakeholders were briefed on M4 East opening and operational matters.  The M4 East contactor gave a presentation on the community open day for the project and progress toward completion of the project.  Although it is expected that the project will open to traffic in July 2019, no date has been given as it cannot be known precisely at this stage when the project will be fully completed.  The briefing included progress of completion of landscaping of the Haberfield Gardens and other residual lands.  RMS staff gave a presentation on final pedestrian crossing treatments around the portals.  RMS also presented on the forthcoming Road Network Performance Review Plan (i.e. 12-montly and five-yearly operational traffic reviews) that will be undertaken in accordance with M4 East Condition of Approval (CoA) E36.  CRG meeting notes are posted on the WestConnex CRG website.

Construction Updates – Haberfield and Ashfield

The Stage 1 contractor has issued an update each for Haberfield and Ashfield regarding works in these respective suburbs. For further information, see Notification N401a and Notification N402a on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical Investigations – Alt Street, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Alt Street, Haberfield, commencing 3 July 2019. These works are expected to take up to two weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT097 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Annandale Street, Annandale

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Annandale Street, Annandale, commencing 3 July 2019. These works are expected to take up to two weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT100 on Local Updates.

Project interface meeting

Council and Stage 3A contractor staff recently met at a monthly interface meeting.  Items discussed included: a general update of construction activities; final geotechnical survey works; footway widths next to the Haberfield G-loop site; high-voltage installation works at Pyrmont Bridge Road (PBR) and Haberfield construction sites; a recent dust complaint at PBR site; identification of property owners of tenanted properties for property condition surveys; and a general update on property condition surveys.  In relation to the final item, contractor reported that there was an estimated total of 4,500 to 5,000 properties that would be eligible for property condition surveys provided by the contractor. At this stage 2,600 property owners have been offered surveys and 1,300 have taken up the offer (around 50% uptake). Around 600 survey reports have been completed and issued.

Construction of Campbell Road ventilation facility (piling works) – St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has given a general notice that, from July 2019 through to mid-2020 piling works will be undertaken to install the foundations for the Campbell Street ventilation facility. Works will run from 7AM to 6AM weekdays and 8AM to 1Pm Saturdays. For more information see Notification MT120 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – Rozelle Interchange

Project interface meeting

Council and Stage 3B contractor staff recently met at a monthly interface meeting.  Items discussed included: lighting assets along pathways and roadways, harmonisation between WestConnex’s future Residual Land plans and Council’s Recreation and Needs study, site establishment works, geotechnical investigation surveys, plans for property condition reports, resident parking schema, and general updates.


Staff meeting to discuss Council’s WestConnex Local Area Traffic Improvement Strategy (LAIS)

Council and RMS staff recently met to discuss how Council’s LAIS might interact and complement RMS’s 12 Road Network Performance Review Plans that are required to be undertaken for each stage of WestConnex.  Council had previously written to RMS seeking funding for completion of traffic-calming works identified in the LAIS.  Whilst funding has not been committed, RMS staff have signalled a commitment to working with Council to assess local operational traffic impacts.

Council’s draft Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) on public exhibition

The ITS is on public exhibition until 28 July 2019.  It is part of Council’s development of its Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS), which will help guide the development of Council’s new comprehensive Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).  To view the ITS, lodge comments and view dates for drop-in consultation sessions, go to Council’s Integrated Transport Strategy page.

Concept design for Sydney Gateway project

Sydney Gateway is a proposed motorway connection from Sydney Airport’s domestic and international terminals to the WestConnex St Peters Interchange.  A concept design for the project was publicly exhibited from 27 May to 21 June 2019 and Council made a submission.  Further information is available on the RMS' Sydney Gateway website for this project. 

WestConnex Project Update Report 14 June 2019 (PDF 31.1KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Media article; toll-free month may be cancelled over congestion fears

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) has published an article on the rumoured cancellation of the “toll-free holiday” that was initially planned to celebrate the opening of the full M4 East motorway and tunnel. The article notes that officials are now concerned that the month-long toll-free period would induce massive volumes of traffic and congestion on the motorway.  The article, “Toll-free holiday in doubt for new M4 East due to congestion concerns” by Matt O’Sullivan, can be viewed on the SMH's website (this article updated June 7th).

Mention in the Inner West Courier; WestConnex Open Day

The Inner West Courier has published an announcement covering the WestConnex M4 East’s Open Day for this coming Sunday, 16 June. The Open Day will feature bus tours of the tunnel (reportedly already sold-out) as well as food.  The announcement can be viewed on can be viewed on page 31 of the Inner West Courier's 11 June edition.

Update on document availability - Notice N400

Last week’s notice on day and night works along Parramatta Road, Wattle Street, and Ramsay Street, Notification N400, is now available on Local Updates.

Update on document availability - Notice N399

Last week’s notice on emergency smoke extraction testing at Parramatta Road Ventilation Facility, Notification N399, is now available on Local Updates.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Night work on Unwins Bridge Road and Bedwin Road – St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has given notice that there will be night works the evening of June 17th to locate, decommission and upgrade water services. The night works will run from 7PM to 5AM. For more information see Notification N710 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical Investigations – Rawson Street, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along James Street, Leichhardt, commencing 18 June 2019. These works are expected to take up to two weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT098 on Local Updates.

Tunnelling Update – Wattle Street site, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued an update about the tunnelling works stemming from its Wattle Street site in Haberfield. For further information, see Notification MT107 on Local Updates.

Utilities Night work – Ashfield

The Stage 3A contractor has given notice that, from June 18th through to July 8th, works will commence throughout Ashfield to connect a high-voltage power supply to the Northcote Street tunnel and civil site. Night works will run from 7PM to 5AM on three nights each week (maximum of two nights consecutively). These works include trenching along select roads, controlling motor and pedestrian traffic, and installing power conduits. For more information see Notification MT091 on Local Updates

WestConnex Project Update Report 07 June 2019 (PDF 36.6KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Operational Noise and Vibration Review + Operational Noise Management Plan posted

The Stage 1 contractor has posted both the Operational Noise and Vibration Review and the Operation Noise Management Plan (ONMP), prepared on their behalf by Renzo Tonin & Associates (NSW) Pty Ltd. The Operational Noise and Vibration Review evaluates the noise and vibration levels expected to occur during the day-to-day running of the M4 East motorway and tunnels – as well as the steps taken to mitigate this noise. Related to this, the ONMP details the legal obligations and procedures built in to the day-to-day operations of the M4 East/M4 Motorway to manage the noise generated. These documents can be found on Local Updates.

Day and Night works – Parramatta Rd, Wattle St, and Ramsay St Haberfield | Ashfield

The Stage 1 contractor has given notice that, from June 9th through to June 14th, works will continue at along Parramatta Road, Wattle Street, and Ramsay Street. Day works will occur from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 1PM Saturday; night works will run from 6PM to 5AM Monday through Sunday. These works include roadworks, footpath works and landscaping works. This notice, Notification N400 (PDF 287.9KB), will soon be available on Local Updates.

Emergency smoke extraction testing - Parramatta Road Ventilation Facility, Haberfield

The Stage 1 contractor has given notice that the will be conducting tests of the emergency smoke extraction procedure and equipment at the Parramatta Road Ventilation Facility on Wattle Street and Parramatta Road. These tests will take place Saturday, 15th June and Saturday, 22nd June between 6PM and 5PM each evening. This notice, Notification N399 (PDF 299.8KB), will soon be available on Local Updates.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Day and night work for installation of gas monitoring wells – St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has issued a notice for day and night works to be undertaken along Princes Highway and connecting streets in St Peters from 7PM June 11th to 7AM June 13th, and 7AM to 6PM June 17th through to 21st June. The work will involve boring and installing monitors at various locations; traffic will be maintained along these streets under the guidance of traffic control during these times. For further information, see Notification N705 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical Investigations – James Street, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along James Street, Leichhardt, commencing 12 June 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT099 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – Rozelle Interchange

Power supply connection works – Leichhardt, Lilyfield, and Rozelle

Further to last week’s reported May 27th Roads Act Letter, the Stage 3B contractor has issued a notice confirming its proposed power supply works along the streets in Leichhardt, Lilyfield, and Rozelle. These works include setting trenching along multiple streets to allow the installation of a high-voltage power supply for the Rozelle Rail Yards construction site, commencing 5th June and lasting until 30thDecember 2019. Most work will take place weekdays 7AM to 6PM and Saturdays 8AM to 6PM, but some night works will be required (and notified for as scheduled). For further information, see Notification N0014 on Local Updates.

Site establishment work – Victoria Road near Iron Cove, Rozelle

The Stage 3B contractor has issued an update about the construction works to establish its work site along Victoria Road near the Iron Cove Bridge in Rozelle. The work will commence “in the coming weeks” and is expected to last up to six months – work hours being 7AM through to 6PM weekdays, and 8AM through to 6PM on Saturdays; out-of-hours work have not been specified at this time. For further information, see Notification N0012 on Local Updates.

Site establishment work – Rozelle Rail Yards (RRY) and Victoria Road, Rozelle

The Stage 3B contractor has issued an update about the construction works to establish its work site in the Rozelle Rail Yards (RRY) and along Victoria Road in Rozelle. The work will commence “in the coming weeks” and is expected to last up to six months – work hours being 7AM through to 6PM weekdays, and 8AM through to 6PM on Saturdays; out-of-hours work have not been specified at this time. For further information, see Notification N0013 on Local Updates.


Article on WestConnex’s substrata acquisitions, property damage, compensation

The Inner West Courier has published an article covering residents’ challenge to RMS and WestConnex making substrata acquisitions without compensating landowners. The article also returns to the topics of residents’ struggle to gain compensation for property damage suspected to be linked to WestConnex construction, and the satellite imagery from startup company Otus Intelligence Group measuring ground subsidence in the vicinity of this construction.  The article, “WestConnex issues go deep” by Heath Parkes-Hupton can be viewed in the Inner West Courier's 4 June edition.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 31 May 2019 (PDF 31.2KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

No updates at this time.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Road closure and night works – Hutchinson Street, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has issued a notice for night works to be undertaken at the Campbell Street-end of Hutchinson Street in St Peters from 7PM June 6th to 5AM June 7th. The work will involve sign installation and barrier installation. Following this night, the end of Hutchinson Street (where it meets Campbell Street) will be closed for approximately eight weeks. For further information, see Notification N676 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Notification under the Roads Act – Canal Road, Leichhardt/Lilyfield

The RMS has issued a notice asserting its authority under the Roads Act of 1993 to allow the Stage 3A contractor to progress works on Canal Road in Leichhardt/Lilyfield. The works include setting up an monitoring stations on and along Canal Road, commencing 4th June and lasting until 3rd July 2019. For further information, see the May 28th Roads Act Notice Letter on Council’s Stage 3A Page.

Notification under the Roads Act – Mallet Street, Annandale

The RMS has issued a notice asserting its authority under the Roads Act of 1993 to allow the Stage 3A contractor to progress works on Mallet Street in Annandale. The works include setting trenching along Mallet Street to allow the installation of a high-voltage power supply, commencing 31st May and lasting until 30th August 2019. For further information, see the May 24th Roads Act Notice Letter on Council’s Stage 3A Page.

Trenching works – Pyrmont Bridge Road site, Annandale

As prefaced in the May 24th Roads Act Notice Letter, the Stage 3A contractor has issued an updated schedule for trenching works to be undertaken at the Pyrmont Bridge Road site along Mallet Street in Annandale to install a new high-voltage power supply. This work, starting 3rd June and running for one month, will occur weekdays between 7AM and 6PM, and Saturdays from 8AM to 6PM. For further information, see Notification MT076A on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – Rozelle Interchange

Notification under the Roads Act – Leichhardt, Lilyfield, and Rozelle

The RMS has issued a notice asserting its authority under the Roads Act of 1993 to allow the Stage 3B contractor to progress works along the streets in Leichhardt, Lilyfield, and Rozelle. The works include setting trenching along multiple streets to allow the installation of a high-voltage power supply for the Rozelle Rail Yards construction site, commencing 3rd June and lasting until 30th December 2019. For further information, see the May 27th Roads Act Notice Letter and map, Attachement A of the May 27th Roads Act Notice Letter on Council’s Stage 3B Page.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 27 May 2019 (PDF 37.2KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Air Quality Community Consultative Committee (AQCCC) minutes published

As mentioned in the previous update, the Air Quality Community Consultative Committee (AQCCC) covering Stage 1 (M4 East) met in late April; the minutes of the M4 East AQCCC April session are now available on Local Updates.

Operation Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) posted

The Stage 1 contractor has posted the Operation Environmental Management Plan (CEMP).The OEMP which details the legal obligations and procedures built in to the day-to-day operations of the M4 East/M4 Motorway.  The document can be found on Local Updates.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Night works – Albert Street, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has issued a notice for night works to be undertaken along Albert Street in St Peters from 7PM May 30th to 5AM May 31st. The work will involve laying power conduits underground. For further information, see Notification N698 on Local Updates.

Extended evening hours for piling work – Gardners Road, Alexandria

The Stage 2 contractor has announced that it will be shifting the hours during which piling occurs for the benefit of businesses operating in the St Peters and Alexandria area. Beginning May 27th piling works will from 3PM to 10PM Monday through Friday. For more information, see Notification N695 at Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Night works – Water main connection – Pyrmont Bridge Road site, Annandale

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for night works to be undertaken at the Pyrmont Bridge Road site in Annandale on the 29th of May to install a new connection for a water main. This work will occur between 8PM and 6AM to minimise their impact on traffic on the roads. For further information, see Notification MT096 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Richard Murden Reserve, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Crown Street, St Peters, commencing 30 May 2019. These works are expected to take up to four weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT035A (mis-labelled MT035B on the notice) on Local Updates.

Tunnelling update – Pyrmont Bridge Road tunnelling site, Annandale

The Stage 3A contractor has issued an update about the tunnelling works stemming from the work site along Pyrmont Bridge Road (PBR) in Annandale. For further information, see the Notification MT105 on Local Updates.

Tunnelling update – Northcote Street site, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued an update about the tunnelling works stemming from the work site along Northcote Street in Haberfield. For further information, see the Notification MT085 on Local Updates.

Tunnelling update – Campbell Road, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has issued an update about the tunnelling works stemming from the work site along Campbell Road in St Peters. For further information, see the Notification MT106 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – Rozelle Interchange

Geotechnical Investigations – Annandale and Lilyfield

The Stage 3B contractor has issued a notice for investigative geotechnical survey works to be undertaken all throughout Annandale and Lilyfield, commencing 27th May and lasting until 21st June 2019. Works will be conducted from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 6PM on Saturdays; there also be Night works every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday during these weeks, which will run from 8PM the night-of until 5AM the following morning. For further information and more-precise locations, see Notification N0008 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Rozelle

The Stage 3B contractor has issued a notice for investigative geotechnical survey works to be undertaken throughout Rozelle, commencing 28th May and lasting until 21st June 2019. Works will be conducted from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 6PM on Saturdays; there also be Night works every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday during these weeks, which will run from 8PM the night-of until 5AM the following morning. For further information and more-precise locations, see Notification N0009 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Victoria Road near the Iron Cove Bridge, Rozelle

The Stage 3B contractor has issued a notice for investigative geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Victoria Road, Rozelle commencing 27th May and lasting until 21st June 2019. Works will be conducted from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 6PM on Saturdays; there also be Night works every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during these weeks, which will run from 8PM the night-of until 5AM the following morning. For further information and more-precise locations, see Notification N0010 on Local Updates. 


WestConnex Weekly Update Report 7 May 2019 (PDF 35.2KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Air quality monitoring audit published

As mentioned in the previous update, the Stage 1 contractor’s air quality monitoring processes and data have been audited by an independent air quality auditor, Air Noise Environment. The results of the audit, which has been released on Local Updates, confirms that the contractor has aided by the air quality conditions as set by Condition E8 of the Stage’s Instrument of Approval. The full document, “Independent Verification: Approval Condition 8,” is available on Local Updates.

Road Resurfacing – Martin Street, Haberfield

The Stage 1 contractor has given notice that, from 8 May through to 17 May, works will commence to resurface Martin Street. These works will occur from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 1PM Saturdays. For more information, see Notification N397 (mislabelled N390f on the notice itself) at Local Updates.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Re-opening – Barwon Park Road at Campbell Street, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has announced that it will be re-opening access to Barwon Park road at its intersection with Campbell Street. The opening will commence 13th May – it will feature one-way traffic onto the road from the intersection itself, but access along the road will be two-way. For more information, see Notification N685 at Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Night works – Oversized equipment delivery – Pyrmont Bridge Road site, Annandale

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for night works to be undertaken at the Pyrmont Bridge Road site in Annandale on the 14th and the 20th of May. These deliveries of oversized equipment are occurring between 12AM and 6AM to minimise their impact on traffic on the roads (due to the size of the pieces being delivered). For further information, see Notification MT094 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Canal Road, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Crown Street, St Peters, commencing 15 May 2019. These works are expected to take up to eight weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT044A on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Camdenville Oval, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Crown Street, St Peters, commencing 16 May 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT024A on Local Updates.

Night works – G-loop on Dobroyd Parade, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for night works to be undertaken on and along Dobroyd Parade to reinstate the G-loop, a driving and traffic area that will allow spoil-haulage trucks to turn around and access their driving routes. These works are occurring on the nights of May 16th and 17th, between 10PM and 5AM to minimise their impact on traffic on the adjacent major road. For further information, see Notification MT089 on Local Updates.

Construction progress update – Pyrmont Bridge Road tunnelling site, Annandale

The Stage 3A contractor has issued an update about the construction works to establish its tunnelling site along Pyrmont Bridge Road (PBR) in Annandale. For further information, see the PBR site construction update on Local Updates.


Media article canvasses candidate’s positions on WestConnex

The Inner West Courier has published a brief Q&A for candidates in the upcoming election, including their take on the WestConnex Project and the proposed Western Harbour Tunnel.  The Q&A piece, “Where Grayndler candidates stand on local issues,” can be viewed in the Inner West Courier's 7 May edition.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 7 May 2019 (PDF 53.2KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Air Quality Community Consultative Committee (AQCCC)

Council staff recently attended a meeting of this committee, which includes representatives from the project contractor, the contractor’s air quality consultants, relevant State agencies, relevant councils and community members.  Items discussed included: a project update (from the project director); ongoing air quality monitoring and readings (from the contractor); data validation process (from the independent air quality auditor Air Noise Environment); complaints received on air quality issues (from the contractor); and air quality results for Haberfield Primary School (from the principal air quality consultant Ecotech).  Most of the discussion was on the last item, which included an explanation of why there had been some anomalous readings from this monitoring station, and how these readings will be presented on the website.  Further information on Stage 1 AQCCCs, including air quality reports and AQCCC meeting minutes, is available on the project website.

Day and Night works – Wattle Street Interchange, Haberfield

The Stage 1 contractor has given notice that, from 8 May through to 9 June, works will continue along Wattle Street near its intersection with Parramatta Road. Day works will occur from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 1PM Saturdays; night works will run from 6PM to 8AM Mondays through Sundays as required. These works roadworks, footpath works and landscaping works. For more information, see Notification N385g (mislabelled as “N390g” on the notice) at Local Updates.

Day and Night works – Parramatta Road Construction update, Haberfield | Ashfield

The Stage 1 contractor has given notice that, from 8 May through to 8 June, works will continue at and along the Parramatta Road Civil Sites. Day works will occur from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 1PM Saturdays; night works will run from 6PP to 8AM Mondays through Sundays as required. These works roadworks, footpath works and landscaping works. For more information, see Notification N390f at Local Updates.

Media article on M4 East’s plans for land block

The Inner West Courier has published an article covering Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes possible decision on how WestConnex will deal with land along Underwood Road which is no longer required for the M4 East Project.  The article, “Push for WestConnex land block” by Steve Deare can be viewed in the Inner West Courier's 30 April City edition.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Night works – Princes Highway, May Street, and Unwins Bridge Road, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has announced two nights of night works this coming Wednesday and Thursday 8 & 9 May from 7pm to 5am the following morning. These works are being done to remove old infrastructure and to upgrade utility services and concrete barriers. For more information, see Notification N681 at Local Updates. 

Air Quality Community Consultative Committee (AQCCC)

Council staff recently attended a meeting of this committee, which includes representatives from the project contractor, the contractor’s air quality consultants, relevant State agencies, relevant councils and community members. Items included: a welcome to new community representatives; a project overview and update (from the contractor); confirmation of commissioning of the Stage 2 air quality monitoring stations and recap of locations agreed by the committee (from the contractor’s air quality consultant); a review of the first three months of pre-operational ambient air quality data, i.e. January, February and March 2019; (from the contractor’s air quality consultant); and the outcome of review of AQCCC membership (from the committee chair).  Further information on the Stage 1 AQCCC, including air quality reports and AQCCC meeting minutes, is available on the project website.

Walk/cycle routes around Camdenville Basin, St Peters

Council staff recent met with staff from the contractor and RMS to discuss detailed designs for walk/cycle routes around Camdenville Basin, within Camdenville Park at St Peters. This was to ensure there is an agreed design that can be constructed by the Stage 2 contractor before works in this area are concluded at the end of 2019, with some works to be constructed after that time by Council, or a contractor commissioned by Council. The design will need to account for a TransGrid power transmission cable upgrade planned to be undertaken in this area in 2020 or 2021. 

STAGE 3A – M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical Investigations – Cardigan Street, Camperdown

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Cardigan Street, Camperdown, commencing 8 May 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 1PM on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT065B on Local Updates.

Tunnelling – Campbell Road, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has published an info sheet about the start of tunnelling operations at its Campbell Road site in St Peters. Tunnelling is expected to begin later this month. For further information, see Notification MT087 on Local Updates.

Tunnelling progress update – Wattle Street tunnel and civil site, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued an update about the tunnelling operations at its Wattle Street site in Haberfield. Tunnelling has progressed roughly 20 meters thus far. For further information, see Notification MT086 on Local Updates.

Trenching works - Pyrmont Bridge Road, Camperdown

The Stage 3A contractor has announced trenching and water utilities works starting 9th May and lasting approximately two weeks. These works will happen along and across Pyrmont Bridge Road where it borders the Civil site; hours of work are 8AM to 4PM weekdays and 7AM to 5PM Saturdays. During this time, traffic along Pyrmont Bridge Road will be directed ‘contra-flow’ and some lanes will be shut – it is recommended you avoid this area during works. For further information, see Notification MT088 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – Rozelle Interchange

In recent weeks, RMS has notified Council of its intention to use the NSW Roads Act 1993 to occupy public roads for Stage 3B construction activities. These include:

These notices have been posted on Council’s website at our page outlining The Rozelle Interchange (Stage 3B).

Tunnelling Factsheet

Stage 3B has released a Tunnelling Factsheet which covers the process to be used for tunnelling the Rozelle Interchange routes. It can be found on Local Updates.

Property Condition Survey Factsheet

Stage 3B has released a Property Condition Survey Factsheet which covers the process for eligible residents to obtain a Property Condition Survey (also known as a Dilapidation Report) of their premises. These surveys may be used to highlight any changes to premises that are located along the tunnelling route of the Rozelle Interchange. It can be found on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations, Night Works – City West Link and The Crescent, Lilyfield

The Stage 3B contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical and survey works to be undertaken along City West Link and The Crescent in Lilyfield, commencing 29 April and running until 23 May 2019. These works will be conducted from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 1PM on Saturdays. There will also be night works on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays during this period from 8PM to 5AM. For further information, see Notification N0003 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations, Night Works – The Crescent & James Craig Rd, Rozelle

The Stage 3B contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical and survey works to be undertaken along Victoria Road, James Craig Road, and The Crescent in Rozelle, commencing 29 April and running until 24 May 2019. These works will be conducted from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 1PM on Saturdays. There will also be night works on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during this period from 8PM to 5AM. For further information, see Notification N0004 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations, Night Works – Victoria Road, Rozelle

The Stage 3B contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical and survey works to be undertaken along Victoria Road in Rozelle, commencing 29 April and running until 24 May 2019. These works will be conducted from 7AM to 6PM weekdays and 8AM to 1PM on Saturdays. There will also be night works on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during this period from 8PM to 5AM. For further information, see Notification N0005 on Local Updates.


WestConnex Community Liaison Forum (WCLF)

Council’s WCLF met on Thursday 2 May 2019 to discuss WestConnex issues raised by members on behalf of the community. As is usual, the meeting included community members, Council staff and staff from the Department of Planning & Environment (DP&E) and Environment Protection Authority (EPA). Issues discussed included: the possible role of satellite imagery in ground-settling assessments, condition of footpaths in St Peters, particularly around Campbell Street, air quality data anomalies for the Haberfield Primary School monitoring station, the proposed Ashfield Woolworths development, bus stops affected by the project along Parramatta Road at Haberfield-Ashfield and progress on installing transit lanes on Parramatta Road. Council is currently encouraging interested members of the community to join WCLF and attend meetings – anyone interested can e-mail Council on westconnex@innerwest.nsw.gov.au. WCLF meeting minutes are available on Council’s website.

Media article on WestConnex spoilage trucks to use new M4 East as route

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) has published an article the WestConnex Project’s planned use of the first stage’s (M4 East’s) motorway to serve as a route for trucks building the third stage, M4-M5 Link Tunnels. The article, “Trucks expected to boost traffic on first stage of WestConnex” by Matt O’Sullivan also mentions how the current majority owner of the toll road, Transurban, is placed to purchase the remaining 49% stake in the motorway.  The article is available to subscribers at SMH’s website


WestConnex Weekly Update Report 26 April 2019 (PDF 37.1KB) 

STAGE 1 - M4 East
Ambient air quality monitoring report for March released

Ecotech Pty Ltd (part of the ACOEM Group) has been hired by the Stage 1contractor to monitor, analyse, and report air quality based on monitoring data from the six ambient air quality monitoring stations along the Stage 1 route, i.e. Allen Street(Homebush), Powells Creek (Concord), St Luke’s Park (Concord), Concord Oval, Ramsay Street (Haberfield) and Haberfield Public School. Ecotech has just released its Ambient Air Quality and Weather Monitoring Report for March (available at Local Updates). The data presented in this report describes air quality measurements used and compares monitoring results; it also describes methodology used in detail.

Op-ed questioning M4 East’s implementation

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) has published an Op-Ed piece reviewing and criticising the WestConnex Project’s failure to implement the M4 East corridor as originally proposed. The piece, “The M4 East: so much pain and public expense and for what?” by Dr Christopher Standen casts a critical eye on WestConnex’s failure to narrow Parramatta Road and divert traffic into the tunnel network as described by the Project when it was proposed. The piece, which goes into further detail and shortcomings, is available to subscribers at SMH’s website.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Night works – Princes Highway, May Street, and King Street, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has announced one night of night works this coming Monday, 29 April from 7PM to 5AM the following morning. These works are being done to remove old infrastructure and to install new conduits for Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) and Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) used by the new network. The work will involve disabling the stoplight at the intersection of Princes Highway/King Street and May Street, lane closures, vehicle and pedestrian traffic control by personnel, digging/trenching with concrete saws, etc. For more information, see Notification N675 at Local Updates.

Night works – Princes Highway, Crown Street, and Campbell Street, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has announced three nights of night works this coming Tuesday, 30 April through to Thursday, 2 May, from 7PM to 5AM each evening. These works are being done to install and/or upgrade utility services (cabling and conduits). The work will involve lane closures, and pedestrian traffic control by personnel, as well as digging/trenching with concrete saws, etc. For more information, see Notification N673 at Local Updates.

STAGE 3A - M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical Investigations – Crown Street, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Crown Street, St Peters, commencing 1 May 2019. These works are expected to take up to two weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT012A on Local Updates.

General progress update newsletter for Haberfield and Ashfield

The Stage 3A contractor has published a newsletter summarising the Project’s progress over the last few months, and the expected changes over the next quarter. The M4-M5 Link April Newsletter can be found on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – Rozelle Interchange

Media article on pedestrian bridge to park being pushed-aside for more motorway

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) has published an article the WestConnex Project’s continued problems complying with its planning conditions. The article, “WestConnex first proposes to replace a park with a bike path, then a freeway” by Jacob Saulwick (titled “WestConnex green link bridge ditched in favour of motorway” in the 20 April print edition) describes how the pedestrian and cycleway bridge (including greenspace) required in the planning of the WestConnex Rozelle Interchange is being moved in favour of additional roadway for another proposed road and tunnel project, the Western Harbour Tunnel. The planned bridge was designed to allow pedestrians to access the greenspace that is supposed to be provided at the site of the former Rozelle Railyards (once construction is finished). The article is available to subscribers at SMH’s website.


Media article on Council’s CEO seeking satellites’ measurements

The Inner West Courier has published an article covering Michael Deegan’s request for the release of satellite imagery measuring ground subsidence in a vast swath along the WestConnex Project’s route. Mr. Deegan, the Inner West Council’s CEO, has written to the RMS requesting it obtain the imagery from startup company Otus Intelligence Group and make the measurements freely available to potentially-affected residents of the inner west.  The article, “CEO backs satellite data” by Kate Christian can be viewed in the Inner West Courier's 23 April City edition (please note, this article does not appear in the inner-west circulation edition).

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 18 April 2019 (PDF 28.8KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Media articles on M4 East delays

7 News has published an article covering the flagging schedule for completion of the M4 East part of the WestConnex Project. The article, “WestConnex M4 East tunnels five months behind schedule” by Sarah Wiedersehn can be viewed on 7 News’ website.

Additional media articles on unfulfilled conditions of M4 East construction

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) has published an op-ed on the impact of WestConnex failing to fulfil its obligations under its Instrument of Approval, as well as an article on the Project’s lack of proper cycleway planning (including dangerous crossings). The article, “’Stuff the bike riders’: WestConnex downgrades bike path to part-time” by Jacob Saulwick and “Broken promise on WestConnex undermines trust in planning“ by Editor Lisa Davies can be viewed exclusively on the SMH's website.

STAGE 3 - M4-M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical Investigations – Dickson Street, Newtown

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Dickson Street, Newtown, commencing 24 April 2019. These works are expected to take up to two weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT084 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – Rozelle Interchange

Consultation with Stage 3B staff

This week Inner West Council officers met with WestConnex Stage 3B staff to discuss advancing guidelines and strategies for noise/vibration monitoring and mitigation, as well as air quality monitoring. More bulletins as developments warrant.


Interface meeting with Department of Planning and the Environment

This week Council has held its monthly Interface meeting with the Department of Planning and Environment (DP&I). Topics of discussion included community construction issues related to all threestages, Council input on various sub-plans that make up the Stage 3BConstruction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and continued NSW Governmentoversight of WestConnex construction.


WestConnex Weekly Update Report 12 April 2019 (PDF 29.6KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Environmental Protection Licence Monitoring Data (Water Discharge), March 2019

M4 East has released a spreadsheet of its monitoring data for water discharge associated with the project over March 2019. The March Water Discharge reportcan be found on Local Updates.

Media article on unfulfilled condition of M4 East construction

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) has published an article covering the failure of WestConnex to provide two dedicated public transport lanes along the Burwood-to-Haberfield stretch of the M4 East, despite public transport being explicitly required under item B34 of the stage’s Instrument of Approval. The article, “’Clearly in breach;’ WestConnex public transport conditions not met” by Jacob Saulwick, can be viewed exclusively on the SMH's website.

STAGE 3B – Rozelle Interchange

WestConnex Community Reference Group 2 Minutes posted

The minutes of the March meeting of WestConnex Community Reference Group 2 (WCRG2) have been posted. WCRG2 covers suburbs that are directly affected by Stage3B (the Rozelle Interchange). WCRG2’s March meeting minutes are now on Local Updates. 

Additional Acquisition under the Roads Act – Victoria Road

RMS has written Council to formally assert jurisdiction over another segment of Victoria Road under the authority of the Roads Act. The segment runs from the South end of the Iron Cove bridge to Victoria Road’s intersection with Wellington Street in Rozelle. The letter and accompanying schedules and map can be found here (PDF 941.9KB).


Media article on Inner West Council Seeking Satellite Imagery

Following from the Inner West Courier article on satellite imagery mentioned in our March 29th update, The Australian Financial Review (AFR) has published an article covering Inner West council’s request for satellite data recording ground subsidence in the wake of WestConnex tunnelling. The article notes how Council has written to RMS, insisting that it obtain this data and release it to all potentially-affected persons. The article, “Contractors face more risk on WestConnex as councils push for data” by Jenny Wiggins, can be viewed (with subscription) on the AFR's website.

Updated Website

As you may have noted, Council’s WestConnex webpages have been re-designed! The new format has been devised for easier reading-per-page, and easier locating of topics and subjects of interest. Special thanks to Jessica, Stephen, Maree and Brian for their efforts.

Short Notice Update Coverage 10 April 2019   (PDF 28.1KB)

STAGE 2 – New M5

Weekend and Night Work – Campbell Street, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has announced that they will be installing and connecting drainage utilities and a water main along Campbell Street. The works will take place on April 13th and 14th from 8AM to 6PM, and April 17th from 7PM to 5AM. For more details see Notification N668 on Local Updates.

Extension of road closure on Barwon Park Road – St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has noted that the current road closure of Barwon Park Road where it intersects with Campbell Street will be extended until June 2019. The reason for this extension is delay in the expected works due to unforeseen underground utilities and significant wet weather over the last few weeks. For further details, please see Notification N665 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical Investigations – Richard Murden Reserve, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken in Richard Murden Reserve, Haberfield, commencing 15 April 2019. These works are expected to take up to two weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT035A on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Simpson Park, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken in Simpson Park, St Peters, commencing 15 April 2019. These works are expected to take up to two weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT040A on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Derbyshire Road, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Derbyshire Road, Leichhardt, commencing 15 April 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT080 on Local Updates.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 5 April 2019 (PDF 28.2KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Construction update, Haberfield

The M4 East contractor has advised of works around the Wattle Street civil site and the Parramatta Rod Ventilation site. For the April to May block, hours of work will be from 7am to 6pm weekdays, 8am to 1pm Saturdays, and 9pm to 5am Sunday to Friday evenings. Installations will include landscaping and road paintings, and removals of scaffoldings and temporary barriers will continue in their wake. For further details, see Notice 385f on Local Updates.

Construction update – Parramatta Road Interchange, Ashfield and Haberfield

The M4 East contractor has advised that works around the Parramatta Road civil site are coming to a close. From April 7 to May 7, hours of work will be from 7am to 6pm weekdays, 8am to 1pm Saturdays, and 6pm to 5am Sunday to Friday evenings. The rectification works will focus on footpath restoration, landscaping, and removing temporary barriers. For further details, see Notice 390e on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical Investigations – Walenore Avenue, Newtown

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Walenore Avenue, Newtown, commencing 8 April 2019. These works are expected to take up to two weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT081 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Fitzroy Lane, Newtown

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Fitzroy Lane, Newtown, commencing 8 April 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT079 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Falls Street, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Falls Street, Leichhardt, commencing 11 April 2019. These works are expected to take up to two weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT082 on Local Updates.


Short Notice Update Coverage 02 April 2019 (PDF 22.7KB)

STAGE 2 - New M5

Night Work – Unwins Bridge Rd, Brown St, Florence St, and Hutchinson St, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has announced that they will bedisconnecting shifting, and reconnecting power utilities near whereUnwins Bridge Road, Brown Street, Florence Street, and Hutchinson Streetmeet Campbell Street. The works will take place on April 5thfrom 7PM to 5AM the following morning; during this time, the South endof Hutchinson Street will be closed, and the other affectedintersections will have slowed, controlled traffic. For more details seeNotification N663 on Local Updates.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 29 March 2019 (PDF 48.5KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Heritage Interpretation Plan posted

AMBS Ecology and Heritage, on behalf of the construction contractor, has published a Stage 1 Heritage Interpretation Plan. This plan, as mandated by conditions of approval for Stage 1, has been drafted to “identifyand interpret the key heritage values and stories of heritage items andheritage conservation areas impacted by the SSI.” The Heritage Interpretation Plan can be found on Local Updates.

Excavation Report released

AMBS Ecology and Heritage, on behalf of the Stage 1 constructioncontractor, has released its summary and findings of archaeologicalinvestigations carried out during the construction phase of Stage 1. Thedocument has been released in two volumes, Excavation Report: Historical Archaeological Investigations - Volume 1 and Excavation Report: Historical Archaeological Investigations - Volume 2. Both can be found on Local Updates.

Media articles on fungi health risks in WestConnex tunnels

Two articles, one in the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) and one onmedianet.com.au have summarised an independent report citing high levelsof fungi in the M4 East tunnel, as compared to ‘normal’ levels of fungiin the open air away from the tunnels. The articles – Matt O’Sullivan’s"Extremely high’ fungi in WestConnex tunnels pose health risk and the Electrical Trades Union’s (or ETU) "600 workers walk off WestConnex project after testing reveals ‘extremely high’ air contamination note that workers have become concerned about health risks in light of “extreme contamination”. In response to this concern, 600 members of the ETU walked off WestConnex project sites on 15 March 2019.

Development application (DA) for proposed Woolworths at 202 Parramatta Road, Ashfield

Council’s Strategic Planning staff are currently assessing the above DA, which is described as “Demolitionof existing structures, tree removal and construction of a Woolworthssupermarket with liquor outlet and café over an at-grade and basementcar park, signage and associated landscaping and drainage works.”  Stafffrom the former WestConnex Unit are assessing the DA with reference toits interface with WestConnex M4 East, along with issues that have beenraised by Haberfield-Ashfield residents in 2018-19.  The DA is availableto view at Council’s Ashfield Service Centre.

M4 East Air Quality Community Consultative Committee (AQCCC)

Council staff recently attended a meetingof this committee, which includes representatives from the projectconstruction contractor (and their air quality consultants), the projectowner (WestConnex), relevant State agencies, relevant councils andcommunity members.  Items discussed included: a project update from thecontractor; a presentation and discussion of air quality monitoring andreadings; an overview of air quality related complaints; and an overviewof a recent website update relevant to air quality information. Further information on the M4 East AQCCCs, including air quality reportsand AQCCC meeting minutes, is available on the project website.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Media article on water leakage into tunnels

An article in the weekend (23 March 2019)edition of the Australian Financial Review points to unexpected levelsof water flowing into (and through) Stage 2 tunnels. The article, No problem with water leakage into WestConnex New M5 tunnelsnotes that the unpredicted levels of water are prompting contractors togrout and seal more extensively than initially expected. Thisadditional work may inflate the cost of this stage of the project. The article is available to subscribers on the Australian Financial Review’s website.

Media article about omitted complaints

In its 26 March 2019 edition, The InnerWest Courier published an article about omitted complaints, "Westconnexcomplaints fail." It reports the findings of the Department of Planningand Environment (DP&E) on the complaints register of WestConnexStage 2; where DP&E found that at least 30 complaints had beenomitted from the register maintained by the contractor. The article canbe found on the Inner West Courier’s website.

Night work & weekend work – Campbell Street, Crown Street , and Princes Highway, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has announced thatnight works will be undertaken - first along Campbell Street at 8am to6pm on the evening of 30 March, then along Princes Highway from 1 to 3April and 8 to 10 April (7pm to 5am each evening), then along CrownStreet from 7pm to 5am on the evenings of 2 and 5 April 2019. Forfurther details, see Notice N655 at Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical Investigations – William Street, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a noticefor geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along William Street,Leichhardt, commencing 4 April 2019. These works are expected to take upto three weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Workswill be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.For further information, see Notification MT011B on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Applebee Street, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a noticefor geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Applebee Street,St Peters, commencing 26 March 2019. These works are expected to take upto three weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting. Workswill be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.For further information, see Notification MT021B on Local Updates.

Updated Staging Report released

Following the February approval of a modification to its plans,the Stage 3A contractor has released updated versions of its StagingReport. The Staging Report is a document that describes the sequence inwhich parts of Stage 3A are to be carried out. Under Conditions ofApproval A12 and A13, this document must be kept accurate andup-to-date. The March 2019 revision of the Staging Report can be found on Local Updates.

Construction Noise & Vibration Impact Statements posted for Haberfield and Annandale sites

The Stage 3A contractor has released thefinal statement in the series.  It summarises the noise and vibrationanalysis of the Northcote Street construction site. The statements cover‘normal’ background noise for areas around a site, expected noiselevels for different conditions while the site is operation andmitigation measures, including ‘at-receiver’ noise mitigation. The Northcote site CNVIS can be found on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – M4–M5 Link Rozelle Interchange

Stage 3B Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)

Council and relevant State agencies are inthe process of assessing the Stage 3B Site Establishment Management Plan(SEMP) and the following Stage 3B CEMP sub-plans: Traffic and transportand access; Noise and vibration; Flora and fauna; Air quality; Soil andsurface water; and Non-Aboriginal heritage.  The following final threesub-plans will be assessed by State agencies only: Aboriginal culturalheritage; Waste Management; and Groundwater. 

Stage 3B regulator briefing session

Council staff recently attended the abovesession, along with relevant Stage agencies and other majorstakeholders, including Sydney Airport. The session’s aims were to:establish positive working relationships between project team, clientand key stakeholders; clarify project designs and changes compared tothe EIS; and confirm review times and expectations for project delivery.The session included a presentation on the project’s scope, statusupdate and construction overview.  It explained the contractor’smanagement approach on environmental approvals, including noise &vibration, traffic & transport and water management.  An overview ofconstruction works, design consultations and complaints management wasgiven.  There was discussion of the document review process, includingan overview of project timelines and milestones, roles andresponsibilities and expectations for document review.


WestConnex Local Area Improvement Strategy (LAIS)

In 2017-18, Council developed the abovestrategy.  It includes a costed a set of concept designs for trafficcalming measures to minimise the impact of additional traffic on localand residential streets created by WestConnex. Council had resolved towrite to Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) seeking $29M of funding fordetailed design, consultation and implementation of these works.  RMSand Council staff recently met to discuss the strategy.  RMS hasrequested additional background information to assist with theirconsideration of Council’s request.

Meetings with DP&E Post Approvals team staff

In 2019, Council staff have been meetingmonthly with staff from DP&E’s Post Approvals team to discussWestConnex issues.  Staff from DP&E’s and EPA’s compliance teamsalso attend if available.  At a recent meeting, the following issueswere discussed: Stage 2 St Peters cumulative impacts & footpathissues; property condition reporting process (all stages); Stage 1 &2 Council maintenance costs from residual lands handover; likelydeadlines and possibility of community input on draft Stage 3B CEMPsub-plans; the process for undertaking consistency assessments for Stage3A tunnel depth changes; and removal of Buruwan Park for Stage 3.

Meeting with Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Council staff recently attended a meetingat CAR at the Woolcott Institute for Medical Research at Glebe. At thismeeting were staff from Inner West Council, other councils, otherstakeholders and interested members of the community.  The purpose ofthis meeting was to bring interested stakeholders together with CARresearchers working in this area to find out more about what type ofhealth assessment tool is needed and discuss what is feasible based oncurrent scientific understanding of air pollution and health.  At thismeeting, staff explained that Inner West Council was seeking to work inpartnership with all organisations represented at the meeting oncollaborative grant-funded projects that can lead to a betterunderstanding of WestConnex air quality impacts.

Council’s new Strategic Transport & Infrastructure team

The above team has recently been formedwithin Council’s Strategic Planning branch.  All staff from the formerWestConnex Unit have moved into this team and their responsibilitieshave been extended to other large infrastructure projects, includingSydney Metro City & Southwest and Western Harbour Tunnel.  Councilis currently recruiting a manager for the team.

Meeting with University of Sydney School of Public Health

Council staff recently attended a meeting at the above school to discuss a proposed research project Sydney Travel & Health Study (Part 2: motorway evaluation). At the meeting, staff from Sydney University, NSW Health and otherstakeholder groups assessed the likely value of this project and how itcould be supported, funded and progressed.  The project would draw onthe results of a prior transport survey conducted in the Inner West areato assess health and transport impacts of WestConnex.

Media article on WestConnex related property damage

An article in the 19 March 2019 edition of the Inner West Courier “The sinking feeling as cracks show”covers the previously-reported satellite data indicating that premisesas far as 300 meters away from tunnelling sites may be subsiding as aresult from the works. The article can be found on the Inner West Courier’s website.

Media article about children & air pollution

The Inner West Courier haspublished an article about parent and student protests on Thursday, 21March 2019 in front of schools across the Inner West. The article,Parents and children rally to clear air recounts the dust-maskeddemonstrations calling for an immediate end to tunnelling in Sydney, aswell as supporting the initiative to install filters in WestConnexventilation stacks. The article can be found on the Inner West Courier’s website.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 15 March 2019 (PDF 36.9KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Compliance Tracking Program’s third revision released

The Stage 1 contractor has released the third revision of theirCompliance Tracking Program. This program has been established to ensurethat parties involved in delivery of the M4 East motorway (Stage 1 ofWestConnex) comply with the Minister’s Conditions of Approval for theproject; this latest revision has been issued in response to comments bythe Department of Planning and Environment. The Compliance Tracking Program third revision document can be found on Local Updates.

STAGE 2 – New M5

No imminent announcements at this stage – check back early next week for updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Tunnelling to begin - Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has released a notification advising thatunderground tunnelling is to begin this month. According to the notice,the first four tunnelling machines (called ‘roadheaders’) have beendelivered to the Northcote Street tunnel and civil site, where they willbegin their work as of “March 2019.” For more information, includingadvice about the delivery of additional roadheaders, see Notification MT077 on Local Updates.

Updated sub-plans for Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) released

Following the February approval of a modification to its plans,Stage 3A’s contractor has released updated versions of sub-plans thatmake up its Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP); theposted sub-plans are all parts of the CEMP that have been revised tocomply with the mandates of the CEMP’s approved modification. Theyaffected sub-plans are; the Flora and Fauna Management Sub-Plan, the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Sub-Plan, the Non-Aboriginal Heritage Management Sub-Plan, the Soil and Surface Water Management Sub-Plan, and the Waste Management Sub-Plan. The revised sub-plans can be found on Local Updates.

Updated Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) and Premise Boundary Map released

Following from the previous update of Stage 3A’s Environmental Protection Licence (EPL)(Licence 21149), the Stage 3A contractor has published a version of the EPL updated on March 8th to comply with the approved Modification to the M4-M5 Tunnel Link. The March-updated EPL can be found on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Catherine Street, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued anotice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along CatherineStreet, Leichhardt, commencing 18 March 2019. These works are expectedto take up to three weeks to complete, weather and conditionspermitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT040 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Simpsons Park, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has issued anotice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along SimpsonsPark, St Peters, commencing 18 March 2019. These works are expected totake up to three weeks to complete, weather and conditions permitting.Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm onSaturdays. For further information, see Notification MT025 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Dobroyd Parade, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued anotice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken within the M4 Eastoperational site along Dobroyd Parade, Haberfield, commencing 18 March2019. These works are expected to take up to one week to complete,weather and conditions permitting. Works will be conducted from 7am to6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT037B on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – M4–M5 Link Rozelle Interchange

No Updates for Stage 3B this week.


Media article, “Satellite data show WestConnex damage could ‘open floodgates’ on claims”

An article has been published on the website of The Australian Financial Review about a new measure of possible subsidence caused by the WestConnex Project. The article, written by Jenny Wiggins and titled "Satellite data show WestConnex damage could 'open floodgates' on claims",covers how a start-up group called Otus Intelligence Group haspurchased precision satellite imaging to measure land subsidence on ornear the tunnelling sites for the WestConnex Project – and the readingsavailable so far. The article is available to subscribers on theAustralian Financial Review’s website.

Media article, “WestConnex: a Minute to Midnight”

An analysis piece by Julie Macken on how the WestConnexProject will factor into the state election later this month – and howit might be affected by the results. The NSW Parliamentary Inquiry, theProject’s adopted “piston method” of emissions ventilation, and thepossibility of a judicial inquiry are all raised in the discussion. Thearticle, titled WestConnex: a Minute to Midnight, can be found on independent news site newmatilda.com.

Short-Notice Update Coverage 12 March 2019 (PDF 23.3KB)

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Night Work – Pyrmont Bridge Road site, Parramatta Road, Annandale

The Stage 3A contractor has announced that they will be disconnectingprivate water works that previously serviced buildings in the PyrmontBridge Road worksite. The works will take place along Parramatta Road onMarch 18th from 10PM to 5AM the following morning; duringthis time, the footpath and two lanes of Eastbound traffic along thework site will be blocked off so the work may be completed. For moredetails see Notification MT072 on Local Updates.

Night Work – Awning and bus stop relocation, Parramatta Road, Ashfield

The Stage 3A contractor has announced that they willbe moving and installing bus stops along Parramatta Road near AltStreet, Bland Street and Chandos Street. The works will take place onMarch 18th and 19th from 10PM to 5AM each evening;one Westbound lane of traffic will be blocked off so the work may becompleted. For more details see Notification MT069 on Local Updates.


WestConnex Weekly Update Report 8 March 2019 (PDF 30.2KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

ITS work (OHD installation) – Waratah Street, Haberfield

The Stage 1 contractor has announced that it will be installing OverHeight Detectors (OHDs) on Waratah Street, beginning March 11th and allowing for works to run until April 11th.Works will run 7AM to 6PM Monday to Friday, and involve tree-trimming,infrastructure installation, and restoration “where required.” Fordetails, see Notice 351f (PDF 301.3KB) on Local Updates.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Night-work on Princes Highway & Campbell Street, St Peters

Following from notice Notice N634,the Stage 2 contractor has announced that night works will beundertaken along Campbell Street and Princes Highway. Works will runfrom 7PM to 5AM on the evenings of March 11th, 12th, 13th, and 15th, and from 8AM to 6PM March 16th. There will be road diversions, closures, and traffic control around the area affected each night; for further details, see Notice N642 at Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Construction Noise and Vibration Impact Statements posted for Haberfield and Annandale sites

EMM consulting has postedConstruction Noise and Impact Statements (CNVIS) for three of Stage 3A’scivil and tunnelling sites located in Haberfield and Annandale; theseimpact statements are summaries of noise and vibration analysis for thePyrmont Bridge Road, Wattle Street and Parramatta Road sites. The CNVIScover both ‘normal’ background noise for the area around a site,expected noise levels for different conditions while the site isoperation, mitigation measures (including ‘at-receiver’ noisemitigation). The Pyrmont Bridge Road CNVIS, Wattle Street CNVIS, and Parramatta Road CNVIS can be found on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – M4–M5 Link Rozelle Interchange

No Updates for Stage 3B this week.


WestConnex Community Liaison Forum (WCLF)

Council’s WCLF met on Thursday 7 March 2019 to discuss WestConnexissues raised by members on behalf of the community. As is usual, themeeting included community members, Council staff and staff from theDepartment of Planning & Environment (DP&E) and EnvironmentProtection Authority (EPA). Issues discussed included: appropriatesignage and proactive traffic-controlling measures for Stage 3B, shallowtunnel depths and their impact on older homes/title deeds, trafficclustering – parking issues – and obstructed footpaths in the St Petersarea, work sites being handed from Stage 1 to Stage 3A, the return of‘Residual Land,’ and vehicle idling issues. Council is currentlyencouraging interested members of the community to join WCLF and attendmeetings – anyone interested can e-mail Council on westconnex@innerwest.nsw.gov.au. WCLF meeting minutes are available on Council’s website.

Short-Notice updates

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Wattle Street Civil Site construction continues, Haberfield

The M4 Eastcontractor has advised that construction works in and near the WattleStreet civil site are entering their final phases. Starting 6 February2019 and continuing for the next two months, road-finalising works andrestoration works will be undertaken. Hours of work will be from 7am to6pm weekdays, 8am to 1pm Saturdays, and 9pm to 5am Sunday to Fridayevenings. For further details, see Notice 385e on Local Updates.  

STAGE 2 - New M5

Night Work, Day Work and lane closures - Canal Road, Saint Peters

The New M5 contractor hasadvised that a new transformer will be installed near the intersectionof Canal Road and Princes Highway this coming weekend; from 9AM 9 Marchto 6PM 10 March the Eastbound lane of Canal Road will be closed,although traffic will be maintained in both directions. For furtherdetails, see Notice N639 on Local Updates. 

Weekend road closures, night and day works - Hutchinson Street, Saint Peters

The New M5 contractor hasadvised that Hutchinson Street will be closed for much of this weekendwhile drainage pipes and Ausgrip power infrastructure are installed;from 8AM 9 March to 6PM 10 March the Southern end of Hutchinson Streetwill be closed, although above its junction with Lackey Street trafficwill be maintained under the direction of traffic controllers. Forcomplete details, see Notice N638 on Local Updates. 

STAGE 3A - M4-M5 Link Tunnels 

Geotechnical Investigations - Algie Park, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a noticefor geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Algie Park,Haberfield, commencing 8 March 2019. These works are expected to take upto one week to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conductedfrom 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For furtherinformation, see Notification MT045 on Local Updates. 

Geotechnical Investigations - Camdenville Oval, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a noticefor geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Camdenville Oval,St Peters, commencing 8 March 2019. These works are expected to take upto one week to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conductedfrom 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For furtherinformation, see Notification MT024 on Local Updates. 

Night Work - G-Loop reinstatement, Dobroyd Parade, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has announced that RMS will be reinstatingthe G-Loop at Dobroyd Parade between 8 March and 29 March. This willinclude resurfacing road surfaces, reconstructing the kerbing andrestoring landscaping.  When complete, the G-Loop will be used Stage 3Avehicles for Northcote Civil Site access, as well as M4 East tunnelaccess and Parramatta Road access. For more information, see the G-Loop Reinstatement Notification on Local Updates. 

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 1 March 2019 (PDF 40.5KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Information on the property damage claim process

The Stage 1contractor has posted a flowchart describing how residents who believetheir homes have been damaged by M4 East construction can make a claimfor compensation. The Property Damage Claim flowchart is available on the Local Updates webpage of the WestConnex website.

Construction update, Parramatta Road Ventilation Facility (PRVF), Haberfield

The Stage 1contractor has posted an update on construction of the PRVF. It adviseswhat steps of stack construction have been completed and what remainsto be completed. For details, see Notice 243h on Local Updates. This is further to the prior update on this facility, Notice 243g.

Construction update – Parramatta Road civil site, Haberfield & Ashfield

The Stage 1contractor has advised that construction works at the Parramatta Roadcivil site will focus on removing the temporary barriers and laying downasphalt. These works will be undertaken from 6 Marchto 6 April 2019 within the hours of 7am to 6pm weekdays, 8am to 1pmSaturdays and 6pm to 5am Monday to Sunday evenings. For further details,see Notice 390d on Local Updates. Please this is further to the prior update on these works, Notice 390c.

Ambient air quality monitoring report for January released

The Stage 1contractor has released this report for the period 1 to 31 January2019. It reports on air quality monitoring data from the six ambient airquality monitoring stations along the Stage 1 route, i.e. Allen Street(Homebush), Powells Creek (Concord), St Luke’s Park (Concord), ConcordOval, Ramsay Street (Haberfield) and Haberfield Public School. The datapresented in this report describes air quality measurements used andcompares monitoring results. For further details, see January's Air Quality Report and the accompanying PM 2.5 (January) and PM 10 (January) reports on Local Updates.

Monthly interface meeting

Stage 1contractors met with Council staff this week at a monthly interfacemeeting. The main items discussed were: completion of the PRVF; handoverof Haberfield-Ashfield construction sites from Stage 1 to Stage 3A; anda number of specific concerns raised by local residents.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Night work & traffic changes – Campbell Street & Crown Street, St Peters

The Stage2 contractor has announced that night works will be undertaken - firstalong Campbell Street at 7pm to 6am on the evening of 5 March, thenalong Crown Street from 7pm to 6am on the evenings of 11 & 12 March 2019. For further details, see Notice N637 at Local Updates.

Night-work on Princes Highway, St Peters

The Stage2 contractor has announced that night-work will be performed along thePrinces Highway on selected nights (7pm to 6am) in the first two weeksof March 2019. For the list of selected nights, see Notice N634 at Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Modification approved for civil sites of Stage 3A

This week the Department ofPlanning and Environment (DP&E) announced that Stage 3 Modification 1has been approved. This modification removes the Darley Road civilsite, approves use of the Northcote Street civil site, finalisesarrangements for the Parramatta Road civil sites, defines spoil haulageroutes and approves a pedestrian walkway over Parramatta Road betweenthe two Parramatta Road civil sites. See the Modification 1 online listing for full details.

Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) posted
The Stage 3A contractor has posted the various sub-plans that make up the Stage 3A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP).The CEMP which details the specific measures the contractor willundertake to comply with the Minister’s Conditions of Approval for Stage3.  The document can be found on Local Updates.

Trenching & high voltage works – Mallet Street, Annandale

RMS hasadvised Council that in coming weeks there will be trenching along thewest side of Mallet Street between Parramatta Road and Pyrmont BridgeRoad to install high voltage cabling. This work, authorised under theNSW Roads Act, will be carried out from 8 March to 31 May 2019.

Night work involving oversized equipment deliveries & line markings, Haberfield

The Stage3A contractor has announced it will be performing road line markingsand receiving oversized deliveries at its Northcote Street and Wattlestreet civil sites. This will occur between 8pm to 7am on the eveningsof 4 & 5 March 2019. For further details, see Notice MT057 at Local Updates.

Construction Parking & Access Strategy released

The Stage 3A contractor hasreleased its plans and procedures for worker parking and access to worksites during construction. This includes designated parking andtransport options for project staff. The Construction Parking & Access Strategy can be found on Local Updates.

Noise Insulation Program released

The Stage 3A contractor hasreleased its Noise Insulation Program - also known as the Noise andVibration Management Sub-plan. This document explains what measures theproject will implement to mitigate noise and vibration impacts onproperties. The Noise Insulation Program can be found on Local Updates.

Geotechnical investigations – Probert Street, Newtown

The Stage3A contractor has issued a notice about geotechnical survey works to beundertaken along Probert Street, Newtown, commencing 5 March 2019.These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete,depending on findings. Works will be undertaken from 7am to 6pm weekdaysand 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT018 on Local Updates.

Monthly interface meeting

The Stage3A contractor and Council staff met this week at a monthly interfacemeeting. Subjects of discussion included property condition reporting(including timeline for rollout), bus shelters and bus stopdistribution, vibration monitoring, geotechnical drilling sites andvegetation conservation asbestos removal at the former Muirs sites.

STAGE 3B – M4–M5 Link Rozelle Interchange

Inaugural interface meeting with Council

The Stage3B contractor held its first interface meeting with Council staff thisweek. At this meeting, staff introduced each other, and the Stage 3Bcontractors gave a briefing to Council of details of the project. Topicsdiscussed included the location of construction sites and the communityinformation centre, worker parking/transport and spoil haulage routes.

Media article on the Buruwan Park rally & M4-M5 Link tunnelling

The InnerWest Courier published an article covering the recent rally at BuruwanPark protesting its destruction by WestConnex Stage 3B. The Inner WestCourier articles can be found on the newspaper’s online site.

WestConnex Community Reference Group 2 meeting

Thefirst meeting of WestConnex Community Reference Group 2 (WCRG2) washeld this week. WCRG2 covers suburbs that are directly affected by Stage3B. Topics discussed included general progress of the project, the newIndependent Property Damage Assessment Committee and the group’s Termsof Reference. All WCRG minutes are posted on the WestConnex website.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 22 February 2019 (PDF 34.1KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Temporary Hoarding Removal, Parramatta Road Civil Site, Haberfield-Ashfield

The Stage 1 contractor has posted notification about removing temporary hoarding structures and replacing them with permanent fencing on and around the Parramatta Road Civil Site. This process will begin on 20 February and will continue until 20 March 2019. Work hours will be from 7am to 6pm weekdays and from 8am to 1pm Saturdays. For more information, see Notice N337b  on Local Updates.

Tunnel Ventilation, Incident Response & Traffic Management System Integration Protocol posted

The Stage 1 contractor has published its Tunnel Ventilation, Incident Response and Traffic Management System Integration Protocol. This documents the systems and methods in place to deal with emergency situations as well as general traffic flow. The document can be found on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Start of works – Northcote & Wattle Street civil sites, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has announced that as of 25 February 2019 it will begin readying the Northcote and Wattle Street civil sites as locations for tunnelling works. Works are expected to extend from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 6pm Saturdays, with additional night works described in the notice below. Most work will involve erecting facilities and steel support structures for tunnelling. For further details, see Notice MT067 at Local Updates.

Upcoming night work – Northcote & Wattle Street civil sites, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has announced that night works will be undertaken intermittently from March to May of this year. The two main activities being performed during night-works will be the marking of roads and the delivery of oversized equipment. Night works are from 6pm to 7am on weeknights for no more than two consecutive nights on any given site, no more than three nights per week at any given site and no more than ten nights per calendar month at any given site. For further details, see Notice MT051 at Local Updates.

Environment Protection License (EPL) monitoring data for water discharge released

The Stage 3A contractor has released a spreadsheet of its monitoring data for water discharge associated with the project from October 2018 to February 2019. Note that a previous version of this data was released within the last fortnight covering October 2018 to January 2019. The October to February monitoring data can be found on Local Updates.

Media article about WestConnex tunnel depths

A media article Closer to homes in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Canberra Times, and The Brisbane Times discusses how the currently defined depth of the Stage 3A tunnel is shallower than depths that were shown in the Stage 3 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Geotechnical investigations – Applebee Street, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Applebee Street, St Peters, commencing 27 February 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be undertaken from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT021 on Local Updates. Council is liaising with Stage 2 and Stage 3A contractors in an attempt to minimise cumulative impact issues from the two stages of WestConnex in this area.

STAGE 3B – M4–M5 Link Rozelle Interchange

Design investigations & geotechnical surveys, Rozelle Rail Yards (RRY) site

The Stage 3B contractor announced it will be conducting design investigations and geotechnical surveys at various locations across the RRY from 25 February 2019. Works will be undertaken from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm Saturdays. For further information, see Notification N0001 on Local Updates.


Fix NSW rally in Sydney
A ‘Fix NSW’ rally and march across Sydney’s CBD is planned for 1-3pm on Sunday 3 March 2019. Organisers are seeking to draw attention to the issues caused by WestConnex, amongst other issues. For more information see the event’s Facebook page.


Short-Notice Updates

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Temporary Hoarding Removal, Parramatta Road Civil Site, Haberfield/Ashfield

M4 East posted notification on February 18th that it will begin removing temporary hoarding structures and replacing them with permanent fencing on and around the Parramatta Road Civil Site. This process will begin February 20th and continue until March 20th (work hours running from 7AM to 6Pm weekdays and from 8AM to 1Pm Saturdays) For more information, see Notice N337b  on Local Updates. 

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Start of works – Northcote Street and Wattle Street civil sites, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has announced that they will begin prep works, readying the Northcote Street and Wattle Street civil sites as locations for tunnelling works, as of 25 February. Works are expected to run from 7AM to 6PM weekdays, and 8AM to 6PM Saturdays (with additional night works described in the next notice). The main prep work will centre around erecting facilities and steel support structures for tunnelling. For further details, see Notice MT067 at Local Updates.

Upcoming night work – Northcote Street and Wattle Street civil sites, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has announced that night works will be occurring intermittently from March to May of this year; the two main activities being performed during night works will be the marking of roads and the delivery of oversized equipment. Night hours a 6PM to 7AM on weeknights – with night works allowed for no more than two consecutive nights at any one given site, no more than three nights per week at any given site, and no more than ten nights per calendar months at any given site. For further details, see Notice MT051 at Local Updates.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 15 February 2019 (PDF 37.9KB) 

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Environmental Protection Licence Monitoring Data (Water Discharge), January 2019

M4 East has released a spreadsheet of its monitoring data for water discharge associated with the project over January 2019. The January report can be found on Local Updates.

Operational Noise & Vibration Review for M4 East released

M4 East has released a review of the expected noise that will be generated and mitigated by traffic and facility machinery once the motorway opens to traffic. The Operation Noise and Vibration Review can be found on Local Updates.

Haberfield Conservation Area Archival Recording Research Project report posted

AMBS Ecology and Heritage, on behalf of the Stage 1 contractor, has published its report and recordings of the Haberfield Conservation Area. This report includes photo-documentation of heritage-significant premises and businesses in the Haberfield in situ, before construction of the motorway. The Haberfield Conservation Area Archival Recording Research Project's report can be found on Local Updates.

ITS Work – Waratah Street, Haberfield

The Stage 1 contractor has announced it will be conducting tree-trimming along Waratah Street to allow for operation of Over-Height Detectors as part of its Intelligent Transport System (ITS). These works will begin on 21 February 2019 and will occur over one month.  Working hours are 7am to 6pm weekdays. For further information, see Notification N351e on Local Updates.

Remediation Work – Ash Lane, Haberfield

The Stage 1 contractor has announced that, following the installation of drainage infrastructure, it will undertake remediation works along Ash Lane to resurface and mark the road. These works will occur from 9am to 5pm on weekdays between 18 February and 1 March 2019. For further information, see Notification N392 on Local Updates.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Night-works on Princes Highway, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor is planning night-works on 18, 20 & 22 February 2019 from 7pm to 5am each night. These works involve installation of additional electrical and communications conduits and cabling along the western side of Princes Highway north of Campbell Street.  For further information, see Notification N629 on Local Updates.

Night-works on Hutchinson Street, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor is planning night-works on 21 February 2019 from 7pm to 12am. The work involves installation of an Ausgrid power pole in the Western footpath on Hutchinson Street, requiring a road closure along that street. For further information, see Notification N631 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Residents’ asbestos concerns from demolition at former Muirs site

Residents of Haberfield-Ashfield have recently raised concerns over potential asbestos exposure to WestConnex contractors and to local residents from the demolition of the former Muirs Holden building on Parramatta Road. Residents have inquired with the project about demolition safeguards, but have yet to receive answers to their queries. Residents consider their neighbourhood has become a local pollution hotspot, particularly as they have already suffered years of WestConnex construction dust, diesel fumes, noise and disturbance from construction of the M4 East. Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and Department of Planning (DP&E) staff are investigating the asbestos concerns.

Updated Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) document

Following from the previous publishing of the renewed EPL (Licence 21149), the Stage 3A contractor has published an updated EPL which has five additional pages at the end showing premises of operation. The updated EPL can be found on Local Updates. The project has also re-released its EPL monitoring of water-discharge data for October 2018 to January 2019, which was originally posted on 29 January 2019.

Night-works on Parramatta Road, Haberfield-Ashfield

The Stage 3A contractor has announced night-works for 20 February 2019 from 10pm to 5am. These works involve disconnecting overhead power lines in the area across Parramatta Road near Bland Street. For further information, see Notification MT055 on Local Updates.

Investigation Work – Pyrmont Bridge Road site, Annandale

The Stage 3A contractor has announced plans to relocate an existing water main along Pyrmont Bridge Road. These works will commence on 21 February 2019 and will last up to one week, occurring from 10am to 3pm on weekdays. For further information, see Notification MT066 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical investigations – O’Dea Reserve, Camperdown

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice about geotechnical survey works to be undertaken within O’Dea Reserve commencing 18 February 2019. These works are expected to take up to four weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT017 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical investigations – Cardigan Place, Stanmore

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice about geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Cardigan Place, commencing 19 February 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT065 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical investigations – Council Street, St Peters

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice about geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Council Street, commencing 21 February 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT014 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical investigations – Whites Creek Lane, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice about geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Whites Creek Lane commencing 21 February 2019. These works are expected to take up to four weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT010 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical investigations – Canal Road and Blackmore Oval, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice about geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Canal Road and within Blackmore Oval commencing 21 February 2019. These works are expected to take up to six weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT044 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3B – M4–M5 Link Rozelle Interchange

RMS uses NSW Roads Act to undertake WestConnex activities

On 11 February 2019 RMS informed Council by letter that streets in Annandale and Rozelle will soon be claimed for WestConnex Stage 3B construction activities.  Affected roads include Victoria Road, The Crescent, and Gordon Street, with the latter road to be closed to public traffic. The letter is available for download from the main page of Council’s WestConnex web pages.

Short-Notice Updates

STAGE 2 – New M5

POSTPONED - Night works on Campbell Street and Princes Highway, St Peters

Following from last week's notice (N624), the night-works arranged for Wednesday, 13 February have been postponed. Details of future arrangements will be posted as they are known. 

UPDATE - Night work & Traffic Changes - intersections May St & Campbell St, Unwins Bridge Rd & Bedwin Rd, St Peters

In a circular posted yesterday the New M5 project has issued notice of night-works and traffic adjustments to occur the 14th, 19th, and 21st of February. These works involve laying electrical and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as a new streetlight. Please see Notification N627 for specific details.  


WestConnex Weekly Update Report 8 February 2019 (PDF 34.7KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

No notices of works or other activities affecting the Inner West Council area have been issued by the M4 East contractor this week.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Night works on Campbell Street and Princes Highway, St Peters

The Stage 2 contractor has announced night-works on February 11th, 12th, & 13th from 7pm to 6am each night. These works will occur along Campbell Street, as well as on the length of Princes Highway directly above Campbell Street. For further information, see Notification N624 on Local Updates.

POSTPONED – Night works & traffic changes on Unwins Bridge Road, St Peters

Following from last week’s notice (N623), the night-works arranged for 6 & 7 February 2019 have been postponed. Details of future arrangements will be posted as they are known.

Outline of upcoming works for New M5 in St Peters for 2019

The Stage 2 contractor has published a general outline of construction projects expected to be undertaken this year in the St Peters area. Most works are expected to begin mid-to-late 2019. There are seven projects planned, each summarised on Pages 2-3 in the outline. The outline is available on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link Tunnels

Geotechnical investigations – Richard Murden Reserve, Haberfield

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice about geotechnical survey works to be undertaken within Richard Murden Reserve commencing 14 February 2019. These works are expected to take up to four weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT035 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical investigations – Holmwood Street, Newtown

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice about geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Holmwood Street commencing 12 February 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT034 on Local Updates.

Info Sheet on property condition surveys for the M4-M5 Link Tunnel

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a general guide to how property condition surveys will be carried out in relation to tunnelling works. If a premises is within 50m of the planned tunnel, as shown on a map on the WestConnex website, the owner is eligible for a free set of property condition surveys - one before tunnelling, another after tunnel construction has passed. For further details, see the information sheet on Local Updates.


Notice of Motion (NoM) on WestConnex air quality issues

Council will consider a NoM: Air Pollution Levels Dangerously High Along WestConnex Route at its 12 February 2019 meeting.  The NoM recommends that Council writes to relevant State agencies and seeks meetings with relevant Ministers over WestConnex-related air quality issues.  As is outlined in the NoM, a meeting of WestConnex-affected councils was held in September 2018 to discuss WestConnex air quality concerns and to investigate opportunities for joint air quality studies in partnership with relevant research organisations. Council staff will shortly discuss such opportunities with staff from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR) at the Woolcott Institute of Medical Research, located in Glebe.

WestConnex Community Liaison Forum (WCLF)

Council’s WCLF met on Thursday 7 February 2019 to discuss WestConnex issues raised by members on behalf of the community. As is usual, the meeting included community members, Council staff and staff from the Department of Planning & Environment (DP&E) and Environment Protection Authority (EPA). Issues discussed included: impacts of heavy vehicles on local residential streets; a pending court hearing in relation to departures from approved Stage 1 vehicle routes; a range of Stage 2 construction traffic management issues affecting St Peters; Stage 3A property precondition reporting; and WestConnex air quality issues. EPA and DP&E staff reported on compliance issues, air quality investigations, construction truck route management systems and investigations and notices over compliance breaches. Council is currently encouraging interested members of the community to join WCLF and attend meetings – anyone interested can e-mail Council on westconnex@innerwest.nsw.gov.au.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 1 February 2019 (PDF 36.5KB)2019

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Infrastructure Installation – O’Connor Street & Parramatta Road, Haberfield

From 29 January to 15 February 2019, the Stage 1 contractor will be installing an electrical power pole and overhead connections along O’Connor Street from Parramatta Road. Hours of work are 7am to 6pm weekdays, 8am to 1pm Saturdays, as well as 9pm to 5am Sundays to Fridays. For further details, see Notice 372c on Local Updates.

Construction Update – Parramatta Road civil site, Haberfield & Ashfield

The M4 East contractor has advised that construction works at the Parramatta Road civil site will continue, focusing on road work and footpath restoration. Starting 6 February 2019 and running for the next two months, hours of work will be from 7am to 6pm weekdays, 8am to 1pm Saturdays and 6pm to 5am Monday to Sunday evenings. For further details, see Notice 390c on Local Updates. (Please note that this is a separate notice to the last update, Notice 390b.) 

Wattle Street civil site construction to continue, Haberfield

The M4 East contractor has advised that construction works in and near the Wattle Street civil site are entering their final phases. Starting 6 February 2019 and continuing for the next two months, road-finalising works and restoration works will be undertaken. Hours of work will be from 7am to 6pm weekdays, 8am to 1pm Saturdays, and 9pm to 5am Sunday to Friday evenings. For further details, see Notice 385d on Local Updates. (Please note that this is a separate notice to the last update, Notice 385c.)

STAGE 2 – New M5

Night Work: Princes Highway near Campbell Street, St Peters

On select dates beginning 31 January 2019, New M5 workers will be running utility services under Princes Highway where it crosses Campbell Street. Works will occur from 7pm and 5am on the evenings of 31 January and 4, 5, 6  and 8 February. For further details, see Notice 619 on Local Updates.

Night Work and traffic changes on Unwins Bridge Road, St Peters

On February 6th & 7th New M5 workers will running a new Ausgrid power connection along Unwins Bridge Road near Bedwin Road. Works will occur from 6pm to 12am. For further details, see Notice 623 on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A – M4–M5 Link

Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) issued to contractor

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has approved and issued an EPL to the Stage 3A contractor. The EPL authorises the contractor to undertake road construction subject to restrictions and parameters as stated in the document and in applicable law. The EPL is available on Local Updates.

EPL monitoring data for water discharge

The Stage 3A contractor has released a spreadsheet of its monitoring data for water discharge associated with the project from October 2018 to January 2019. The quarter’s report can be found on Local Updates.

Geotechnical investigations – William Street, Leichhardt

The Stage 3A contractor has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Barwon Park Road, St Peters, commencing 6 February 2019. These works are expected to take up to four weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT011 on Local Updates.


Response to Council’s letter about property pre-condition reports

In November 2018 Council had resolved to write to Roads & Maritime Services (RMS), Sydney Motorway Corporation (SMC) and the Stage 3A contractor to advocate increasing the qualification zone for property pre-condition reports from 50m to 100m. This letter was in response to concerns in the community that the properties outside the currently-defined 50m zone were at risk of damage as a result of WestConnex construction. 

In January 2019 Council received a response letter from RMS explaining “that in accordance with the M4-M5 Link Planning Condition of Approval E105, the Stage 3 contractors must offer pre-condition surveys of the current condition of surface and sub-surface structures identified as at risk from settlement or vibration by the geotechnical modelling described in Condition of Approval E101. Generally, these properties will be within 50 metres from the edge of surface or tunnelling construction activities. If the geotechnical modelling identifies properties at risk from settlement or vibration which are further than 50 metres from the edge of surface or tunnelling construction activities, the owner of these properties will be offered a Pre-Construction Condition Survey.

RMS is also establishing an Independent Property Impact Assessment Panel (IPIAP). The Panel will comprise of geotechnical and engineering experts independent of the design and construction team. The Panel will be responsible for independently reviewing Condition Survey Reports undertaken under Conditions of Approval E105 (Pre-Construction) and E106 (Post-Construction), the resolution of property damage disputes, and the establishment of ongoing settlement and vibration monitoring requirements.

Roads and Maritime Services believe the above measures are sufficient to address the risks in relation to tunnel settlement and vibration in respect of property damage.”

Response from RMS to Council’s submission on the Western Harbour Tunnel (WHT) reference design

In November 2018 Council resolved to make a submission on the WHT reference design. The submission was subsequently lodged, and in January 2019 Council received an acknowledgement letter from the RMS’s WHT project director, which thanked Council for the submission and explained that the WHT project team had received more than 7,300 items of feedback during the community feedback period.  It explained that Council's feedback will be considered as RMS refines the design and prepares Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for the WHT and Beaches Link projects.

WestConnex Weekly Update Report 25 January 2019 (PDF 50.9KB)

STAGE 1 - M4 East

Ambient Air Quality & Monitoring report for November released

M4 East has released this report for the period 1 to 30 November 2018. It reports on air quality monitoring data from the six ambient air quality monitoring stations along the Stage 1 route, i.e.: Allen Street (Homebush), Powells Creek (Concord), St Luke’s Park (Concord), Concord Oval, Ramsay Street (Haberfield) and Haberfield Public School. The data presented in this report describes air quality measurements used and compares monitoring results. For further details, see November's Air Quality Report and the accompanying PM 2.5 and PM 10 reports on Local Updates.

Ambient Air Quality & Monitoring Protocol’s goals for 2019

M4 East’s proponent has released their Ambient Air Quality & Monitoring Protocol goals for the 2019 calendar year. The latest protocol goals can be found on Local Updates.

Wattle Street construction continues, Haberfield

For further details, see Notice 385c on Local Updates.

Noise Wall Work - Wattle Street, Haberfield

The M4 East proponent has announced that they will continue constructing a noise-mitigation wall along Wattle Street. These works are to run from 02 January to 06 February, 7am to 6pm weekdays, 8am to 1pm Saturdays, and sometimes 9pm to 5am Sunday evenings (subject to circumstances). For further details, see Notice 251c on Local Updates.

Footpath Restoration Work – Parramatta Road Civil Site, Haberfield

To support the foundation of the Parramatta Road Civil Site, the M4 East contractor will be performing restoration works of adjacent footpaths from 02 January until 06 February. This will include both day and night works, weekdays and weekends, depending on weather. For further details, see Notice 382b on Local Updates.

Construction Work Update – Parramatta Road Civil Site, Haberfield

M4 East will be performing various works to begin preparing for the establishment of the Parramatta Road Civil Site. These works are to run from 02 January to 06 February, 7am to 6pm weekdays, 8am to 1pm Saturdays, and sometimes 9pm to 5am Sunday evenings (subject to circumstances).  For further details, see Notice 390b on Local Updates.

Quality Construction Compliance Report, 23 April – 22 July 2018

The M4 East proponent has released their QCCR for the second quarter of 2018. To view Report for Q2 2018 please visit Local Updates.

Environmental Protection Licence Monitoring Data (Water Discharge), December 2018

M4 East has released a spreadsheet of its monitoring data for water discharge associated with the project over December 2018. The December report can be found on Local Updates.

Haberfield Conservation Area Archival Recording Research Report

AMBS Ecology & Heritage has prepared an Archival Recording and Report of notable properties in the Haberfield area on behalf of the M4 East stage of the WestConnex Project. For further details, see the report on Local Updates.

Construction Update, Parramatta Road Ventilation Facility, Haberfield

An update on the construction of the Parramatta Road Ventilation Stack has been released by M4 East. It advises what steps of stack construction have been completed thusfar, and what remains to be completed. For the full rundown, see Notice 243g on Local Updates.

STAGE 2 – New M5

Environmental Protection Licence Monitoring Data (Water Discharge), Sept, Oct & Nov 2018

Spreadsheet data for water discharges from WestConnex Stage 2 works has been released for September, October, and November 2018. These measures cover such features as the acidity, density of suspended solids and oil/grease content of the waters running off project sites.. For further details, see the September report, October report, and November report on Local Updates.

Barwon Park Rd & Campbell St Intersection Closing, St Peters

Barwon Park Road’s intersection with Campbell Street will be closed for twelve weeks beginning 15 January 2019. For details, see Notice 601 on Local Updates.

Night Work & Traffic Changes, Princes Street near Barwon Park Road, St Peters

The Stage 2 proponent will be carrying out night works on select dates in January and February 2019 to install Intelligent Transport Systems conduits and wiring at Princes Street and Barwon Park Road in St Peters. For a full list see Notice 583 on Local Updates.

Rescheduled Work: May St, Campbell St, Unwins Bridge Rd & Bedwin Rd, St Peters

From 7pm on 01 February until 6pm on 03 February the Stage 2 contractors will be working to re-align the traffic configuration at multiple intersections in St Peters. For further details, see Notice 617 on Local Updates.

Public Art Strategy

The Stage 2 Contractor has released their strategic document for integrating publicly-accessible art into the resolution of their works. This document outlines the theory, methodology and proposed implementation of sourcing and installing artwork along and around the New M5. For further details, see strategic document on Local Updates.

STAGE 3A - M4–M5 Link

Geotechnical Investigations – Barwon Park Road, St Peters

The Stage 3A proponent has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Barwon Park Road, St Peters, commencing 07 January 2019. These works are expected to take up to four weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT046 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Crown Street, St Peters

The Stage 3A proponent has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Crown Street, St Peters, commencing 07 January 2019. These works are expected to take up to four weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT012 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Miller Street, Haberfield

The Stage 3A proponent has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Miller Street, Haberfield, commencing 07 January 2019. These works are expected to take up to four weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT052 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Dalhousie Street, Haberfield

The Stage 3A proponent has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Dalhousie Street, Haberfield, commencing 15 January 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT023 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Bland Street, Haberfield

The Stage 3A proponent has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Bland Street, Haberfield, commencing 17 January 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT036 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Dobroyd Parade, Haberfield

The Stage 3A proponent has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Bland Street, Haberfield, commencing 23 January 2019. These works are expected to take up to four weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT037 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Goodsell Street, St Peters

The Stage 3A proponent has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Goodsell Street, St Peters, commencing 17 January 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT020 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Camden Street, Newtown

The Stage 3A proponent has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Camden Street, Newtown, commencing 23 January 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT030 on Local Updates.

Geotechnical Investigations – Darley Street, Newtown

The Stage 3A proponent has issued a notice for geotechnical survey works to be undertaken along Darley Street, Newtown, commencing 31 January 2019. These works are expected to take up to three weeks to complete, depending on findings. Works will be conducted from 7am to 6pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. For further information, see Notification MT028 on Local Updates.

Utilities Management Strategy released

In compliance with their Conditions of Approval and to supplement their Environmental Impact Statement, the Stage 3A proponent has released their Utilities Management Strategy; this document outlines and describes how the proponent plans to install and maintain utilities (power, communications, water, sewerage, gas, and drainage) for the construction and operation of the M4-M5 Link tunnels. For further details, see the document on Local Updates.

Bank of NSW Photographic Archival Report and Salvage Strategy released

The Stage 3A proponent has posted their Salvage & Sympathetic Re-Use Strategy for the former Bank of NSW building at 164 Parramatta Road in Annanadale, as well as a Photographic Archival Report of the building’s interior; the building is due to be demolished, with heritage-significant pieces being removed and stored until they can be re-used. For further details, see the salvage strategy and the Photographic Archival Report on Local Updates.

Demolition/establishment Works - Parramatta Road Civil Site, Ashfield & Haberfield

Beginning 21 January 2019, the Stage 3A contractors will be constructing a Civil Construction Services Site along both sides of Parramatta Road in the suburbs of Ashfield and Haberfield. Construction is expected to run until July, with works occurring between 7am and 6pm weekdays, and 8am and 6pm Saturdays. For further details, see Notification MT047 on Local Updates.

Night Works - Parramatta Road Civil Site, Ashfield & Haberfield

The Stage 3A proponent has published a general outline of future night works on the Parramatta Road Civil Site – to allow installation works that require shutting off power and water in the local area, they are performing these works outside of peak-usage times to minimise impact. They expect to commence night works twice in January, up to four times in February, and up to ten times in March. For further details, see Notification MT049 on Local Updates.

Construction Update – Pyrmont Bridge Road Site, Annandale

The Stage 3A contractor has released a document giving a general overview of the construction of the Pyrmont Bridge Road Civil Construction Site in Annandale. This update covers workings to create the site, as well as how it is expected to affect the immediate surrounding area. For further details, see the update on Local Updates.


State Parliament’s findings on the impacts of WestConnex released

The Public Accountability Committee of the NSW Parliament have published the findings of their Inquiry into the WestConnex Project’s impacts on local communities. The Parliamentary Inquiry has made 27 recommendations based on its findings, which representatives of WestConnex have six months to draft a response to. The Inquiry’s findings can be found here.

ADDITIONAL UPDATE: Footage of the Parliamentary Inquiry’s proceedings is now available on Inner West Council's website (also available on IWC’s Youtube).

Community Reference Groups’ minutes posted – Western, Southern, & Central

The RMS has released the minutes for the final meeting for each of its zoned Reference Groups from the end of last year. These Reference Groups serve as a sounding board and interface directly between the RMS and representatives of affected communities - the Western, Southern, & Central Groups’ minutes can all be found on Local Updates.

Structural damage claims being denied

The M4 East Project’s proponent has received media coverage for knocking-back claims of structural damage to homes in North Strathfield and Homebush as a result of the Project’s works. An article in the Sydney Morning Herald titled, “'Farcical': Sydney residents' claims over WestConnex cracking denied” covers the current situation in detail - the online article can be found on the Sydney Morning Herald website.

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