WestConnex Stage 3A M4-M5 Link - Haberfield to St Peters

Stage 3 of WestConnex includes:

  • The M4 - M5 Link (Stage 3A)
    Twin-mainline tunnels between the M4 East at Haberfield and the New M5 at St Peters, passing under Haberfield, Leichhardt, Camperdown, Newtown and St Peters. Each tunnel to would be around 7.5 km long and sized to accommodate up to four lanes of traffic in each direction.
  • The Rozelle Interchange (Stage 3B)
    A group of underground tunnels connecting the M4-M5 Link with Victoria Road (just east of the Iron Cove Bridge) and The Crescent, the Anzac Bridge, and the City West Link; this project includes to stubs to eventually connect with the Western Harbour Tunnel

What is Council doing?

  • Council engaged respected engineering firm BECA Australia to work with Council to assess the M4 - M5 Link EIS.
    • Beca - along with Council's specialist staff - have addressed community issues of which we are aware.
    • Beca's assessment has fed into Council’s submission on the EIS.
  • Advocating local concerns, which has so far led to the State Government proposing an improved Rozelle interchange.
  • Obtaining a commitment from the State Government to minimise residential property acquisition for Stage 3.
  • Making sure that geotechnical drilling occurs on edges of our parks rather than in centre, and that equipment is dismantled over weekends if possible.

Key Documents

Asserting control under the Roads Act

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), the state government agency in charge of the WestConnex Project, can exercise supreme authority (take control of) local and regional roads in order to complete works on those roads; in order to do this, it must notify relevant local authorities in writing, citing its legal right to take control under the NSW Roads Act of 1993. The following letters have been posted to Council by the RMS to assert its control of land/road segments under the Roads Act of 1993: 

Modification to Stage 3A M4-M5 Link mainline tunnels

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) lodged a modification with the Department of Planning and Environment (DP&E) to make changes from what was approved. It was publicly notified from 12 to 26 September 2018 and continues to be available online at the DP&E website covering the Stage 3A modification

Council's submission RE: the modification to Stage 3A M4-M5 Link mainline tunnels (PDF 189.4KB) details Council's response to the modification.


On Tuesday 17 April 2018 the Minister for Planning announced approval of WestConnex Stage 3 (posted below). 

Submissions and Preferred Infrastructure Report

The submissions and preferred infrastructure report outlines Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) response to the submissions received on the M4-M5 Link environmental impact statement during the public exhibition period in 2017. To prepare this report, RMS was required to review all submissions and prepare clarification and responses to all issues raised.

Council's response to the Preferred Infrastructure Report (PDF 922.1KB) has been submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment.

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Submissions for the M4-M5 Link EIS closed on Monday 16 October 2017 after a 60 day exhibition period. 

Key documents can still be viewed on the Department of Planning and Environment website and on WestConnex’s M4-M5 Link website.

Council prepared a detailed submission on the EIS, which was presented to the 24 October 2017 Council Meeting.

Every effort is made to keep this list up to date. However, you may like to check the WestConnex resources page

Public meetings

Local impacts public meetings

Annandale - 30 May 2018

Council held a public meeting on Wednesday 30 May 2018 at AnnandaleCommunity Centre to inform the community about the local impacts ofmajor State Government construction projects. The meeting coveredWestConnex construction and operational impacts; potential trafficimpacts on Johnston Street; use of White Bay as a construction stagingsite for WestConnex and the Western Harbour Tunnel; proposed GlebeIsland Multi User Port Facility; and the proposed relocation of Hanson’sConcrete Batching Plant to Glebe Island.

Balmain - 26 May 2018

On Saturday 26 May 2018, Inner West Council's Mayor Darcy Byrne along with parents from Rozelle Public School held a public meeting at the Balmain Town Hall concerning the new WestConnex Stage 3 approval and the proposed second Sydney Harbour Tunnel. WestConnex Stage 3 combined with the proposed second Sydney Harbour Tunnel, which would begin its harbour crossing underneath Balmain and Birchgrove, adds up to years of construction impacts for the inner west.
View the Balmain local impacts public meeting presentation  (PDF 1.3MB)here

EIS construction and traffic impacts public meetings

Council held a series of five public meetings for residents who will be affected by the serious impacts of WestConnex Stage 3 M4-M5 Link.

Three of these meetings were held in February 2018 with two, Rozelle and Leichhardt, held in late 2017.

Rozelle, Lilyfield and North Annandale impacts
Leichhardt impacts
Haberfield and Ashfield impacts
Annandale and Camperdown impacts
St Peters impacts

M4 - M5 Link Concept Design Submission

Submissions for the concept design closed on 4 August 2018 2017 following 12 weeks on exhibition.

Council lodged a submission in opposition to the M4 - M5 Link.

Council's Concerns with the Concept Design Plans

Dive Sites

A Darley Road dive site would inflict years of noise, pollution and traffic chaos on a quiet residential area; while the proposed Camperdown Dive Site is too close to the Bridge Road School and will close down the bus lane in front of the construction site.

Increased Traffic

The completed project will create more traffic on Victoria Road, Johnston Street, The Crescent and surrounding streets, and the eastern section of City West Link.

Pedestrian Impacts

There are only two pedestrian access points to the new linear park from the south side of City West Link.

Compulsory Acquisitions

The acquisition of businesses along Victoria Road will affect business owners and change the nature of the surrounding community.

Construction Impacts

The design plans are very vague and show only large ‘potential construction areas’, which will endure truck traffic, noise and dust pollution. Haberfield residents will face years more WestConnex pain, with the SMC planning to use existing construction sites at Wattle Street and Walker Avenue until the end of the project.

Ventilation Stacks

The Design Plans confirm ventilation stacks at Haberfield, the Rozelle Rail Yards, Victoria Road near the Iron Cove Bridge, and St Peters. The large unfiltered stacks will have a big impact on our community.

Barriers to Public Transport

There is a fundamental problem with the WestConnex focus on motorways instead of public transport. The Design throws up barriers for possible White Bay / Balmain light rail and Western Metro rail.

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