Have your say on WestConnex parliamentary inquiry

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Council is asking residents to make a submission to the NSW parliamentary inquiry into the impacts of WestConnex with submissions due on 31 August.

With the Inner West more affected by WestConnex than any other area of Sydney, Council is encouraging residents firstly to attend one of three public workshops across the inner west next week to find out how to make a submission, and key issues that could be included in a submission.

Inner West Council is opposed to this big, polluting tollway, and will itself make a thorough submission to the inquiry. Some of the key issues to be addressed include:

  • Air quality impacts
  • Construction impacts such as noise, vibration, dust and contaminants
  • Noise, safety and amenity impacts from truck movements and ad-hoc parking
  • Social and economic impacts of compulsory acquisitions

The parliamentary inquiry will investigate the business case, benefit-cost analysis, governance structure of the organisations involved, compulsory acquisitions and relationship to other motorway projects.

It will also consider the governance structures of the WestConnex project, including the relationship between Sydney Motorway Corporation, Roads and Maritime Services, the Treasury and its shareholding Ministers, as well as recommendations from the Audit Office of New South Wales and the Australian National Audit Office in relation to the project.

Residents can drop in at any session as below where Council staff can help with submissions:

  • Haberfield Library - Michael Maher Room – ground floor, Wednesday 15 August, 1:30-3pm
  • Leichhardt Town Hall – ground floor, Thursday 16 August, 6:30-8pm
  • St Peters Town Hall – ground floor, Friday 17 August, 10:30am-12pm.

Residents can also visit  Council's WestConnex webpage for a summary of information to assist in making a submission.

For further information about the parliamentary inquiry itself, including the terms of reference, please visit the committee’s website at: http://bit.ly/publicaccountabilitywestconnex

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Page last updated: 08 Aug 2018