Track applications

The progress of Development Applications (DAs) and related applications, including Modification Applications (MODs) and Review Applications (REVs), can be viewed and tracked online via Council's Portal below.

Get it done online

  • What DA tracking information does Council offer?
    • DA status, information and public documents
    • Amended plans or documents submitted during assessment
    • Notices of determinations and approved plans.

How to track and view a DA

Please follow the below steps to track and view a DA and access relevant documents.

  • Please Go to our online portal.

  • We recommend becoming a registered user and logging in to get access to all the tracking options. If you only wish to view the application, you can enter as a guest.

  • Select Search for an Application.
    - This can be found under Helpful links on the on the left-hand side of the page.

  • Enter an application number or address in the search bar and click the magnifying glass to find the relevant application.
    - This can be found in the top left-hand corner of the page.
  • Select the relevant application to bring up a summary screen.

  • Click the blue View button to view additional details for the application.
    - This can be found in the top right-hand corner of the page.
  • Select Attachments to view a list of available documents for the application.
    - This can be found in the left-hand side of the page.
  • Select Click to Download under the relevant document to view it in full.
    - This can be found in the left-hand side of the page.

How to lodge a submission

To lodge a submission for a DA, follow the steps below.

  • Follow the steps above to login to our online portal and find the relevant application.
  • Click the blue View button to view additional details for the application.
    - This can be found in the top right-hand corner of the page.
  • Click the blue Lodge a submission button to open the submission form.
    - This can be found in the top left-hand corner of the page.
  • Complete all mandatory fields marked by the red *.
    - Please note that there is a 1000-character limit under the submission text.
  • You can upload additional documents with characters longer than 1000-characters or photos by clicking the blue + Add button.
    - This can be found in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
  • Click the blue Submit button to submit your submission.
    - This can be found in the top right-hand corner of the page.
  • Click the blue Done button to receive a confirmation email.
    - This can be found in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Please note that comments received cannot be treated confidentially and may be provided to the applicant/property owner if requested (note: personal information, such as personal numbers and signatures will be redacted).

Submissions will be acknowledged in writing, and you will be notified of Council's final decision once an application is determined.

Please note that submissions can only be lodged via Council's Online Portal while the application is within the notification period. If you wish to lodge a submission outside of the notification period, then you must email: In the email subject heading please outline the DA number and property address of the development application your submission relates to, to ensure it is registered to the correct application.


For further information on the notification process, please view our Information for neighbours page.

Information for neighbours

How to request submissions

To request copies of submissions, please lodge an online request for a Redacted Copy of DA Submissions through our online portal using the link below: 

External linkRequest a Redacted Copy of DA Submissions 

A guide outlining how to lodge a request for redacted copy of DA submissions is available here (PDF 559.8KB)

How to access further information

If you are unable to find the information you are looking for under Search for an Application, including plans, reports, and other documentation, you may need to submit an Access to information request.

Please note that not all documents relating to an application can be provided to the public, and you must be the property owner/s, or have the owner's written consent to access certain information.

To make a request for information please view our Access to information page.

Access to information

Recent DAs and determinations

The development applications listed below, including supporting documents, can be viewed on the Applications on Notification tab in our online portal.

How to view DAs that vary from development standards

We keep a public record of applications determined by Council with variations to a development standard.

To view the public register please access our Planning decisions page.

Planning decisions

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Page last updated: 19 Dec 2024