Skin penetration premises

Body decorating and grooming practices can only be carried out by people who are registered as health professionals.  

This is outlined in the Public Health Act 2010 and the Public Health Regulation 2012 that regulates skin penetration industries.

The regulated body decorating and grooming industries include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Beauty treatments
  • Body, nose and ear piercing
  • Cosmetic enhancements
  • Colonic lavage
  • Tattooing; and
  • Blood cholesterol and glucose measurement

The Public Health Regulation 2012:

  • specifies procedures to prevent disease transmission;
  • requires operators to be registered with the local Council; and
  • empowers Environmental Health Officers to carry out inspections.

For further information or to download fact sheets, regulations and codes of practice, visit the NSW Health website

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Page last updated: 16 Jul 2018