Entries now invited for the 2019 Built Environment Awards

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Submissions are now open for Inner West Council’s 2019 Built Environment Awards.

The theme for 2019 is Reclaim and Restore.

The Built Environment Awards are three separate programs that contribute to and celebrate our understanding of the Inner West's built heritage and sustainable practices and include:

• Marrickville Medal for Conservation
• Sustainable Design Awards
• Urban Photography Competition

The Marrickville Medal for Conservation has been awarded annually since 1995 and was one of the first of its kind in New South Wales. It celebrates built conservation works that contribute to the understanding and preservation of the Inner West’s rich cultural and architectural heritage.

The Sustainable Design Award recognises the contribution sustainable architecture and building works make to our community.

The Urban Photography Competition encourages residents to engage with the Inner West Council urban landscape.

Last year, the restitution of a riverside terrace house in Marrickville won the 2018 Marrickville Medal for Conservation, while Julie Gabriel won the Open category of the 2018 Urban Photography Awards for her “punchy and vibrant” photo taken on New Canterbury Road.

The awards will be held at Kirkbride Theatre and Foyer, Sydney College of the Arts, Balmain Road, Rozelle on Saturday, 4 May 2019.

Applications close at midnight on Sunday, 3 March 2019.

For the 2018 winners and finalists, and how to enter, go to https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/BuiltEnvironmentAwards

For media enquiries contact Elizabeth Heath | Media and Communications Coordinator 9392 5334 | E: elizabeth.heath@innerwest.nsw.gov.au


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Page last updated: 04 Jan 2019