New off leash area trials approved in Rozelle

The new off leash area trials are in Elliot Park and Balmain Cove, both located close to the Harbour foreshore on the city side of the Iron Cove Bridge.

Council’s approval of six month off leash trials for both parks comes after extensive community consultation including a public survey on Council’s Your Say Inner West website as well as 1,700 flyers distributed to residential properties within the Balmain Cove area.

The latest trials will include further community engagement and an evaluation of the trial, the outcomes of which will be reported to Council to determine a longer term position.

Council’s approach to equitable access to parks for people with pets is based on:

• Safe and shared use of parks and open space

• The development of facilities to meet the needs of residents and their pets

• Ongoing management of pet access in parks and open space

The use of Council parks by dog owners is encouraged by Council because it creates a positive sense of community.

Inner West Council now has more than 40 off-leash areas in local parks.

Inner west pet owners are welcome to connect and share information via the Inner West Pets Facebook group.

For a full list of the existing and trial dog off leash areas, including maps and times, go to

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Page last updated: 30 Jul 2018