Demolition and/or construction waste

The NSW Government Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (WaSM) sets an 80% recycling target for all waste streams, inclusive of Demolition and Construction Waste. The WRMP must demonstrate adherence to that target.

Note: A Condition of Consent requires records of waste disposal to be provided the Principal Certifier, or Council, prior to occupation.

The records must include details of the following:

  1. The contact details of the person who removed the waste
  2. The waste carrier vehicle registration
  3. The date and time of waste collection
  4. A description of the waste (type and estimated quantity) and whether the waste is to be reused, recycled or sent to landfill
  5. The address of the disposal location/s
  6. The corresponding tip docket or receipt, including the date and time of delivery and a description of the waste (type and quantity)

What is demolition and construction waste?

Demolition and construction waste includes excavated rock and soil, and materials from previous development – asphalt, bricks, concrete, timber, vegetation etc.

Demolition waste can also include problem wastes such as asbestos and contaminated soil.

The construction project manager, as well as procurement officers, will need to be familiar with how the contractors and subcontractors manage recyclable materials, or dispose of any waste.

The Environment Protection Authority has developed two documents to assist you. These documents detail how to reduce the risk of unlawful or fraudulent behaviour by contractors or subcontractors during tender, contract and building phases:

Demolition and construction waste in the Waste and Recycling Management Plan (WRMP)

Who needs to complete the Demolition and Construction waste sections in the WRMP?

Demolition and Construction waste management is part of the Waste and Recycling Management Plan (WRMP). The WRMP is required to be submitted with any Development Application (DA) involving demolition, new development, alterations and additions to existing premises, as well as change of use of existing premises.

Asbestos management

Find out about asbestos management under Council’s policies, plans and regulations.

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Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024