Community Connections

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Community Connections
by Zachary Bennett-Brook, 2021
76 Flood Street, Leichhardt

Inner West Council acknowledges the traditional custodians of these lands, the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora Nation.

This mural completely covers the front façade of a building in Leichhardt. The building sits at a corner with a house on its left. The façade is rectangular except that the top wall peaks to a point in the middle. It measures 8 metres wide and 10 metres high (12 metres at the apex). There is a large double front door with a black metal security grille is at the centre with a small window on either side of the door. The windows are protected by black vertical bars.

The entire front is painted in a detailed indigenous Australian style pattern of shapes including circles, dots and lines. It’s painted in bright reds and blues. The swirling red lines form concentric circles with irregular shapes between the circles. Sometimes the lines are replaced by a row of red dots. The dark red and blue is broken up by eight patches of a different colour, they are placed at random on the mural. This relieves the overall darkness of the work and gives it a feeling of vitality and movement as the eye travels from colour to colour and circle to circle across the façade.

The lines joining up the circles represents the interconnectedness of various groups in the Leichhardt community.

This artwork was commissioned by Inner West Council through Perfect Match, a program matching artists with community to collaboratively produce site specific street art.

Audio description written by Vision Australia, and voiced by Nas Campanella.

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Page last updated: 31 Jan 2025