Storytelling Through Camera - Children & Teens Creative Workshop - SSI

Photo of Ali with large camera

Image supplied by the artist

Storytelling Through Camera - Children & Teens Creative Workshop - Settlement Services International (SSI)
16, 17, 22 & 24 April, 11am - 2pm
Community Refugee Welcome Centre

During the school holidays, 16, 17, 22 & 24 April, SSI will be holding a series of free storytelling and filmmaking workshops Storytelling Through Camera for Children & Teens at the Community Refugee Welcome Centre, in Lilyfield for young people aged 10-17 yrs.

The first 2 sessions are dedicated to crafting stories with a First Nation storytelling facilitator- Brittany Jackson. The remaining sessions will be making a film based on the stories with filmmaker facilitator Ali Rezvani. Workshops are provided in a culturally safe environment.

Register online here (places limited).

Free lunch provided.





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Page last updated: 24 Jun 2024