Stale Biskitz 20 Year Anniversary Jam - Jack Wardana

Photo of Stale Biskitz dancers posing in the street, 5 dancers pose in street dance style, they are on a road and two white lines run down the centre of the photo, corporate buildings are in the background and some trees to the side

Photo credit: @photography.jny

Stale Biskitz 20 Year Anniversary Jam -Jack Wardana
24 February 2024, 10.30am - 9pm
Ashfield Town Hall

An action-packed day with dance workshops and ending with a one-on-one battle and special 20 Year Anniversary showcase of Stale Biskitz.

Stale Biskitz is one of the longest standing Street Dance crews in Australia founded in 2004 by Poppin Jack and Alby. The crew will celebrate this occasion with a showcase featuring a mix of projection, live dance and music.

External linkStale Biskitz Instagram

Participating artists 

External linkPoppin Jack Instagram

External linkKo Yamada Instagram

External linkKeanu Wardana Instagram

External linkJiggy Jaya Instagram

External linkTripti Gurung Instagram

Project Outcomes

Event highlight video

This highlight video features footage from the Popping dance workshop, 1v1 dance battle and Stale Biskitz 20 Year Anniversary Showcase. This film was produced by @wishoot_film

Over the course of the day 350+ people, young and older, visited Ashfield Town Hall to participate in and watch the captivating, Stale Biskitz 20 Year Anniversary Jam. The dance battle reached one of the highest attendance levels in Sydney, with 80 young people signing up to participate. The audience was invited to an Indonesian dance, music and language workshop and an opportunity to learn about the dance style of Popping from the African Diaspora in America.

Organisers described the event as an unforgettable experience, with the audience commenting on the feel good vibe, the positivity of young people expressing themselves freely, representing a large range of cultures and celebrating body positivity. One family commented how good it was to be out and able to attend a low cost activity with their kids at a time when they were facing hardship.

Project organisers describe the value of the Cultural Connections program as "important, it gives artists and community leaders the opportunity to share culture with community and show that the IWC is an inclusive and understanding LGA. Cross cultural understanding is very important and this initiative gives artists an opportunity to connect with young people through a cultural perspective. This initiative gives artists an opportunity to push their creative cultural endeavours further through the arts".

Up to 80 dancers were featured in the 1v1 Popping Dance Battle
9 artists were engaged from Suara Indonesia Dance to deliver the Dance and Music Workshop
1 Photographer and 2 Videographers were contracted to document the project
5 main performers were employed to perform throughout the day


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Page last updated: 16 Jan 2025