Bersama - Refugee Art Project & Taring Padi

Photo of cardboard puppet characters on bamboo sticks

Tanah Merdeka by Taring Padi, photo credit: Maarten Nauw

Bersama / Togetherness - Refugee Art Project & Taring Padi
16 - 24 March 2024
Chrissie Cotter Gallery

Bersama/ Togetherness (Bahasa) is a creative collaboration between two community art organisations, Refugee Art Project (Djarrawunang/Ashfield) and Taring Padi (Yogjakarta, Indonesia).

Refugee Art Project will host members of Taring Padi in Ashfield’s Thirning Villa residency to create Bersama - a graphic collaboration which explores the care, ethics and politics of art-making in a community setting with a strong focus on knowledge sharing, storytelling and cross-cultural understanding. “The aim of our collaboration is to create new threads, the tangible and intangible connections, ties of friendship, shared practices and emerging collaborations which play a vital role in sustaining our communities, reflecting the role of art in processes of community formation and support for individual agency”.





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