Street parties

Street parties are a fun way to get to know the neighbours – to socialise and share ideas.

Street parties are a great way to connect with neighbours who you see regularly, but don't know well. Street parties are a chance to stop and say hello, and introduce yourselves. They enhance social cohesion, and contribute to a greater sense of trust and safety, and better health and well-being in the community.

Neighbourhood street parties are non-commercial events, with less then 100 attendees and with the following activities prohibited:

  • The erection of temporary structures or jumping castles or other entertainment devices;
  • The sale of food or drink or fundraising; or
  • Live performers or amplified music.

What to do if you want to hold a street party

1. Review the Street Party Guidelines and Checklist:

2. If a road closure is envisioned, please contact Council directly on 02 9392 5788 and ask to speak to a member of the Traffic Team to discuss the proposal, understanding likely requirements, timeframes involved and if the road closure can be supported.

3. Lodge a Street Party application using our online self-service website. Applications should be lodged 10 weeks in advance of the planned date to ensure sufficient time for a a council determination to be made prior to the event.

Fees and charges

There are generally no charges applicable for this application.

Questions you will need to answer during online lodgement

You will need to provide the following information in support of your application:

  • Address of associated Property (applicant's address);
  • Details of the associated activity - location including street name and cross streets;
  • Date of the proposed Street Party; and
  • Applicant Details.

Application form

You will need to complete the below application form:

Mandatory supporting documents

Please ensure you have the following documents ready before commencing your online application. These documents will need to be uploaded with the application during lodgement.

If the requested documents are not provided, the assessment of your application will be delayed and may be refused.

  • Application form - a signed copy of the application form
  • Sketch showing the proposed extent of the road closure (see example in guidelines), noting property street addresses/
  • Risk assessment report
  • Copies of the third-party public liability insurance, and/or nominated 3rd party services

Terms and conditions

You will need to sign the applicant's declaration on the application form to accept the terms and conditions listed on the form. The Terms and conditions may be found on the form, or can be reviewed form the following page.

Online terms and conditions

How to apply for your permit

Once you've completed the application form and collected all mandatory supporting documents, you use our online self-service website to lodge the application

Step 1

Register for an account on the Councils Self Service Portal - verification should occur within one business day.

Please see the following guide for assistance on the registration process

How to Register on the Council Self Service Portal (PDF 265.9KB)

Step 2

Log into your account and apply for your permit

Please see the following guide to assist you:

How to Apply for a Street Party Permit (PDF 529.2KB)

How to Apply for a Street Party Permit (DOCX 780KB)

After you apply for you permit - Once Council receives your application, the required documents and payment(if applicable), your application will be processed.

Go to online self-service

Do you have any more questions?

We would love to help, but first let us know what information you need. Do you:

Have a question regarding the online portal?

Want to know the progress of your previously-lodged application?

Do you want to ask a Road Engineer a development question?

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Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024