Street lighting

Street lighting in the area is owned and maintained by Ausgrid.

For problems with street lights contact Ausgrid on 1800 044 808 (24 hour service) or enter details of the problem directly onto the Ausgrid website

The tool shows the approximate location of lights in Ausgrid’s street lighting inventory. 

Hovering over each one will bring up the pole number. Lights that have already been reported as faulty are highlighted in orange or purple. 

Private lights in your street lighting inventory (e.g. those maintained by council or a third party) are shown in grey.

Ausgrid LED street light replacement project

Ausgrid will be replacing around 100,000 older streetlights with new energy saving LEDs. The new lights will be rolled out between November 2018 and December 2020.

Find out more about this work at the Ausgrid website

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Page last updated: 04 Dec 2018