Parking services

Council's parking services team is responsible for the management and regulation of public domain parking in the Inner West Council area.

Management and regulation of parking is essential to ensure:

  • there is an appropriate level of turnover, improving access to parking spaces, reducing traffic generated by circling and making the parking experience more predictable
  • that illegal parking is not creating access or safety issues - for example, where vehicles block driveways and footpaths
  • that access to parking is equitable, for example to ensure illegal parking does not prevent access to parking by legitimate mobility permit holders

Parking officers assess and monitor illegal parking through proactive patrols of public streets, shopping precincts, school zones, residential parking scheme areas, and timed parking areas. Parking officers also attend to illegal parking, particularly where thisis causing access and safety concerns.

Out of hours service

Outside of normal business hours, parking officers can be notified via the after-hours call centre to attend to any reports of illegal parking. In a case where a report is received but an officer is unable to attend, the request will be actioned the following day.

See the table below for when parking officers can be contacted to attend to illegal parking requests after normal business hours:

Day Time
Before business hours Monday to Friday (except Thursdays) 6am to 8:30am
Thursdays 6am to 9:30am
After business hours Monday to Friday (except Thursdays) 5pm to 9:30pm
Saturdays and Sundays 8am to 9:30pm
Public holidays* 8am to 9:30pm

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Page last updated: 14 Oct 2024