Dog exercise areas

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By law, dogs must be on a leash in public places unless the area is a designated off-leash area.

External linkReport off-leash dogs

Dog off-leash etiquette - manners matter!

New dog off-leash etiquette signage has been installed in many of the Inner West Council off-leash parks. Council recommends that dog walkers follow these tips so that everyone is able to enjoy our shared spaces.

Inner West Council provides a number of off-leash dog exercise areas. The use of parks by dog walkers is encouraged and recognised by Council as creating a positive sense of community if conducted in a responsible manner.

Signposts have been installed in many parks highlighting areas in which dogs can be exercised on and off leash. Some off leash areas operate on a time-share basis, meaning you can only exercise your dog off leash between designated hours each day or when organised sporting or training activities are not taking place.

Dog walkers must ensure their dog is under effective control at all times and does not become a nuisance or impede on the enjoyment of other park users. Dog walkers must clean up and properly dispose their dog's faeces.

Where you cannot take your dog

Please remember that dogs are not allowed on or off-leash in the following places:

  • Inside a children's play area, or within 10 metres of one
  • Within 10 metres of a food preparation/consumption area
  • Recreation areas where dogs are prohibited
  • School grounds
  • Child care centres
  • Shopping areas where dogs are prohibited
  • Wildlife protection areas


Below is a list of parks in the local area with off-leash dog exercise areas, sorted by suburb:


Cohen Park

Hudson Street and Hutchinson Lane, Annandale

Cohen Park is available for leash-free dog exercise EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash. Dogs are not permitted in the fenced court areas.

Map of Cohen Park and Whites Creek Valley Park with marked on-leash and off-leash areas - dogs are prohibited on sporting courts and within 10 metres of playgrounds

Smith Hogan and Spindlers Park

Taylor Street (adjacent to Johnstons Creek), Annandale

A designated area of the park (between the bridge near Taylor Street and the underpass at The Crescent) is available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day EXCEPT when organised sporting activites are taking place, at which time dogs must be on a leash. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground area.

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Whites Creek Valley Park

Piper Street, Annandale

**Please note there have been recent changes to the Whites Creek Valley Park dog off-leash exercise area between Piper and Brenan Streets. Check the map below or the on-site signage before allowing your dog off-leash.**

The open, grassed area, bound by White Street, Piper Street and Whites Creek, is available for off-leash exercise at any time of day. The pathway that runs parallel to the creek remains on-leash at all times. A designated area on the eastern side of Whites Creek Valley Park – bound by Whites Creek, Piper Street, Smith Street and Wisdom Street – is available for leash-free dog exercise any time of the day. A third designated area on the western side of Whites Creek - beside the Community Garden on White Street - is also available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of day. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of these areas. Dogs are not permitted in the small separate section adjacent to Arguimbau Street.

Map of Cohen Park and Whites Creek Valley Park with marked on-leash and off-leash areas - dogs are prohibited on sporting courts and within 10 metres of playgrounds


Ann Cashman Reserve

Elliot, Beattie and Lawson Streets

Ann Cashman Reserve is available for leash-free dog exercise between the hours of 4pm and 10am during non-daylight saving time, and 5pm and 10am during daylight saving time, weekends and public holidays. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of these times. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground area.

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Birrung Park

Donnelly Street

A designated area of Birrung Park is available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day.

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Elkington Park

Glassop Street

A designated area of Elkington Park – the north-western section between Tilba Avenue and White Horse Point – is available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day. The rest of the park is available for leash-free dog exercise between the hours of 4pm and 10am during non-daylight saving time, and 5pm and 10am during daylight saving time, weekends and public holidays. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of these times. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground area.

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Ewenton Park

Grafton Street and Jubilee Place

Ewenton Park is available for leash-free dog exercise between the hours of 4pm and 10am during non-daylight saving time, and 5pm and 10am during daylight saving time, weekends and public holidays. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of these times.

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Illoura Reserve

Weston Street

A designated area of Illoura Reserve – the grassed area between the playground and Peacock Point – is available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground area.

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Lookes Avenue Reserve

Lookes Avenue

Lookes Avenue Reserve is available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day.

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Paringa Reserve

Elliot Street

A designated area of Paringa Reserve is available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day.

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Propeller Park

The Avenue

A designated area of Propeller Park (the grassed area between Hart Street and Gilchrist Place) is available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of this area.

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Punch Park and Vanardi Green

Wortley, Reynolds and Foy Streets

A designated area of Punch Park is available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day EXCEPT when organised sporting activities are taking place, at which time dogs must be on a leash. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of this area. Dogs are not permitted in the children's playground and tennis courts.

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Birchgrove Park

The Terrace, Louisa Road and Grove Street

A designated area of Birchgrove Park – around the sporting ground area and north of The Terrace – is available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the playground, or within the fenced sporting ground perimeter. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of these areas.

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Mort Bay Park

Church, Cameron and Mort Streets

A designated area of Mort Bay Park is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times (refer to the attached map for the exact area). Outside of this area, and within the Village Green when community events are taking place, dogs must remain on a leash. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground.

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O'Dea Reserve

Accessible via Ross Street, Cardigan Lane and Salisbury Lane

O'Dea Reserve contains a fenced area available for leash-free dog exercise any time of the day.

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Bede Spillane Reserve (next to Centenary Sports Field), Croydon

Queen Street and Croydon Road

Fenced area between Croydon Road and the Wests Sports car park is available for leash-free dog exercise any time of the day.

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Dulwich Hill

Johnson Park

Constitution Road

The Johnson Park off-leash trial ran for six months and finished at the end of April 2017. Council conducted an evaluation of the trial and invited input from park users and local residents. Following the recommendation of the evaluation report, the trial off-leash area was made permanent in July 2017.

A designated area of Johnson Park is available for leash-free dog exercise between the hours of 6am to 9am and 4pm to 7pm (5pm to 8pm during daylight saving). Dogs must be kept on leash at all other times.

The on-site signage indicates where dogs are permitted on leash, off leash or prohibited (see the image below).

Dulwich Hill and parts of the inner west are home to an endangered and protected population of long-nosed bandicoots. Council aims to balance dog owners' needs to exercise and socialise their dogs with the requirement to protect bandicoots that are under threat from dogs, cats and foxes. The time restriction on off-leash dog exercise could potentially minimise conflicts with other park users and the endangered bandicoot population.

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Enmore Fenced Dog Park

Sarah Street and Simmons Street

The entire Enmore Fenced Dog Park contains a fenced area available for leash-free dog exercise at any time of the day. Please ensure dogs are walked on-leash before entering, and after exiting the fenced area.

Map of Enmore Fenced Dog Park - the entire park is gated and available for off-leash dog exercise


36th Battalion Park

MacKenzie and Hill Streets

The southern half of 36th Battalion Park (the open grassy part) is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of this area. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground.

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Blackmore Park

Canal Road

The sporting ground area of Blackmore Park is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of the sporting ground area.

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Hawthorne Canal Reserve

Canal and Darley Roads

Hawthorne Canal Reserve is a popular park for dog owners and dogs alike to socialise and meet new friends. A dog-friendly café, Café Bones, is located on site.

A designated area of Hawthorne Canal Reserve – bounded by Hawthorne Canal, the light rail pathway and canal bridge, the light rail line, and the car parking area on Canal Road – is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of this area. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground.

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Pioneers Memorial Park

Norton Street

The eastern area of Pioneers Memorial Park is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times (refer to the attached map for the exact area). Dogs must remain on a leash in the western area of the park. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground.

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War Memorial Park

Moore and Catherine Streets

The southern area of War Memorial Park is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times (refer to the attached map for the exact area). Dogs must remain on a leash in the northern area of the park. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground.

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GreenWay Dog Park

Entry via Hudson Street or Longport Street

Includes a fully fenced area and natural play spaces for dogs to enjoy time off-leash, shaded trees and a separate area for small dogs.

Morton Park

New Canterbury Road and Gould Avenue

A designated area of Morton Park is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times. The on-site signage indicates where dogs are permitted on leash, off leash or prohibited (see image below for details).

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Balmain Road Sporting Ground, Callan Park

Balmain Road

The sporting ground is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash.

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Glover Street Sporting Ground, Callan Park

Glover Street

The sporting ground is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash.

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Leichhardt Oval No. 2

Glover Street

The sporting ground is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash. Dogs must remain on a leash at all times in the surrounding parkland, including the Bay Run.

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Leichhardt Oval No.3

Maliyawul Street, adjacent to the Bay Run

The sporting ground is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash. Dogs must remain on a leash at all times in the surrounding parkland, including the Bay Run. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground.

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Waterfront Oval, Callan Park

Waterfront Drive

The sporting ground is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash. Dogs must remain on a leash at all times in the surrounding parkland, including the Bay Run.

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Enmore Park

Enmore Road, Llewellyn Street and Black Street

A designated area – bound by Llewellyn Street and the two diagonal paths leading inwards from each corner of that side of the park – is available for leash-free dog exercise any time of the day. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of this area.

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Henson Park

Woodland Street and Amy Street

A designated area on the eastern side of Henson Park outside the sporting ground on the hill is available for dog off leash exercise. This designated area changes when sporting events are on. During ticketed sporting events:

  • Newtown Jets games: Dogs are permitted. They must be on leash at all times
  • AFL / NSW games: Dogs are permitted. They must be on leash at all times
  • AFLW games: Dogs are NOT permitted into the ground (other than a companion animal required for medical reasons) Documentation must be provided by a trained medical specialist.
  • During weekly sporting club training – dogs are permitted to use the designated off leash area.

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HJ Mahoney Reserve

Wharf Street

Dogs are allowed off leash on the sports ground at all times except when in use for organised sports training and match play (see on-site signage for details). When the sports ground is in use, dogs must be kept on a leash.

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Marrickville Park

Corner Livingstone Road and Frazer Street

A designated area on the eastern side of Marrickville Park is available for leash-free dog exercise any time of the day. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of this designated area.

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McNeilly Park

Warburton Street

A designated area is available for leash-free dog exercise any time of the day. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of this designated area.

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Camperdown Memorial Rest Park

Federation Road and Church Street

A designated area bound by Federation Road, Church Street, the St Stephens Church wall and the diagonal path leading from the church boundary to Federation Road is a timed off leash dog exercise area 24 hours a day on weekdays, and between the hours of 5pm and 9am daylight saving time and 4pm and 9am non-daylight saving time on weekends. Dogs must be on a leash in all other areas of the park at all times.

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Petersham Park

Brighton, Wentworth, West and Station Street

The trial of the timed off-leash area at Petersham Park ran for six months and finished at the end of April 2017. Council conducted an evaluation of the trial and invited input from park users and local residents. Following the recommendation of the evaluation report, the trial off-leash area was made permanent in July 2017.

A designated area on the southern side of Petersham Park – adjacent to Wentworth Street and Brighton Street – is available for leash-free dog exercise any time of the day.

An additional designated area is available for leash-free dog exercise between the hours of 6am to 9am and 4pm to 6pm (5pm to 8pm during daylight saving).

Dogs must remain on a leash in the area surrounding the vintage bandstand, the children's playground and the entrance to the Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre. Dogs are not permitted at any time on the sports field, or within 10 metres of the children's playground.

The on-site signage indicates where dogs are permitted on leash, off leash or prohibited (see the image linked below).

Petersham and parts of the inner west are home to an endangered and protected population of long-nosed bandicoots. Council aims to balance dog owners' needs to exercise and socialise their dogs with the requirement to protect bandicoots that are under threat from dogs, cats and foxes. The time restriction on off-leash dog exercise in part of the park in could potentially minimise conflicts with other park users and the endangered bandicoot population.

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Bridgewater Park

Margaret Street, Rozelle

The section of Bridgewater Park between the bay and the sporting ground is available for leash-free dog exercise at all times. The sporting ground area is also available for leash-free dog exercise EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash. Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of the children's playground.

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Easton Park

Denison Street, Rozelle

The western part of Easton Park – bounded by Lilyfield Road, Denison Street, Burt Street and the path leading to the toilet block – is available for leash-free dog exercise. The sporting ground area is available for leash-free dog exercise EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash. Dogs are not permitted within the fenced children's playground.

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King George Park

Manning Street, Rozelle

The sporting ground areas of King George Park are available for leash-free dog exercise EXCEPT during organised sporting games, training and events, when dogs must be on a leash. Dogs must remain on a leash at all times in the surrounding parkland, including the Bay Run. Dogs are not permitted within the fitness station area, or within 10 metres of the children's playground.

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Elliott Park and Balmain Cove, Rozelle

The trial of the timed off-leash area at Elliott Park ran for six months and finished in mid-May 2019. Council conducted an evaluation of the trial and invited input from park users and local residents. Following the recommendation of the evaluation report, the trial off-leash area was made permanent on 14 May.

You can view the related Council report here.

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Weekley Park

Percival Road, Albany Road and Clarendon Road

A designated area of Weekley Park between Percival Road and the central pedestrian path running down the centre of the park is available between the hours of 5pm and 9am daylight saving time, and 4pm and 9am non-daylight saving time.

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Sydenham Green

George Street, Railway Road and Unwins Bridge Road

Sydenham Green contains a fenced area for leash free dog exercise at any time of the day.

An additional designated off leash area – at the corner of Henry Street and Park Road, bound by Park Lane – is available for leash-free dog exercise any time of the day. Dogs must remain on a leash outside of these areas.

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Tempe Lands Temporary Dog Off-leash Area

Off Holbeach Avenue, Tempe

Tempe Lands contains two fenced areas available for leash-free exercise for dogs of all sizes.

NOTE: Sydney Gateway construction team will close the off-leash dog park on Smith Street Tempe near the old golf driving range. It will be replaced temporarily with a new off-leash temporary dog park near the model car racetrack on Holbeach Avenue, opposite Tempe Reserve. It will remain there until construction of Sydney Gateway is complete in late 2024.

A new permanent off-leash dog park will be built near the current location at Smith Street, when construction of Sydney Gateway is complete. This is included in the Inner West Council Tempe Reserve Plan of Management and Master Plan.

The final design for the temporary dog park has separate fenced areas - the western side (closest to the river) is offered for larger dogs and the eastern side (near the sporting field) is offered for smaller dogs. Tempe fenced dog off-leash area includes park furniture, water bubblers, rubbish bins and flood lights for safety at night. Council's Companion Animal Officers cannot regulate the use of the park based on dog size. Council has encouraged users to self-regulate.

Map of the temporary off-leash area at Tempe Lands

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Page last updated: 11 Dec 2024