Subcatchment planning
Water catchment areas can be broken up into smallerareas known as subcatchments where all the rain falling in the local area flowsto the same waterway at the same point. Council is developing plans for thesubcatchments in the Inner West based on stormwater drainage.
How we do the planning
Inner West Council works with communitiesto collaboratively develop 10-year subcatchment plans for actions toimprove ecological sustainability in their neighbourhoods.
To develop these plans, Council:
- Works with the local people and other land owners and managers
- Involves experts from a range of relevant disciplines
- Considers the character of the neighbourhood and its needs
The subcatchment plans will identify potential projects andon-grounds works. This will include reducing hard surfaces and buildingrain gardens to reduce stormwater pollutants, planting local nativeplants to increase biodiversity and making streets cooler on hot dayswith green places and more trees.
Eastern Channel Subcatchment in Tempe
The Eastern Channel Subcatchment Management Plan was finalised in May 2020.
The place-based plan sets out a community vision for 2070, short and long-term goals and an action plan for the next ten years. It was collaboratively developed with the following stakeholders throughout 2019:
- Local residents
- Betty Spears Child Care Centre staff, parents and children
- Tempe Public School staff, parents and students
- Tempe High School staff, parents and students
- Sydney Water
- Transport for NSW
- Cooks River Alliance
- River Canoe Club
For background information have a look at the Eastern Channel Subcatchment Planning booklet that includes social and biophysical information on this area.
Subcatchment plans already developed
The following Subcatchment Management Plans have already been developed:
Background Documents