Recycling at school

Garden organics

Council can supply eligible schools up to two green lid bins, collected weekly.

Composting and worm farming

Check out our guides and tips for composting and worm farming.  

Compost bins and worm farms are available for purchase from local hardware and nursery stores and from online suppliers. There are also a number of low-cost, larger-scale compost bin designs (usually made with recycled materials) available on the internet that may suit your school. Council subsidies for composting products from Compost Revolution are available to residents only. Schools are able to order directly from Compost Revolution online.


Council does not currently offer recycling for schools. Council is responsible for residential waste and recycling collections which are funded from the domestic waste charge in annual Council rates. Council cannot provide services to non-residential properties such as schools unless it was on a user pays basis. 

Return and Earn

Return and Earn is a NSW recycling scheme that allows anyone who returns an eligible drink container to an approved collection point to receive a 10 cent refund.

Check out our website for links to school Learning Resources.

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Page last updated: 25 Sep 2024