Biodiversity in the Inner West

Chatty frogs - Tealia Scott

Biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat or area. Inner West is home to a surprising number of native plants and animals. 

The Inner West has: 

  • 350+ species of native plants
  • 161+ species of native birds
  • 8 types of native mammals
  • At least 4 species of frogs
  • 3 major waterways
  • 4 wetlands
  • 30+ sites managed as natural areas including Bushcare
  • At least 5 species of bats including microbats

Some of these plants and animals have adapted well to urban areas like the Inner West and you might see them every day. Other species are less common or rare.

Council is working to protect and support all local native wildlife populations by preserving and improving our remaining precious bushland and natural areas.

Residents can play an important role in protecting wildlife as well by creating habitat havens in their gardens. 

Did you know that the Inner West is home to threatened species? The Grey-headed flying fox, Large bent-winged bat and the Southern myotis are three species that have been listed as threatened and recorded regularly in the Inner West Council area.


Local wildlife to look out for

Click on the image thumbnails to scroll through the images of animals you might see around the Inner West. 

Backyard as habitat 

Gardens big and small can be habitat havens for native plants and animals. Urban gardens can be considered as part of a bigger network that connect to larger wildlife corridors in the Inner West.

These links are important as they provide safe passage and resting places for animals to move through the urban landscape in search of food, water, shelter and mates.

Habitat link image

Gardening with native species

The Nature for Backyards web pages focus on habitat gardens using local native plant species. Local native plants are perfect for adding to your home garden, because they:

  • Require very little maintenance, and suit the local conditions
  • Require less water and less fertiliser
  • Bring enjoyment as you discover different types of native animals that are attracted to your garden
  • Provide food for local wildlife, and create safe places for them to move through the area; and
  • Provide food and shelter for insects like butterflies, moths, beetles and bees that are important pollinators

You can find a list of local native species which can be sourced from Council’s two native plant nurseries on our Native Plants Inner West webpage.

These nurseries specialise in the collection and propagation of native seed/cuttings from the Sydney basin. Using plants sourced this way means that they are adapted to this local area which not only gives them the best chance of surviving and thriving in your garden, but they will also provide essential habitat for our local wildlife.

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Page last updated: 27 Jan 2021