Healthy Ageing Strategy 2022-2025

Let's create a community that promotes active participation in all aspects of a person's life, regardless of their age.

In 2019 Council undertook extensive engagement and collaboration with older Inner West residents and experts to understand what is needed to support them to participate and experience a fulfilling healthy and connected life as they age (see this video for more background).

The Healthy Ageing Strategy identifies the roles and responsibility of Council and suggests strategic focus areas that supports and encourages people to participate safely and lead fulfilling lives.

Over the next four years we want to focus on six focus areas to support you getting around in comfort and enable you to safely participate, contribute and connect:

  • Staying active
  • Getting around and staying connected
  • Housing, employment and financial security
  • Safety
  • Learning and sharing knowledge
  • Health and diversity

You can view the strategy here:

Healthy Ageing Strategy and Action Plan 2022 - 2025 (PDF 2MB)


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Page last updated: 27 Nov 2023