Women in business

Women in Business Marketing Makeover Program

Please note that the Marketing Makeover workshop series beginning in April 2025 is now oversubscribed, and we cannot accept any new applications. Council will consider another program later in the year.

Are you a woman in business who is stuck in the ‘marketing sucks’ cycle?

Have you identified an issue, sought and paid for expert advice yet received little return on investment, engagements or assets?

Our FREE Marketing Makeover Program is here to assist you. The program is designed to provide women in business with a refreshed sense of confidence, independent support and strategies to assist you pursue marketing activities for your small business which work.

Assessing, researching and planning a marketing strategy will give you better results and provide clarity. With a thought-out plan, your business will be in a better position to know which marketing platforms bring the best results and how to prioritise each activity according to your budget and overall business goals.


This FREE program will allow you to better brief your marketing suppliers, enabling them to create the right content which speaks to your audience.

The five outcomes your small business will achieve include:

  1. A marketing timeline and a more clearly define budget.
  2. Ability to prioritise your marketing activities across your budget – considering current assets and resources.
  3. Be able to leverage your market activities across a projected timeline.
  4. Identify the service providers necessary to active your plans.
  5. Provide stronger briefs to marketing providers, setting clear expectations and the means to measure the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Who is this program designed for?

The Marketing Makeover Program is designed to assist Inner West women business operators who:

  • Feel their current online presence and marketing do not reflect their business ethos and offering correctly.
  • Are looking to re-brand and refine their marketing approach.
  • Are looking to grow and expand their business.
  • Are currently undertaking a ‘scattered approach’ to their marketing activities.
  • Are dissatisfied with the result from their marketing-related service providers and received a poor return on their investment.

NOTE: Limited seats available

This program will have limited spots available, so it is recommended that your EOI is sent as early as possible to define your eligibility.

Questions and answers

How is the program structured?

The program is one day a week (five hours each day) for four weeks, commencing from 29 April 2025 from 9:30am to 2:30pm, and concluding on 20 May 2025.

The workshops will be delivered in a small group environment and are highly interactive.

Please note that lunch and light refreshments will be provided.

When are the workshops running?

All workshops will run from 9.30am to 2.30pm on Tuesday 29 April, 6 May, 13 May and 20 May 2025.

Who is the presenter?

The Marketing Makeover Program (worth $3,500) will be presented by Tiz Porreca, Marketing Strategist at AMONGST and facilitated by Inner West Council's Economic Development team.

Where will it be located?

The program will be held face-to-face at The Pavillion at Marrickville Library, 313-319 Marrickville Road, Marrickville NSW 2204.

What will I need to bring?

Each participant will be required to bring a laptop or tablet to access the internet (Wi-Fi will be available) to complete the workshops.

What reporting will I be required to do on the completion of the program?

Participants will be required to fill out a short survey from Inner West Council to capture how the program attributed to your business's growth over the short and medium term. All survey information collected will be confidential and used for internal reporting purposes only.

When will I know of next steps?

Expression of interest applications will close on 11 April 2025. Applicants will be notified of their success to the program by 18 April 2025, including those who did not meet the criteria for the program.

Please note due to the competitive application process, participants will be required to attend all four workshops once accepted into the program.

Women with Altitude – Inner West

As part of Inner West Council's Women in Business Program, Council has partnered with Women in Altitude. Each month, Women with Altitude Inner West will deliver a networking event for businesswomen.

These sessions are welcoming and supportive with a focus on business skills development to assist women entrepreneurs improve their business performance and sustainability.

Sessions are held at Haberfield Library in the Graham Yarroll Room from 9.30am to 1.30am.

Find out more here

Women in Business – Mentor program

The Women in Business Mentor program aims to support women to increase business sustainability through improved planning, performance and productivity.

The program focuses on three pillars of business growth – finance, marketing and sales.

The program:

  • provides practical business training to enhance productivity.
  • offers access to 3 different business mentors for personalised one-on-one mentoring relating to your individual business needs.

The 2024 program will be delivered over a three month period and costs $500 (inc GST).

Note that successful applicants will need to be available to attend a one day session to kick off the program which is scheduled to start in February 2024.

For information on future programs please contact Bernadette.Selfe@innerwest.nsw.gov.au

Women in Business - Quarterly Talk Series

Inner West Council presents a talk series that brings women together.

Want to connect with like-minded women in business?

Interested in gaining tips to grow your business?

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Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025