Indigenous organisations and community groups

Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation

Servicing the Sutherland, St George, Inner West and South East Sydney areas, the service is both a CHSP (Aged Care) and NDIS Provider.

As part of these services there is a Ladies' Group and Men's Group that runs weekly for clients. This is particularly important for them with the social isolation they are feeling due to Covid.

Gooboora Men’s Group

The Gooboora Men’s Group is a Social Support group run through Kurranulla weekly on Wednesdays.

Gooboora Men’s Group brings together Aboriginal men to avoid social isolation and participate in a range of activities such as; Fishing, BBQ’S, Cultural Outings, attending Movies and Football Games.  Gooboora men’s group also have regular health and wellbeing activities.

Yanadi Women’s Group 

Yanadi Women’s Group is a Social Support group run through Kurranulla.

The Yanadi Women’s Group meets weekly on Fridays and brings together Aboriginal women to participate in a range of activities such as; Arts and Crafts, Candle Making, Traditional Weaving, Jewellery making and much more.

Yanadi Women’s Group have regular health and wellbeing activities also

Inner West Aboriginal Workers Circle (IWAWC)

The system of local government in New South Wales as set out in the Local Government Act provides for governed bodies of councils that are democratically elected. Councils make decisions through local democracy processes which are both representative and participatory.
Contact: Katrina Ross

The Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Lands Council (MLALC)

The MLALC is a formal stakeholder that council staff are encouraged to provide engagement and collaboration opportunities to. The MLALC are based in Redfern however the Inner West LGA is within the catchment of their service provision.
Contact: CEO, Nathan Moran

The Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG)

The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. is a non for profit Aboriginal organisation that provides advice on all matters relevant to education and training with the mandate that this advice represents the Aboriginal community viewpoint.
The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. promotes respect, empowerment and self-determination and believes the process of collaborative consultation is integral to equal partnership and is fundamental to the achievement of equality.
The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. advocates cultural affirmation, integrity and the pursuit of equality to ensure that the unique and diverse identity of Aboriginal students is recognised and valued.
Contact:  AECG website


The Aboriginal Child, Family and Community Care State Secretariat (AbSec) is a not-for-profit incorporated community organisation. The organisation is primarily funded by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services and is recognised as the peak NSW Aboriginal organisation providing child protection and out-of-home care policy advice on issues affecting Aboriginal children, young people, families and carers.
Address:  21 Carrington Road, Marrickville NSW 2204
Phone: (02) 9559 5299

Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS)

The Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) was set up in July 1971 to provide free medical support to Aboriginal people living in Sydney. It was the first Aboriginal community-run medical service in Australia, and had a holistic approach to health care from the outset.
Its formation was a response to health issues among Aboriginal people newly migrated from regional NSW, many of whom were living in overcrowded conditions and experienced poor nutrition. There was no universal health care scheme at this time, and some were reluctant to access mainstream medical services.
Address: 36 Turner Street Redfern NSW 2016
Postal address:  PO Box 1174, Strawberry Hills 2012
Phone: (02) 9319 5823
Fax: (02) 9319 3345

Aboriginal Legal Service (ALS)

The ALS is a proud Aboriginal community organisation. We opened our doors in 1970 in Redfern as the first Aboriginal Legal Service in Australia – that makes us over 40 years old! The ALS does legal work in Criminal law, children’s Care and Protection law and Family law. We assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men, women and children through representation in court, advice and information, and referral to further support services.
Address: 199 Regent St Redfern, NSW 2016
Post: PO Box 2257 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Phone: (02) 8303 6600
Fax: (02) 8303 6601

Koori Mail

Koori Mail is a fortnightly national newspaper reporting on the issues that matter to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We give Indigenous Australians a voice missing in the mainstream media.

The Koori Mail is and has always been 100% Aboriginal owned. We’re a proprietary limited company based in Lismore, northern NSW, wholly owned by five Bundjalung Aboriginal community organisations: Bundjalung Tribal Society at Lismore; Bunjum Co-operative at Cabbage Tree Island; Buyinbin Co-operative at Casino; Kurrachee Cooperative at Coraki; and Nungera Co-operative at Maclean.

Postal address: Koori Mail, PO Box 117, Lismore NSW 2480
Phone: 02 6622 2666
Fax: 02 6622 2600 

Koori Radio

Gadigal Information Service (GIS) is a leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts/media hub based in Redfern, Sydney. Established in 1993. GIS is the home of Indigenous community radio station Koori Radio, which broadcasts 24/7 to the Greater Sydney region on 93.7fm and simulcasts Digitally on DAB+, with live streaming via the internet to the world here.

Koori Radio has a 'Live and Deadly' cultural mix of Australian/International Indigenous and black music combined with talkback, news, current affairs, chat and community information. Currently it produces five weekly programs broadcast nationally through community and Indigenous networks as well as national live broadcasts of major Indigenous events. It has an award-winning team of professional and volunteer broadcasters from a wide variety of backgrounds.

GIS plays a leading role in developing and promoting the careers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians, broadcasters, singers and songwriters. Its Young, Black & Deadly workshops support the creative aspirations of under-18s in performance and radio broadcasting.

Phone: (02) 9384 4000
Address: 27 Cope Street Redfern NSW 2016

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Page last updated: 03 Jun 2022