Support services for domestic and family violence
Find information and contacts for assistance and help on a range of different services below.
Domestic and family violence support and services
NSW Domestic Violence Line - 1800 656 463
24-hour telephone counselling and referrals for
accommodation, family support, hospitals and health centres or the
police, legal services, court assistance schemes and explains what an
Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) is and how to apply for one.
1800RESPECT - 1800 737 732
24-hour telephone and online counselling and information.
Mensline Australia - 1300 78 99 78
24-hour support for men anytime, anywhere – particularly those concerned about their own violent behaviour.
Lifeline - 13 11 14
24-hour telephone crisis support.
Local support for women (Face-to-face support)
Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre - 9560 3011
Provides low-cost and affordable counselling,
medical, allied and complementary health care and education to improve
women's health. The centre also provides support at court, legal advice
services and extensive referral information for local services.
Reporting suspected child abuse and neglect
Child Protection Helpline - 132 111 or (TTY 1800 212 936)
24-hour reporting line for anyone who
suspects, on reasonable grounds, that a child or young person is at risk
of being neglected or physically, sexually or emotionally abused.
Young people
Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800
24-hour telephone and online
counselling and support service for young people aged between 5 and 25
eheadspace - 1800 650 890
9am - 1am (7 days). eheadspace
is a confidential, free and secure space where young people 12 - 25 or
their family can chat, email or speak on the phone with a qualified
youth professional.
Twenty10 - 1800 652 010
9am - 5pm (5 days).
Specialised support for LBTQIA+ young people aged 12 – 25 years to obtain
information, referrals, support, advocacy, counselling and
Midjuburi Youth Resource Centre -9564 3222
MYRC provides a safe and creative place for young people aged 12-24 years living in the Inner West area.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) services
Another Closet
A 2015 publication
written for people in LGBTQI relationships who are, or may be,
experiencing domestic and family violence. Download Another Closet from
this link.
Safe Relationships Project, Inner City Legal Centre - 1800 244 481
Court support,
free legal advice and casework service for LGBTQI people experiencing or
escaping domestic and family violence. The Safe Relationships Project
has a Safe Room for LGBTQI victims of domestic and family violence at
the Downing Centre in Sydney.
ACON - 1800 063 060
supports LGBTQI people who have experienced domestic or family violence
through support and information sharing.
The Gender Centre and the Transgender Anti-Violence Project - 1800 069 115 or 9569 2366
Counselling, education, support, referrals and advocacy in relation to
reporting violence such as domestic and family violence, sexual
violence, anti- transgender harassment and hate crimes.
QLife Australia - 1800 184 527
3pm -
12am every day. Phone support, counselling and referral service for
LQBTQI people of all ages.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services
Wirringa Baiya - 9569 3847 or 1800 686 587
Support for women and children who are experiencing domestic and
family violence or sexual assault
Health Info Net
Information about services for Indigenous Australians,
including domestic and family violence and sexual assault services
Gunawirra - 9810 2312
Empowering young aboriginal parents with babies and
young children to intervene in their own lives.
Migrant, refugee or CALD communities services
Immigrant Women’s Speakout - 9635 8022
Advice, referrals and assistance to immigrant women,
including those who have experienced violence or abuse.
Jannawi Family Centre -9750 0500
A specialised Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence counselling service for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) families within the Inner West.
Legal services
Women’s Legal Service - Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (DVAS) - 02 8745 6999 or 1800 810 784
Phone advice and appointments for women.
Marrickville Legal Centre – 02 9559 2899
Not-for-profit community legal centre assisting people in the Inner West.
Find a Community Legal Centre
Check the Community Legal Centres NSW
directory for a list community legal services across NSW.
LawAccess - 1300 888 529
Telephone information about legal issues
including domestic and family violence
Women’s Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (WDVCAS) - 1300 888 529 (contact via LawAccess NSW)
Legal Aid Domestic Violence Practitioner Scheme - 1300 888 529 (contact LawAccess NSW)
Legal advice and legal aid for
women and children experiencing domestic and family violence.
Homelessness and accommodation
NSW Domestic Violence Line - 1800 656 463
For women and children
seeking crisis accommodation.
Link2home - 1800 152 152
24-hour information
and referral service to specialist homelessness services, support
services, temporary accommodation and other services in NSW.
The Girls Refuge - 9564 3638
accommodation for girls aged 14-17 years and outreach support services
for girls and families living in the community. Available 24 hours/day, 7
Staying Home Leaving Violence
A support
program available in many regions which assists people experiencing
domestic and family violence to remain in their homes, supported by an
AVO which excludes the abuser from residing there (exclusion order).
Translating services
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) - 131 450
TTY or Relay Service
24hr access for people who are deaf and hearing impaired.
For emergency TTY calls - 106
For emergency access via the internet
For non-emergency TTY calls - 133 677
Sexual assault services
Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia (formerly NSW Rape Crisis Centre) - 1800 424 017
Telephone and online counselling services for anyone who has
experienced or is at risk of sexual assault, domestic or family violence
and their non-offending supporters. Available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
NSW Health Sexual Assault Services
Other services
The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline - 1800 880 052
Telephone service for reporting cases of neglect and
abuse of disabled members of the community.
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 9:00pm
National Relay Service - 1800 555 677
Interpreter service - 131 450
NSW Elder Abuse Helpline - 1800 628 221
Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5pm
Elder abuse is any act within a relationship of
implied trust, which harms an older person. It includes financial,
psychological, physical, verbal, sexual abuse, and neglect.
Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
24-hour, nationwide service that provides
telephone and online counselling to people 15 years and over who are
suicidal, caring for someone who is suicidal, bereaved by suicide or
supporting people affected by suicide.