Requirements for the operation of a temporary food stall

About this form

This form outlines the requirements which must be complied with when operating a temporary food stall within the Inner West Local Government Area.

Temporary food stall application fee

You must hold a valid temporary Food Vendor Licence or have an exemption from holding one. Please visit our website for more information

Food safety supervisor

A copy of the Food Safety Supervisor Certificate must be available onsite.

Note: Exemptions may apply. Visit the NSW Food Authority website for further information

Design and construction

Food stalls are to be located within a tent or marquee, with a suitable floor and roof covering and enclosed on 3 sides (i.e. plastic or vinyl sheeting) or be provided with suitable barriers to prevent public access and potential contamination.

Cooking equipment, food preparation and storage areas are to be located within the confines of the food stall.

Cooking or heating equipment must be located out of the reach of the public.

Hand washing and sanitising facilities

An adequate supply of warm running water must be provided for the cleaning and sanitizing of equipment and utensils.

A separate hand washing facility, supplied with warm running water, must also be provided.

A suitable food grade sanitiser must be available for sanitising food handling implements and food contact surfaces.

Note: For pre packaged and low-risk foods, there may be exemptions to this requirement.

Food transportation and storage

Food is to be transported and stored in food grade containers with lids e.g. not takeaway containers etc

Perishable food e.g. sausages, milk etc is to be transported and stored in refrigerated containers/eskies/vans etc at or below 5°C.

Food is to be stored at least 150mm off the floor within the food stall.

Food display and protection

  • All food on display for sale must be either:
  • Whole fruit, vegetables;
  • Wrapped or packaged; or
  • Completely enclosed in a suitable display cabinet; or
  • Be protected by a physical barrier such as perspex glass sneeze guard or clear plastic siding to the stall; or
  • Located so as not to be openly accessible to the public.


  • Drinking paper straws, disposable cutlery are to be provided in suitable dispensers.
  • Condiments such as sauce, mustard etc will be provided in squeeze type dispensers or individual sealed packs.
  • Disposable napkins will be provided for customers.
  • All food must be stored at least 150mm above the ground or in covered / enclosed containers.
  • All food for retail sale must comply with the labelling requirements of the General Food Standard Chapter 1, part 1.2 - labelling and other information requirements.

Food temperature control

All food stalls that handle potentially hazardous foods are required to have a readily accessible, accurate, probe-type thermometer on site.

All hot food must be kept above 60°C

All cold food must be kept below 5°C.

Prevention from contamination

Raw food is to be stored separately from ready to eat cooked food at all times.

Use separate utensils for raw and cooked foods.

Wear gloves properly! Change your gloves as often as you change tasks.

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Page last updated: 23 Aug 2023