Schools Tree Day

In 2024, we had a whopping 29 schools register for our Schools Tree Day seedlings, with a massive 580 native plants going to Inner West schools!

Schools Tree Day is a great way to inspire students to learn about the local environment while playing an active role in their community. Schools can participate by planting bush tucker gardens, building habitat for native wildlife, encouraging nature play, and joining Planet Ark's annual school competition.

Inner West Council proudly supports this initiative by providing schools within the local government area with up to 50 free native seedlings to be planted within their school grounds (dependent on demand). Unfortunately, we are unable to accept species requests for this event.

This year, Schools Tree Day will be celebrated on Friday 25 July. Registrations close at close-of-business Friday 20 June.

Schools Tree Day giveaway registration form

School details

Schools must be located in the Inner West Council local government area to be eligible.


Person authorised to collect

If the person collecting is different from the staff contact above, please include their details below. Otherwise, leave these fields blank.


Please select a collection date and timeslot from the options below. Marrickville Community Nursery is located at Hut 2, 142 Addison Road Marrickville (next door to the Addi Road food pantry). Your plants will need to be watered daily until they are planted. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer delivery for this event.

Collection date and timeslot* - required
Mandatory field(s) marked with *

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Page last updated: 25 Mar 2025