Cycling Strategy and Action Plan

The Inner West Cycling Strategy, along with the associated Action Plan outlines priorities, actions and projects to expand the bike network and support more people riding a bike.

Council's cycling priorities are to:

  1. Increase the number of people cycling by expanding the bike network to make bike riding a low-stress and convenient transport option
  2. Recognise and support the growing use of a range of different bikes and mobility devices including electric bikes and trikes, cargo bikes, child and dog-carriers, assisted wheelchairs and electric mobility scooters
  3. Address problems and high- stress safety issues on existing cycleways and popular bike routes while the bike network is implemented and expanded
  4. Ensure an organisation-wide approach to cycling is applied to and embedded in all aspects of Council’s planning and functions
  5. Provide initiatives, facilities and information to support people to ride a bike and help people appreciate the community- wide benefits of more people cycling
  6. Work with other councils, the State and Federal Governments, bike groups and the community to learn, share information and facilitate change; and learn from cities where bike riding is a popular transport choice

View the strategy and action plan

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Page last updated: 06 Jul 2023