Walking groups

Inner West Council's recent Recreation Needs Study: A Healthier Inner West has identified walking as the number one recreation activity enjoyed by residents of the Inner West.

There are a number of walking groups across the Inner West Council area that meet up regularly to have fun and stay healthy. There are groups for seniors, parents and people of all ages.

Are you interested in starting a new walking group? Please email our recreation team at recreation@innerwest.nsw.gov.au

For more information on walking groups please email recreation@innerwest.nsw.gov.au or visit the Heart Foundation website:

Heart Foundation Website

Enmore Energisers

Meet near the Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre Cafe, Black Street, Marrickville
Tuesdays 8am (summer), 8.30am (winter)

For more information - Enmore Energisers | Heart Foundation Walking


A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5km community event, Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate - it's up to you!

Every Saturday at 8:00am starting at Richard Murden Reserve, Hawthorn Parade, Haberfield.

For more information - home | GreenWay parkrun | GreenWay parkrun

Road Scholars Rozelle

Meet every 2nd Monday of the month and 4th Thursday of the month for a new route to explore Sydney, get your heart rate pumping and make some new friends.

Open to Seniors, aged 55+ only. 

For more information - Activities and programs - Inner West Council (nsw.gov.au)


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Page last updated: 22 Sep 2023