Parks with public toilets
Below you can find links to our parks with public toilet facilities.
Read our Public Toilet Strategy (PDF 81.2MB) to find out more about how we are planning facilities for our area.
Questions and answers: Inner West Public Toilet Strategy
Will Council be changing the configuration of all its public toilet facilities and is Council contemplating changes to make public toilets unisex?
The provision of gender-neutral public toilets is being developed for new public toilet facilities and in refurbished facilities where the opportunity exits to design safe and inclusive provision and in facilities which have defined clear site lines. A good example is the new Camperdown Memorial Rest Park toilets which have clearly defined and accessible toilets for all (note the photo below).
With respect to its adopted design principals, Council is committed to ensuring that in the design of new toilet facilities that it includes clear architectural design principals which are focused on dignity, accessibility and respect for all. This does not mean that all current gender-specific toilets will be replaced with gender-neutral toilets. What it infers is that there should be balanced consideration and design practices engaged which demonstrate consideration for the needs of the community as a whole.

What is gender-based signage? What would new signage look like?
Signage which is gender-neutral or gender-inclusive. Examples of the types of signage are provided below:

Will gender neutral public toilets improve inclusivity and not cause confusion or create safety issues?
The provision of gender-neutral public toilets is being developed for new public toilet facilities and in refurbished facilities where the opportunity exits to design safe and inclusive provision and in facilities which have defined clear site lines. A good example is the new Camperdown Memorial Rest Park toilets which have clearly defined and accessible toilets for all (note the photo below).
With respect to its adopted design principles, Council is committed to ensuring that in the design of new toilet facilities that it includes clear architectural design principals which are focused on dignity, accessibility and respect for all. This does not mean that all current gender-specific toilets will be replaced with gender-neutral toilets. What it infers is that there should be balanced consideration and design practices engaged which demonstrate consideration for the needs of the community as a whole.
As highlighted in the photo below a public toilet can also become a local landmark within a park setting and add to its amenity and design qualities.
The strategy mentions removing gender based signage will assist in reducing vandalism and undesirable behaviour. How?
This is one of a number of key design principals for new facilities which also takes into account the location and orientation of public toilet facilities. Importantly this also includes engagement with the local community and key agencies, including the NSW Police on good design practices to reduce the potential for antisocial behaviour
What has prompted the change towards gender neutral toilets?
The provision of well-designed public toilets in our town centres, parks and open spaces are critical design elements which support the public and their enjoyment of open spaces
Inner West Council is committed to ensuring that in the design of new public toilet facilities (and in the refurbishment of existing facilities) that excellence in design principals are applied which are focused on dignity, accessibility and respect for all, regardless of gender, age or level of physical mobility.
Have women and religious groups been consulted about these changes?
As part of good design practices and its commitment to working for the community, Council undertakes extensive engagement with the community on the design, location and provision of public toilets in the public domain.
The adopted strategy said communal urinals should be avoided due to safety, maintenance and vandalism risks. Does this mean public toilets will be changed to stalls only? What implications does this have for sporting facilities?
Council has developed sporting partnerships with all its key sporting stakeholders and is committed to good design practice in consulting and engaging park users in the design of public amenities to support sporting use. If in the design process for a new or refurbished facility urinals are deemed necessary, Council will provide single urinals with modesty screens.
How much would these changes cost?
The cost of upgrading or providing new toilet facilities in parks is considered on an annual basis by Council as part of its forward capital works program.
How many public toilets are there in the inner west?
There are 61 public toilets in Council’s public domain spaces.
Parks with public toilets